A Personal Letter from Robin Duncan

For years now, I've had it in my heart to create something substantial that could really help people to move out of their pain, addictions, suffering, and feelings of hopelessness.  I kept this idea on the "back burner" because I wanted to do it at a time when I could really pour my heart into it and give it everything I've got. 
That time is now.

In the last few months, many of my family members and friends have gone through tremendous personal turmoil, so much so, that their thoughts turned to suicide because they thought there was no way out of their misery.  A few of them searched for programs (or someone that could help them), only to find out that the average treatment program is somewhere between $5,000 and $58,000. 

For most people, especially those who are experiencing pain, misery, lack, divorce, or addiction, that number might as well be $5,000,000 to $58,000,000.  Even a few hundred dollars can seem undo-able or insurmountable when your life isn't working the way you want it to. 

Tomorrow, I will be sending you information on something I know will help.  It is a 90-Day Extensive Private Online Home Therapy Series that will begin Feb. 1st and will go until May 1st.  Every day, for 90 days, you (or someone you love that is in need) will receive Private Online Home Therapy for up to 95% off the regular price. 
Yes, I said 95% off. 

This is my way of offering help to those who, until now, have not been able to afford help.  I am doing this in conjunction with my dear friend, Dr. Timothy Ryan, who founded AIWP Miracles Ministry, a501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the teachings of A Course in Miracles around the world. 

I will be combining Prayer, Hypnosis, EFT, Past Life Regression, Age Regression, Life Coaching, The Source Technique, Guided Imagery, Visualization, Sound Therapy, Videos, Audios, PDF's, Release Exercises, Power Point Presentations, and an extensive How-To Video Library, along with the Powerful Spiritual Principles of A Course in Miracles.  This 90-Day Program will offer you effective, easy-to-use tools that are certain to bless you for a lifetime.

If you, or someone you know, or someone you've heard about ... needs help with an addiction, depression, thoughts of suicide, worry, fear, PTSD, childhood abuse, physical discomfort, blocks to prosperity, relationship conflicts, weight loss, smoking cessation, alcoholism, drug or other addictions, stress, anxiety, gambling, co-dependency, insomnia, challenges for returning military and their families, negative patterns and behaviors, feelings of hopelessness, powerlessness, loneliness, trauma relief, anger, resentment, guilt, grief, sadness, fear of the future, or something else ... please stay tuned for tomorrow's email. 

You might wonder how this spiritually-based 90-Day Private Home Therapy Program can help so many people, who are in so many different challenging situations. 

The answer is simple.  While the problems are complex and unique, the answers are very much the same.  Stay tuned for my next email.  It is one you will not want to miss.

With love,
Robin Duncan