June 7, 2016 |

A proposed measure that would have allowed a person to point a firearm at another in self-defense without it being a felony died in committee last week. Click the photo to see why Oklahoma State Representative David Derby, the bill's author, wouldn't support a compromised version.  
Open carry without a license will not happen anytime soon, amending the state constitution to strengthen Second Amendment rights won't come up for a vote, and feral pig legislation gets vetoed. However, click the goggles to see why swine didn't completely escape night-vision jeopardy.  
Be sure to bring a friend to hear Independent Program Attorneys discuss real-life examples of legal use of deadly force. Click the state seal to find an event near you.  
Thanks to you and all of your support, U.S. Law Shield is now available to the law-abiding gun owners of Ohio and Kansas. 
Justice Department documents show that weapons sent from the U.S. into Mexico as part of the Obama Administration's Operation Fast and Furious gun-running program have been widely used by major Mexican drug cartels. Click to see the human toll.
A federal judge has instructed D.C. officials to stop enforcing provisions of the city's code that barred most D.C. residents from carrying firearms for self-protection. However, this decision was stayed by an appellate panel to maintain the "status quo." Click to read the details.
Michele Byington, of the Houston-based firm of Walker & Byington and Independent Program Attorney for Texas Law Shield, recently appeared on 700 WLW Radio in Cincinnati. Click the logo to hear her discuss why "reasonable" gun owners simply want what the Constitution says. 
The terms "bail" and "bond" get tossed around frequently when criminal defendants are temporarily released from custody, but they are actually different things. Click the Benjamins to learn about the subtleties.
The New York Post reported that when NYPD officers fired nine shots at a man, four of them failed to penetrate his Carhartt canvas jacket. Fluke or feature? Click the pockmarked jacket to find out.

Ruger's 10/22 Takedown Lite combines the attributes of the 10/22 Takedown line with a new, lighter-weight barrel and the Ruger Modular Stock System. Click the rifle's photos to see how little this plinker weighs.