I give thanks for Saint John's because ...

... I wouldn't be alive today without your prayers.

After years of battling serious health issues, Jim McCutcheon does not hesitate to explain why he is thankful for Saint John's. 

"Honestly, I could go on and on and on about this church," Jim says. "From the support of my Sunday School class to all those people who send me cards and books to visits from Pastor Pat and Pastor Paul ... I would not be around today without the church and its prayers."

A member of the Discussion class, Jim was active with Hope Food Pantry and other outreach ministries before cancer and a blood disorder took their toll. Because chemotherapy has left his immune system weak, he cannot come to church as often as he would like. He says now the church comes to him. 

"It really seems like when I'm down and maybe even feeling sorry for myself, I'll get a card or a visit that day," he says. "This church is wonderful - it's love spelled out in capital letters." 

This Thanksgiving, we will have plenty to say grace over. For that reason, you are invited to share in offering a special financial gift to Saint John's for its ongoing work in mission and ministry. You can share your offering securely online or by putting it in a specially marked envelope found in the sanctuary and placing it in the offering plate this Sunday. 

 Saint John's United Methodist Church | 512-452-5737 | stjohnsaustin.org