In This Issue
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NGCP Updates:
Connected STEM Learning Roundtable with Senator Patty Murray
On May 31, 2016 Senator Patty Murray, the top Democrat on the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, met with community leaders, education advocates, and students at an event hosted by the Pacific Science Center and the National Girls Collaborative in Seattle, WA. The meeting focused on the importance of expanding access to STEM education. In her remarks, Murray discussed the need to invest in and support programs both inside and outside of the classroom. Senator Murray also recognized Karen Peterson the CEO of the National Girls Collaborative during her remarks stating, "Your organization is doing such important work to encourage more girls to pursue their interests in the STEM fields. Expanding opportunities for young women is not only important for their future. It should be an economic imperative for our country."
Read the full text of Senator Murray's remarks.
NGCP Collaborative Updates The National Girls Collaborative is pleased to announce new convening organizations for California and New York.
New Report Available - STEM Classroom to Career The National Girls Collaborative is a proud partner in the Research Consortium on STEM Career Pathways. The Research Consortium, led by the Educational Research Center of America, conducted a national survey of high school students in STEM classes during Spring 2015. A new report, STEM Classroom to Career: Opportunities to Close the Gap, draws on those data to identify opportunities, challenges, and promising practices for leveraging equity to meet STEM workforce needs.
Jennifer Goodall Receives President's Award for Excellence
Congratulations to Jennifer Goodall (New York STEAM Girls Collaborative Leadership Team Member), who recently received the University at Albany
President's Award for Excellence in Professional Service. This award recognizes consistently superior professional achievement within and beyond the position by full-time and contingent professional staff.
Growing a Nation of Makers TweetChat
June 21, 2016; 9:00-10:00 AM Pacific (12:00-1:00 PM Eastern)
NGCP is partnering with Design Squad and the Society of Women Engineers to host a special Twitter event around the theme "Growing a Nation of Makers". Connect to the conversation using the hashtag
#GrowMakers and provide your input on topics such as: How to increase equity in making and where to find making opportunities. Connect:
@DesignSquad, and
Collaborative Network Activities
Role Models Matter: Strategies for Effectively Engaging Girls in STEM Denver, CO; June 10, 2016; 1:00-4:00 PM Mountain The Role Models Matter Project brings resources to role models and girl-serving organizations to help prepare volunteers for their STEM outreach with girls. Participants will receive tips and practical advice for connecting and communicating meaningfully with young girls and inspiring them in STEM careers, hands-on activities that demonstrate effective facilitation techniques, ideas for icebreakers and hands-on projects, and video examples of role models in action. Register.
Habitat Connections: Exploring Your Local Environment through Birds and Citizen Science Pineville, LA; June 15, 2016 Participants will be introduced to a curriculum developed by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and will discover how to engage girls and boys (ages 8-13) through inquiry-based STEM instruction. Teaching materials are aligned to Next Generation Science Standards and the Common Core standards. The workshop is appropriate for both K-12 and informal educators; no experience with birds or citizen science is required. Registration closes on June 13, 2016. Register.
Role Models Matter Training Pittsburgh, PA; June 15, 2016 ASSET STEM Education, in cooperation with the PA STEM Girls Collaborative Project will be holding a full-day Role Models Matter Training Forum. The goal of the project is to increase girls' interest in STEM by creating resources to train STEM professionals to interact with girls in a meaningful way. Participants will receive role model training, promising practices, and resources. Register.
NGCP Mini-Grants
Upcoming STEM Events
Women in Engineering ProActive Network (WEPAN) Change Leader Forum
Broomfield, CO; June 14-16, 2016
This Forum will bring together leading experts in culture change to discuss the impact of culture on engaging and retaining diverse communities of women in engineering. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn, share, network, and form collaborations with both novice and expert participants, all working to promote inclusion and diversity initiatives within their organizations. The Forum will be organized around the Framework for Promoting Gender Equity in Organizations which describes the four ways (prepare women, create equal opportunity, value difference, and re-envision work culture) organizations can promote gender equity.
National Week of Making
June 17-23, 2016
Week of Making is an opportunity for individuals throughout the U.S. to participate in Making activities locally, celebrating the innovation, ingenuity and creativity of Makers. This year will highlight the diversity of Makers. To celebrate, the White House will be announcing new actions by organizations as well as by recognizing individuals who are making significant contributions to
Making and the Maker Movement.
Esri Education GIS Conference
San Diego, CA; June 25-28, 2016
Attendees will explore how geographic information system (GIS) technology fosters critical thinking skills and improves decision making. Participants will receive hands-on training, learn best practices, and receive updates on all things GIS for both inside the classroom and policy making.
Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) Conference
San Diego, CA; July 10-12, 2016
CSTA 2016 is a professional development opportunity for CS and IT teachers/administrators who need practical, classroom-focused information to help prepare their students for the future. Participants will have the opportunity to learn, network, and interact, exploring issues and trends relating directly to the classroom.
Girl Up Leadership Summit
Washington DC; July 11-13, 2016
Participants (between the ages of 12-22) will gain core leadership skills, training in community-building and advocacy, and experience interacting with members of Congress on Capitol Hill. Geared toward middle school, high school, and college students, most workshops and breakout sessions will be divided by age group to allow for targeted learning.
Serious Play Conference
Chapel Hill, NC; July 26-28, 2016
Speakers will share their experience creating or using games in their corporation, classroom, healthcare institution, government and military, and offer tips on how to move game-based education programs ahead. Conference sessions will help educators upgrade their knowledge about using games to engage students in the learning process as well as how instruction in game design can bring at risk students back to class.
The Connectory Spotlight highlights programs and opportunities in
The Connectory. The Connectory is a free online collaboration tool for STEM program providers to find partners based on interests as well as a platform to showcase STEM opportunities to families. June is National Zoo and Aquarium Month, this month we are highlighting the
Seattle Aquarium's Creativity Inspiring Conservation (CIC) program.
At CIC, teens receive hands-on visual arts training from professional artists while using the educational resources and scientific knowledge of the Seattle Aquarium's informed marine conservation staff. Each class is paired with a specific environmental topic, and teens will receive scientific and conservation education from Aquarium staff in the form of field trips, experiments, demonstrations, and discussions. Here are three of CIC's upcoming opportunities.
Batik Fabric Workshop: Batik and Our Biospheres - In this hands-on workshop, teens will have the opportunity to design a textile using a faux batik painting process. They will explore habitats, discovering animals and plants that depend on the ecosystem that supports each habitat. Through sketching, drawing with glue, and painting, each student will create a hand-painted textile depicting abstract imagery inspired by their exploration of a specific habitat.
Engineering: Robotics and Tinkering - An immersion into the basics of engineering, Engineering 1 is a hands-on study of how things work. Kids will both break apart and build up a variety of different styles of robots, discovering how they can create their very own. Kids will learn a variety of skills including soldering, 3D printing, controller building, and printed circuit board design.
Sculpture Class: The Plastic Ocean - Using polymer clay as a starting point, students will be challenged to connect their newly formed sculpture-skills with the topic of ocean pollution. It is estimated that 4.8 million metric tons is dumped into our waters each year worldwide. Students will learn how to create an armature, build up clay, and finish with paint, mixed media or beach clean-up waste.
The Connectory to collaborate with STEM programs and promote your upcoming STEM opportunities to families. Opportunities are visible publicly to families. Programs are visible to other STEM providers.
Stay connected to The Connectory:

STEM Resources
GlobalGirl Media has launched a non-partisan campaign to make sure girls' voices and girls' rights are a larger part of the 2016 political election dialogue.
#GirlsGovern gives girls and young women, middle school through college age, an opportunity to bring their voice and their concerns into the national election. The initiative includes an online hub for resources and tips, a digital video contest, media training in key states, and a Town Hall forum in Washington D.C. this fall.
Girls Who Code Clubs
Girls Who Code clubs are free afterschool programs designed for 6-12th grade girls to explore coding in a fun and friendly environment. Clubs are typically hosted in schools, colleges, libraries, and community centers during the academic year. Start-up is simple and requires identifying space, computers and internet for each club student, and a facilitator to lead the club and communicate with Girls Who Code.
June is National Zoo and Aquarium Month
This month is a good time to explore your local zoo and aquarium. The
Association of Zoos and Aquariums provides a collection of links. Many of the websites have educational resources such as videos, wild life facts, lesson plans, and activities.
NCWIT's Women in Tech: The Facts (2015-16 Update)
One of the National Center for Women & Information Technology's (NCWIT) most popular reports has been updated for 2015-16.
This report brings together the latest findings from recent research including the current state of affairs for technical women, a summary of the key barriers to women's participation in technology, promising practices for addressing these barriers, and tools to support your organization's change efforts.
Global Resources
World Oceans Day June 8, 2016 World Oceans Day is a global day of ocean celebration and collaboration for a better future. This year's theme is "Healthy Oceans, Healthy Planet". Organizations and individuals around the world are promoting prevention of plastic ocean pollution with events in their communities. The website serves as a central coordinating platform and includes free resources and information about how to get involved
Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) America Atlanta, GA; June 12-14, 2016
The mission of CGI is to turn ideas into action. The core of the
CGI America meeting is the Working Group model, which consists of nine topic-specific groups (including
STEM Education), each bringing together diverse industry leaders in business, philanthropy, government, and nonprofits. Each group will convene several iterative sessions over the course of the meeting to share knowledge, build partnerships, and generate Commitments to Action.