Onondaga Pathways to Careers (OPC) at Onondaga Community College (OCC)
…for Young People with Disabilities
We hope you are enjoying our Newsletter!
OPC Now Welcoming Electronic Media Communications Majors
Onondaga Pathways to Careers is pleased to announce that it has added the Electronic Media Communications (EMC) degree program as one of its career pathways. With the addition of the EMC program, the OPC project now includes seven degree programs and one certificate program. Our staff is eager to serve a wider audience and assist a new population of students at Onondaga Community College to attain the necessary stills to be successful in college and beyond. Learn more about EMC at: http://www.sunyocc.edu/index.aspx?menu=166&collside=542&id=6626
SCSD Scholars Learn About Different Types of Disabilities
The OPC Scholars, a group of seniors from SCSD, met in May to learn about different types of disabilities. In addition to hearing from a guest speaker about her own disability and her experiences transitioning from high school into college, the students participated in activities to assess and expand their personal knowledge about the different types of disabilities. Later this month, the Scholars will complete their course of study with OPC and graduate high school better-prepared for the next step in their education.
OPC Welcomes New Educational Coordinator
Meaghan Bodemer is the new Onondaga Pathways to Careers Educational Coordinator. Originally from upstate New York, she attended SUNY New Paltz in the Hudson Valley where she received a Bachelor of Arts in English and Creative Writing in 2008, as well as a Master of Arts in Teaching in 2010. After some travel around the United States, including living in Colorado and Vermont, she is back in Syracuse permanently. Meaghan comes to OCC with a background in education, and has taught in public school and community college. She continues to teach online in areas such as English, Literature and Research Methods. She has worked extensively with students with disabilities, and has been involved in academic support, tutoring and counseling. She looks forward to working with students as they become a part of Onondaga Pathways to Careers, and supporting them through their college careers.
Summer Session Tutoring and Study Space at the Learning Center
The Learning Center is open for business this summer! We offer free tutoring Monday-Thursday, 10 am- 6 pm, to students taking an OCC class during the summer sessions. Students also can come in and use our space to study or collaborate on projects with classmates, or to use our laptops and desktops to get their work done. The Center is open for student use Monday-Thursday, 8:30 am – 6 pm, and Friday 8 am- 4 pm.
Not taking classes until the fall? Once students receive an OCC ID and email address, they can register for WCOnline, our online tutoring portal where students access tutoring schedules and online tutoring. Students can follow the instructions on how to register on the Learning Center’s web page www.sunyocc.edu/learningcenter or on the WCOnline login page, https://sunyocc.mywconline.net. If students would like to speak with someone regarding tutoring, they can stop by the Learning Center in Gordon Student Center, room G202 or call 498-2103 for more information. We’re happy to give tours of our facility and assist students in registering for WCOnline so they’re all set to succeed in their classes in August.
New Signage Installed on Campus
New ADA way-finding signage was installed in key locations throughout OCC’s main campus this May. The new 12” x 18” signs are easy to spot, made of highly-visible bright blue and white materials, and incorporate the newest ADA symbols. These new signs will help to better-identify wheelchair-accessible routes, including routes to upgraded/newly constructed wheelchair entrances, and will also direct travelers away from impassable routes.
- Week of July 11th thru 15th – OPC Info Sessions at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m.
- July 13th, 20th and 26th – All-Day Summer Orientations for New OPC Students – RSVP on-line!
- Every Thursday - through July 14th - OCC Connect Sessions
Preparation of this item was funded by the Office of Disability Employment Policy, U.S. Department of Labor, Grant No. OD-26453-14-75-4-36. This document does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Office of Disability Employment Policy, U.S. Department of Labor, nor does the mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.