Thank You Jung Society Members!

In our continuing effort to help our members get to know each other better, we will be spotlighting a member in this newsletter every month. We would love to feature you and your business. 

Read below about Jung Society member Johanna M. Hofer, and find out how you can be featured in the upcoming months. 

Join us June 24 - 26 for our sensational Season Finale with the African Shaman Malidoma Som é. Check out the schedule of exciting events
We look forward to seeing you there!

The Jung Society of Utah team
Win a copy of J.M. Hofer's new book!
As a thank you to our members, this month the Jung Society of Utah is offering a copy of Across the Sea, the latest book by this month's featured member, author Johanna M. Hofer! Answer the following question correctly for a chance to win: 

What does the name of our Season Finale speaker, Malidoma, mean? 

Email Machiel Klerk at [email protected] before 7:00pm on June 9th to win! One winner will be randomly drawn from members who answer the question correctly. Be sure to put "Jung Society Quiz" in the subject line of the email. 
Good luck!

Meet the Jung Society of Utah Members
Johanna M. Hofer (J.M. Hofer) lives in Salt Lake City, where she works in the travel industry to slake her wanderlust, and enjoys studying languages, mythology, ancient history, and Celtic lore. 
Her first novel, Islands in the Mist, was chosen as one of the top  five semi-finalists out of two thousand entries in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror genre in the 2013 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Contest. The second book in the series, Across the Sea, was released November 17, 2015. She spoke briefly about her writing in the interview below. 
"I find historical fantasy provides the writer with a balanced demand between structure and imagination," Johanna said, explaining what makes her chosen genre so special. "The historical (and mythological, in my case) framework provides a solid sense of time and place for the reader, while the element of magic and fantasy allows the author to take the reader on a journey outside the "real" world to worlds that exist beyond its borders."
Johanna finds inspiration in creating those worlds, as well as the characters who inhabit them. "Having written two novels, and working on a third, I've created a world and characters that provide a structure for me to express everything I find important and fascinating in life," she said. "Each character's personality provides a different opportunity to explore a different facet of life--their emotional world, their dreams, fears, challenges--both the writer and the reader get to engage in this journey of creation and escape."
"I've found that, as in life, stories grow from people. My stories begin with characters. A character will come to me much like Lewis Carroll's white rabbit, beckoning me to follow him or her. I typically do just that, until he or she leads me down the rabbit hole, where anything can happen. Once the character takes form, a dilemma and situation will invariably present itself, and then I take my character's hand and follow those pathways wherever they lead. At some point, an outline and a plot need to be constructed. For me, it's when I feel overwhelmed by ideas and possibilities."
Johanna has been writing for most of her life. "I started keeping a journal at age 12, and have been writing in some form ever since," she said. "Writing has served as cathartic therapy, a record of my life, a way to explore new thoughts and ideas, and as expression of what is most poetic about who I am."
She offered the following advice for aspiring writers: " Keep writing. Just keep writing. The ideas will come, and you'll get better and better."

Wanted: Members for Spotlight! We want to get to know you and to give you an opportunity to promote your businesses.
If you are interested in being in our monthly newsletters please send the following:
  • a paragraph or two about yourself and your business (about 100 words each)
  • a photo image (jpeg, tiff, png)
  • a discount offer if you have one
Email: Amanda Butler - [email protected]

Jung Society 
Friday,  June 24th:  Lecture on "Gift and Purpose" by Malidoma Somé

Saturday and Sunday, June 25/26: Weekend Workshop - A Water Ritual on Grief

Monday and Tuesday, June 27/28: Private Divinations with Malidoma Somé

For more information go to the JSOU website HERE.

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