Rev. Matthew Jones, Interim Pastor
Matthew Jones will be the Interim Pastor at Sandwich Church. Matthew Jones graduated from Olivet and received his Bachelors degree in Religious Studies. He is currently pursuing his Masters of Arts in Pastoral Ministry. He is a member of Eureka Church of the Nazarene.
While at Olivet Matthew was
involved with many aspects of campus life. He participated in Associated Student Council, Spiritual Life Council, Orpheus Choir, and Olivet's improvisational comedy troupe, Spoons4Forks. In addition, he was a resident assistant for Hills Hall.
Rock Island welcomed Mark Abbott & Family
Rev. Mark Abbott, Sr. Pastor
Rock Island First Church of the Nazarene welcomed a new pastor and family.
Pastor Abbott had previously been serving as pastor of the Sandwich Church of the Nazarene in Sandwich, Illinois. He will bring with him his wife, Lisa, and their three daughters, Michaela, Marisa, and Mia.
Pastor Abbott had worked as a junior high school math teacher and felt the call to full-time ministry. In his time as pastor of the Sandwich church, the church experienced significant growth. While he had been a part-time pastor at the Sandwich church, Pastor Abbott will now serve as a full-time pastor at Rock Island First.
Sterling First Calls a New Pastor
Rev. Jeremy McLauglin
Rev. Jeremy Mclaughlin (Rebekah) has accepted the call to serve as lead pastor of Sterling First Church.
Jeremy currently pastors in Green Bay, Wisconsin where his church has planted three new churches in the past 5 years. Jeremy will spend the next 9 months preparing those new churches to continue multiplying after his departure while his wife Rebekah finishes her degree in dental hygiene.
Interim pastor Rev. Jim Book will continue leading staff and board toward achievement of several goals they hope to achieve before the arrival of their new pastor on Easter Sunday 2017. Pastor Jeremy will preach at three different revivals/outreach initiatives one each in the summer, fall, and winter. Congratulations to Sterling First and the Mclaughlins!
Rev. Matt Oost
Canton First & Canton Eastside, Associate Pastor
Sunday June 5, 2016 was a day of exciting new beginnings in Canton. That was the day that Pastor Matt Oost began serving as an Assistant Pastor at both Canton Eastside and First Church. This is a new beginning for Matt, his wife Stephanie and their one year old daughter Anna as well as the two Canton churches. This is Matt's first official ministry assignment and it is the first ever Assistant Pastor for First Church and Matt may be the first Assistant Pastor to serve two churches on the Northwestern Illinois District.
Matt will be part-time for now and his major areas of focus will be in Discipleship and Technology. He will be partnering with Pa
stor Denny Owens with both churches. Matt and Stephanie are living in the parsonage at Eastside which has recently had some major upgrades. Matt will be coming alongside to give leadership to these already growing congregations as they seek to make fully committed disciples and impact the Canton area and beyond.
Matt is coming on board at a great time in the ministries of Eastside and First Church. His passion for discipleship and his skills in technology will be greatly utilized at this time. Matt and Stephanie are quality people who have a growing passion for Christ and His church. These are exciting days in Canton as they are looking to begin a new ministry in the Farmington area soon. The churches are part of a network of churches in Canton that is partnering in prayer for revival in the city. This network has 7 churches of 6 different denominations who have joined together for 7 prayer events over the past 10 months including one at the High School Auditorium with over 250 in attendance and involved at least 10 different denominations coming together to pray for the commun
The common statement around the Canton churches is "God is up to something special in Canton". Welcome aboard Pastor Matt, Stephanie and Anna, it is going to be a great ride!
Hope Grace Community Motorcycle Ministry
"The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." Luke 10:2 NIV
May 28, 2016 marked the official launch of the Hope Grace Community Motorcycle Ministry. The entire NWIL District celebrates with Pastor David Smith and his Kingdom-minded people who have labored and given to see this ministry become a reality. May many people in the Quad-Cities and surrounding area come to know the Jesus, the Savior as a result of the investment these followers of Christ have made.
Launch Day began with an incredible breakfast at 9:00 am followed by a worship service at 10:15 am with National Evangelist from the Priesthood, Rev. Michael Benson, sharing from God's Word. The day was filled with numerous events including a bike show with over 30 bikes entered, a silent auction and a hog roast. Somewhere around 100 people were a part of the day which wrapped up with a 6:00 pm service. Rev. Michael Benson challenged everyone to be witnesses as Jesus commanded. He taught us all that we can be witnesses with a simple 8-word testimony just as the man who was born blind. "I once was blind, but now I see!" We can all share in the same manner.... "I once was ________, but now I _________!" What's your testimony?
Throughout the day, a number of people who had ridden in expressed an interest in becoming a part of the Motorcycle Ministry. Great days lie ahead for those who have taken this step of faith! To God be the Glory!
Rev. Bob Clardie retirement
Lost Lake Church began in August of 1998 when a group of 10 people from the Sterling First Church decided to plant a church in the Lost Nation area. We met in a church that was about 150 years old without running water or indoor facilities. It served us well for about 4 years at which time God helped us purchase land on a busy corner in the area. Shortly after that we built the building we are currently in. In just about 6 years we added on a fellowship and Sunday School area nearly doubling the size of the Church. God has richly blessed us over the years and we have experienced growth to about 100 people in attendance on an average Sunday. We have also been blessed to see many people find Christ and many others grow in their walk with the Lord. The Lord has also taken care of us financially and we will be paying off the mortgage on our addition in July and we will be debt free!
I feel so
fortunate to have been the Pastor of this Church for almost 18 years.
I remember when I was asked to lead the Church I agreed to d
o it for 6 months but God had a different plan for my wife, Pam an
d I. I am so glad we listened to Him it has been a
wonderful e
ience and has made such a difference in our lives. We are looking forward
to our future and what God will do for us and Lost Lake Church.
Field Celebrate Life at Olivet
On Thursday, May 12 thousands of students from all over the Olivet Field descended on campus ready to show off their God-given gifts and talents at Celebrate Life 2016. It was an action packed weekend and 65 students and 22 adults representing 12 NWIL churches were among the fun and suspense.
When the dust finally settled after many competitions, worship services and fun times, NWIL NYI placed 8th out of 11 districts present at ONU. (That is up 3 places from last year!!!! Way to go NWIL!!!!)
Many students did very well in their events and learned ways to improve and fine tune their skills. The following students/teams actually placed in their events:
5K Early Youth Male-Clayton Brown 4th place (Pekin First)
Chess Senior Youth-Colby Bonner 4th place (Crossbridge)
Free Throw Early Youth Male-Kenneth Munson 3rd Place (Lewistown)
Homerun Derby Early Youth Female-Selena McLain 2nd place (Rockford Samuelson Road)
Hot Shot Early Youth Male-Kenneth Munson 3rd place (Lewistown)
Tennis Early Youth Male-Jay Trumbo 4th place (Marseilles)
Science Quiz-5th place
Communications-1st place
Musical Arts -10th place
Visual Arts-6th place
Quizzing-9th place
Kevin Vroman 13th place overall in Bible Quizzing for a $1,000 scholarship (Smithfield)
NazIdol Winner- Hannah Seavey $5,000 scholarship (Sterling)
Congratulations!!!! NWIL NYI students are the best! They are amazing and are super when it comes to doing their best in their own events and when they are cheering on their friends!
Thanks to all the sponsors for their time and investment in NWIL students and for making this an amazing
event overall. A special thanks and shout-out to Pam Smith for her constant help with Celebrate Life on both the District and Field levels.
The NWIL District Celebrate Life is set for January 28, 2017 at Pekin First. Then the Olivet Field Celebrate Life will be in May (dates to be announced in the fall). Make plans now to encourage NYI students to seek out their unique God-given talents and show them off for the Lord.
In Christ,
Pastor Kim Brock additional Celebrate Life pictures can be found at nwilnaz.org
For generations, Nazarenes have supported the World Evangelism Fund. Together, we've accomplished so much in our first 100 years. Join us on a journey into the next 100 years and partner with the Church of the Nazarene to make Christlike disciples in the nations. In our new plan for Funding the Mission, the World Evangelism Fund is the vehicle through which we deliver the message of hope - and your church drives our mission more than ever before.
The report below may not reflect actual end of year numbers. Corrections and updates are still being made. May 2016 Report
There is a new requirement this year for ALL camp counselors and workers. If you desire to serve at NWIL Kids & Pre-Teen Camp or Teen Camp please send your name and e-mail to
to receive the link for NazareneSafe Training. All links must be given through the NWIL District Office.
St. David Church of the Nazarene
Family Fun Day
Who: Everyone Welcome What: Games, Prizes, Ice Cream, Balloon Animals, Face Painting and more! When: Saturday, June 25th 4:00pm-7:00pm Where: St. David Nazarene - 523 4th Street - St. David Why: Family, Fun & Fellowship
Speaker: Jeff Stark
Date: June 26-30, 2016
Cost: $260.00 before May 29, $300 after May 30
Give to Church Coordinator: Money, Copy of Insurance Card, Eagle Crest Waiver
All of the camper spots for Teen Camp 2016 have been filled. You may sign up on a waiting list by clicking the link below. If additional spots open up or any campers cancel, you will be notified.
Registration & Information Links Below:
Please make sure that anyone that desires to serve at NWIL Kids
& Pre-Teen Camp or Teen Camp sends their name and e-mail to
to receive the link for NazareneSafe Training.
Speaker: Cheryl Sherwood
Date: July 5-8, 2016
Cost: $215 before June 4, $250 after June 5
Give to Church Coordinator: Money, Copy of Insurance Card
Registration & Information Links Below:
Please make sure that anyone that desires to serve at NWIL Kids & Pre-Teen Camp or Teen Camp sends their name and e-mail to
to receive the link for NazareneSafe Training.
- 06/09 - MST/ZF online meeting - 9:30am-11:30am
- 06/11 - ALL Auxiliaries Meeting - 9am New Hope
- 06/26-06/30 - Teen Camp
- 07/05-07/08 - Kids Camp
- 07/19 - DAB - New Hope
- 08/06 - Team Day - PFN
- 08/23 - SDMI Meeting - 6pm Peoria
- 08/25 - MST/ZF - online meeting - 9:30am-11:30am
Renee Kindle
Missionary Tours
Mary Beth
June 26 - June 30 Teen Camp
July 3 Peoria First (am service)
July 3 Rockford First (pm service)
Rainey Family
July 3 - Marseilles 10:45am July 3 - New Hope 4:00pm (Lincoln Hwy Zone - cookout) July 6 - North Pekin 6:30pm (Peoria-Pekin Zone) July 7 - Rockford Auburn Rd 7:00pm (Blackhawk Zone) July 8 - Rock Island First (Galesburg/Quad Cities Zone) July 9 - Crossbridge 5:00pm July 10 - Crossbridge 9:00am, 10:30am
George Miller August 6 - TEAM DAY - Pekin First August 7 - Galesburg First 9:30am, 10:45am August 7 - The River Chapel 6:00pm August 9 - Roseville (Southwest Zone) August 11 - Canton First (Spoon River Zone) August 12 - Streator (Fox Valley Zone) August 14 - Bloomington First 10:00am August 14 - Moline Community (pm service)
June 26-June 30
July 24-28, 2017
July 23-27, 2018
Todd Keller
Track your worry. Track your prayer.
Sometimes we just need a quick call to attention, a snap in the right direction. As I listened to a young man telling me about all of the anxiety and worry that he was suffering because of his annoyance with some of his leaders, I heard myself saying . . . out loud . . . "Well, that's quite a waste of time." This young person, who is also a budding leader himself, looked at me for explanation. I said, "If you could add up all the hours that you've spent worrying about and complaining about all of these things that annoy you, what would be the total?" He stammered and said, "I'm not sure, but it would be a lot." I said, "And, what about your prayer? How many hours have you spent in prayer asking God to bless this leader that you are annoyed by?" My young friend just hung his head. I affirmed him by saying, "Great leaders pray. Be a great leader. They don't waste their words and time speaking to the wind. I
nstead, they take everything to the Lord in prayer."
So, NWIL NYI, let's pray for our awesome youth pastors and youth leaders. They are ... very good. And, we are BLESSED to have them. Let's pray that the Lord would bless them in every way. Let's pray and ask the Lord to show us how to follow with gusto and pray without ceasing.
We are blessed to have an incredible youth ministry army on this district. When I see you at camp in just a few weeks, I want to experience the power and fullness of the Holy Spirit because of His grace
and your vigilant prayers. I'm joining you! Ephesians 6:18. Your DP, Todd
P.S. I'm praising God now for the boys and girls and men and women who will come to know the Lord as their Savior through your faithful witness. Keep it up! You are that church!!!!
Youth Bible Quizzing by 29th Street Studio
Schedule 2016-2017
11/19 Rockford Samuelson Road
10/15 Quizfest - Kankakee
12/02-12/03 St. Louis Invitational
01/21 Galesburg
02/18 Sterling Invitational
Denise Vroman
Teen Quizzing Director
-Ministry Call-
NMI with the collaboration of NYI and SDMI has been trying to compile a list of children and youth who have expressed a call into ministry. The goal of NMI's Ministry Call is to educate, inform and guide those children and youth called into ministry get as much help in following through with those calls. Being able to pray for them by name and introducing them to opportunities to develop in their particular area of ministry.
If you know of a student who feels called into ministry please let Ronda Hollars know by giving her a call at
Field Celebrate Life
Olivet Nazarene University
As you are going,
Every relationship, every interaction, all inclusive.
And make disciples,
You. Be one. Be a Christ-like disciple. Re-present Jesus.
Baptizing them, immersing them in Jesus,
Pray. Empty yourself. Sacrifice.
"Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matt. 28:19-20

Anne Whalen
District Children's Director
NWIL Children's Ministry Council
We are pleased to announce the formation of the NWIL District Children's Ministry Council! This council exists to
serve as a resource to the churches on our district by providing events, resources, programs and information to supplement the ministry of the local churches.
Council members will be available to work with churches to establish safety policies, procedure manuals, training seminars, brainstorm volunteer recruiting techniques and research children's curriculum.
Serving as the District Children's Director is
Anne Whalen. Anne will oversee the council, as well as other children's ministry programs on the district, and sit on the SDMI board and a liaison between the two councils.
Gretta Nash is the District Training Coordinator. She will help to
provide training resources for churches to enhance teacher effectiveness, offer basic classroom management strategies to assist teachers, and help to coordinate and run seminars at Convention and Team Day to train teachers.
The District Safety Advisor is Megan Riggs. Megan will
work with churches to develop safety and policy manuals, assist chu
rches as they determine safety procedures in their facility and provide additional resources.
Retha Stout is the District Curriculum Coordinator and she will
provide teaching resources, coordinate curriculum inventory and advise others regarding available curriculum.
Additionally, Teresa Spears and Terri Mapes will serve as Members at Large. They will
serve as a resource to help carry out the plans of the council, provide input from the local church and zone level, and assist at any planned events.
For more information or to contact a council member to assist you in the children's ministry at your church, please contact Anne Whalen at
Children's Ministry Workers -
If you're on Facebook, check out the newly created group - NWIL Children's Ministry - and request to join! We will be sharing children's ministry ideas, borrowing curriculum, bouncing ideas off one another and encouraging each other as we all seek to point kids toward Christ.
If you haven't yet filled out the Children's Ministry survey, please
do so today at
This will assist us in connecting together and determining ways to best support each other in ministry!
Please let me know how I can partner with you as you serve your local church!
Anne Whalen
District Children's Ministry Director
July 5-July 8
June 26-29, 2017
June 25-28, 2018
Schedule 2016-2017
04/16/16 - TBD
11/12/16 - Sterling
02/04/17 - Pekin
Rosie Furston
Children's Quizzing Director
Congratulations to the winners of the SDMI Scholarship Contest!

Marissa Smith - Pekin First
Rebecca White - Peoria First
Clarke Chapman - Sterling First

Molly Maloy - Sterling First
Rosemary Roat - Peoria First
Logan Cooke - Pekin First
Will Goetz - Crossbridge Community
Each winner received a scholarship to Camp 2016. We were very impressed with all of the entries and are very grateful for each participant!
Previous Year's Journals
Nazarene Manual
Nazarene Safe Kids
other Valuable Resources.
North Pekin Church of the Nazarene is seeking a part-time worship leader who would lead congregational music with a guitar for the
Sunday morning service only. A small honorarium will be given. Please contact Jim Spruce, pastor, at
North Pekin Church of the Nazarene
130 S. Main, N. Pekin, IL 61554
217-494-4808; jspruce@comcast.net |
Board of Ministry
Roger Davis, Mark McCall, Todd Keller, Sherry Stevenson, Bob Hasselbring, Brian Eatock, Scott Whalen, Randy Munson, James Book, Mike Stipp, Bill Clark, Tim Livengood, Karin Orwig, Judy Davenport, Laura Tanner, Kim Brock, Lloyd Brock
NWIL District Advisory Board
Rev. Scott Sherwood Brett Spengler
Rev. Bill Clark Carole Eatock
Rev. Jim Book Keith Peachey
Rev. Lloyd Brock Kevin Singletary
Rev. Kevin Donoho
ONU Board of Trustees
Rev. Scott Sherwood Rev. William Clark
Rev. Lloyd Brock Cheryl Sherwood
Ken Roat
New District License
Bradley Campbell Patricia Jackson Mary Beth Leatherman Matthew Oost Stephen Daniel Sheets Jacob Smith Christopher Umphryes
Retired Pastors
Richard Barriger Rene Escalante Roland Grauman Bonnie Grauman Sue Chambers Roat
Ministers Transferred to NWIL
Amanda Jo Higgins - Illinois, Thomas Higgins - Illinois, Galen D. Ryman - Nebraska, Ethan Garrett Vidjecan - North Central Ohio
World Evangelism
Church of Excellence
Nazarene Missions International
For the outstanding achieved of giving at least 5.7% or $1,500 USD more than 5.5% of current income whichever is less, for the World Evangelism Fund.
Presented to District NMI President: Rev. Rene Kindle
"I planted ...God made it grow? (1Corithians 3:6)
Awarded to: Point of Change
Rev. Todd Keller
The purpose of the General Superintendents' Growth Award (GSGA) is to give prominence to those practices that are central to the local and worldwide advancement of the church; specifically, new Nazarenes, significant involvement in sponsoring a new church, and 100%participation in fund allocations.
Scott Stearman was specially commissioned to sculpture "The Sower." This symbol was chosen because it represents the prerequisites of harvesting. It recalls the words of the Psalmist, "He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him." (Psalm 126:6) It draws directly from Paul's analogy, in 1 Corinthians 3:6, "I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow."
* Churches that win people to Christ are healthy.
* Starting new churches is the most effective means of evangelism known to the church.
* Fund allocations are essential to the cooperative ministries of the Church of the
New Nazarenes requirements are based on 10% of attendance for the current year.
The meaning of "significant involvement in sponsoring a new church" is very specific and is spelled out in the Sponsorship Criteria Worksheet. This worksheet is available online with the Local Forms packet.
Full participation in fund allocations includes district assignment, educational support, pensions (applicable to US only), and World Evangelism Fund.
* The requirements for receiving this award are intentionally high-it is special
recognition by the Board of General Superintendents.
* It is not based on attendance or membership.
* This award is not intended to replace all awards. Other
Global Ministry Centerentities will continue to offer their respective awards. Districts will continue to offer their awards.
This award is given in recognition of outstanding accomplishment in essential practices of the expansion of the kingdom of God through the Church of the Nazarene. The presentation of this unique and beautiful sculpture is intended to say "Thank You" to the receiving pastor and church, and to elevate in the consciousness of our people the compelling importance of winning people to Christ, starting new churches, and supporting the organizational structures that make possible evangelism around the world.
Organization of Point of Change
"Rev. Todd Keller and the launch team were commissioned by the Bloomington First Church of the Nazarene in 2012. Since that time, they have grown to 184 in worship, 201 in discipleship, and they have received 98 new Nazarenes in addition to their initial launch team. And they have already officially registered one new church, Point of Change Champaign which is a parent-affiliated congregation, and area dreaming about six more!" Rev. Scott Sherwood
"Two years ago, the delegation from Point of Change sat here in our district assembly as we, along with all of you, were challenged by our District Superintendent, Scott Sherwood and our General Superintendent, Jerry Porter to see the Lord for the number of people that we hoped to reach by the year 2020.
God had already been giving a number. God solidified that number: 7. It didn't mean 7 people or even 7 more people. It meant 7 new campuses, services, house churches, or efforts to reach lost people.
We don't know where we might go. And, we don't know how long we'll stay there.
We just want to get very good at obeying what Jesus tells us to do, trusting Him with the results.
At PoC we are engaged in a fierce pursuit of God and a fierce pursuit of others.
PoC Bloomington, PoC Saturday, PoC Champaign, PoC Preaching Points, PoC Missionary Community, PoC Oakland Ave, PoC Hispanic"
Rev. Todd Keller
NMI President - Renee Kindle NYI President - Todd Keller SDMI Chair - Ellyn Book
District NMI Officers - Lisa Abbott, Kristy Shreves, Carolyn Hawley, Gloria Roverts, Arla Jeanne Buchanan, Ron Jansen, Dick Hawley, Ronda Hollars, Steve Peachey, Carole Eatock, Debbie Lyons, Laura Mata-Bolandi, Michaela Abbott, Sara Shreves
Global NMI Convention - Dick Hawley, Lori Munson, Arla Jean Buchanan, Carolyn Hawley, Kristy Shreves, Laura Mata-Bolandi, Lisa Abbott
We celebrated the fact that 100% of our churches prayed for missionaries, and that 100% paid 100% of the 5.5%. (26 paid 5.7%) This also makes it 20 years in a row that the district has paid 100% of the 5.5%. NWIL district gave $457,516 for WEF and $222,169 for approved missions totaling $679,695!
Distirct NYI Officers - Josh Parker, Scott Perschall, Denis Vroman, Kim Brock, Kenneth Munson, Brandon Bowmar, Adam Keller, Lydia Roat, Cheryl Sherwood, Libby Sherwood, Austin Smith, Tina Kannel, Ronda Hollars, Gracelynn Roat
Global NYI Convention - Ronda Hollars, Tina Kannel, Adam Keller
District SDMI Officers - Bill Clark, Bonnie Grauman, Anne Whalen, Rosie Furston, Trisha Dewitt, Kenneth Roat, Martha Danielson, Roger Davis, Todd Keller, Kurt Stewart
Global SDMI Conveniton - Ken Roat, Marthan Danielson
Adams Voice will be at the Hillcrest Holiness Camp (Kampsville) with Dr. Jim Diehl on
August 1- 7 and looking to minister in the area on
Sunday, July 31st AM & PM. We will be in Minot, ND for a General Primetime Retreat & Revival and returning through NW Illinois and have
Sunday, October 9th open for concerts, AM & PM.
Adams Voice
P.O.Box 594
New Castle, In 47362
Indianapolis, Indiana
June 21-30, 2017
Homecoming and Family Weekend
October 28-30, 2016
District Secretary
District Administrator Rev. James Book
District Treasurer
DCPI Coordinator Rev. Ray Barker
NWIL Office Manager
Are exciting things happening in your church? We would love to share it with our district family. Please send a short article and pictures to
NWIL District Office

July 22-23rd, 2016
Moline Community Church of the Nazarene
4545 Avenue of the Cities Moline, Il 61265 Friday 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Saturday 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM
The cost of the
Introductory Bible Story Teller Training
$45 per person, includes printed handouts, pizza-dinner on Friday and lunch & refreshments on Saturday. click
You will need to make your own housing arrangements.
Spanish Training is available during this event as well!!!
or call Pastor Laura at (815)226-0690.
Compassion Conference - Special Rate
Capacity Building for Leaders
The Church of the Nazarene, through Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, is hosting a global
Compassion Conference
July 14-16, 2016, at Olivet Nazarene University.
Compassion Conference is designed to be a gathering that will equip churches and districts for holistic, transformational
We believe this event will help you build the leadership capacity of those you work with, so we are offering a couple of key
discounts for you:
* Group Discount:
To encourage teams to attend and learn together, a group discount is available. For groups of 10 or more
from USA/Canada, register using the Group option and save an additional 10%.
Early Bird Discount:
Register before
March 31 and receive Early Bird pricing - $100 off the regular price.
Lifelong Learning Credits will also be available. More information to come.
At Compassion Conference, you will be INSPIRED and CHALLENGED by
inlcuding Eugene Cho, David Busic,
JoAnne Lyon, Gustavo Crocker, Celestin Chishibanji, and Deidre Brower Latz.
Capacity, Disaster Preparedness, Anti-Trafficking, Holistic Child Development, Conflict Mitigation, and more!
And you will REFLECT on biblical and theological perspectives, COLLABORATE with working groups, and CONNECT
with others doing the work of compassion around the world.
Space is limited. Register today!
NWIL District Advisory Board
Rev. Scott Sherwood Brett Spengler
Rev. Bill Clark Carole Eatock
Rev. Jim Book Keith Peachey
Rev. Lloyd Brock Kevin Singletary
Rev. Kevin Donoho
ONU Board of Trustees
Rev. Scott Sherwood Rev. William Clark
Rev. Lloyd Brock Cheryl Sherwood
Ken Roat
Zone Facilitators
Lincoln Highway
Quad Cities
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