With Mercury having gone direct over the weekend and the Moon waxing on its way to full, this week should be much easier and free flowing than last week.  Now that the intense eclipse in passionate, extreme Scorpio has passed, you will find that tempers have cooled and small things will not escalate into life or death scenarios, as it may have seemed last week.
The first time I heard Sirgun Kaur's new CD, Dayaal, as each song came on I proclaimed it my favorite. By the time I'd listened to all 7 tracks I realized that they all can't be my favorite-so I immediately replayed the entire CD from the start. My conclusion: there's not a weak song on the entire album, and there are some that are so good that they'll become staples in your playlists.
It just occurred to me recently how much I live in a bubble. That bubble is Ulster County in the Hudson Valley/Catskills region of upstate New York-which is, for the most part, a very conscious place. At least the people I know are conscious. My friends are yogis, healers, artists, musicians, social workers and environmental activists...
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This show is all about courage, about rising up and relying on your own inner guidance, light and power. Courage has many faces, Ramdesh notes. Courage can be a veteran who has seen active combat, a single mother working to put food on the table to raise her child or an individual facing up to his or her true sexual orientation. Courage can also be just doing something outside of one's comfort zone.
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Kundalini yoga kriyas and meditations often contain challenging postures and movements of the arms and legs.  As someone with prior shoulder injuries, I always approach these cautiously to avoid further injuring myself.  While gentle movement can help to lubricate and nourish the joints, improper alignment during kriyas and meditations can aggravate existing injuries or cause new ones.
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Dharti Hai - The Earth is.

Akash Hai - The Ethers are.

Guru Ram Das Hai - Guru Ram Das is.

It makes you present, calls on your highest spirit, keeps you humble and effective on your new ventures, and attracts opportunities for prosperity.
Perfect for Serious Learning!
Learn to correctly apply, Mula Bandh (Root Lock), Uddiyana Bandh (Diaphragm Lock), Jalandar Bandh (Neck Lock). Breath Correctly, Do Breath of Fire. Warm Ups, Develop Navel Intelligence, And Sat Kriya!

Sri Yantra Gold Vermeil Ring

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Offer Expires 11/4/14.

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