A Course in Miracles
Course in Miracles Society, Original Edition 
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What is the Real World?
Daily Lesson 296
Sarah's Reflections
TEXT CH 28, 28-36
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A Course in Miracles-Original Edition
5 of 5 stars
A Course in Miracles is a self-study course.
In the beginning it tells us, "This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean
you can establish the curric...

About CIMS
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Course in Miracles Society (CIMS) is an international group of Course students and teachers organized to discover, authenticate and propagate the Divine Teachings of A Course in Miracles.


As students, we seek to increase our knowledge of Jesus' words and to deepen our experience of His teachings.

As teachers, we work to circulate the message of
A Course in Miracles throughout the world by our words, by our deeds, and by the example of our lives.

Omaha, NE USA

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Unlimited Supply


IV. The Agreement to Join     


This is a feast unlike indeed to those the dreaming of the world has shown. For here, the more that anyone receives, the more is left for all the rest to share. The Guests have brought unlimited supply with Them. And no one is deprived or can deprive. Here is a feast the Father lays before His Son and shares it equally with him. And in Their sharing there can be no gap in which abundance falters and grows thin. Here can the lean years enter not, for time waits not upon this feast, which has no end. For Love has set Its table in the space that seemed to keep your Guests apart from you.  


What is the Real World  
Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio


What is 'Iambic Pentameter'? 

   The real world is a symbol, like the rest

   of what perception offers. Yet it stands

   for what is opposite to what you made.

   Your world is seen through eyes of fear, and brings

   the witnesses of terror to your mind.

   The real world cannot be perceived except

   through eyes forgiveness blesses, so they see

   a world where terror is impossible,

   and witnesses to fear can not be found.


   The real world holds a counterpart for each

   unhappy thought reflected in your world;

   a sure correction for the sights of fear

   and sounds of battle which your world contains.

   The real world shows a world seen differently,

   through quiet eyes and with a mind at peace.

   Nothing but rest is here. There are no cries

   of pain and sorrow heard, for nothing here

   remains outside forgiveness. And the sights

   are gentle. Only happy sights and sounds

   can reach the mind that has forgiven itself.


   What need has such a mind for thoughts of death,

   attack and murder? What can it perceive

   surrounding it but safety, love and joy?

   What is there it would choose to be condemned,

   and what is there that it would judge against?

   The world it sees arises from a mind

   at peace within itself. No danger lurks

   in anything it sees, for it is kind

   and only kindness does it look upon.


   The real world is the symbol that the dream

   of sin and guilt is over, and God's Son

   no longer sleeps. His waking eyes perceive

   the sure reflection of his Father's Love;

   the certain promise that he is redeemed.

   The real world signifies the end of time,

   for this perception makes time purposeless.


   The Holy Spirit has no need of time

   when it has served His purpose. Now He waits

   but that one instant more for God to take

   His final step, and time has disappeared,

   taking perception with it as it goes,

   and leaving but the Truth to be Itself.

   That instant is our goal, for it contains

   the memory of God. And as we look

   upon a world forgiven, it is He

   Who calls to us and comes to take us home,

   reminding us of our Identity

   Which our forgiveness has restored to us. 


   ~ Original Hand Script   


ACIM Lessons  

L e s s o n  296
The Holy Spirit speaks through me today.



Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio

   The Holy Spirit needs my voice today,

   that all the world may listen to Your Voice,

   and hear Your Word through me. I am resolved

   to let You speak through me, for I would use

   no words but Yours, and have no thoughts which are

   apart from Yours, for only Yours are true.

   I would be Saviour to the world I made.

   For having damned it, I would set it free

   that I may find escape, and hear the Word

   Your holy Voice will speak to me today.


   We teach today what we would learn, and that

   alone. And so our learning goal becomes

   an unconflicted one, and possible

   of easy reach and quick accomplishment.

   How gladly does the Holy Spirit come

   to rescue us from hell, when we allow

   His Teaching to persuade the world, through us,

   to seek and find the easy path to God! 


    ~ Original Handscript of ACIM  


ACIM Edmonton - Sarah's Reflections 

ACIM Edmonton, CA

Lesson 296
The Holy Spirit speaks through me today.  
Sarah's Commentary:

You may want to review Lesson 49 to assist in understanding what is asked of us today. Lesson 49 "God's Voice speaks to me all through the day" says, "Listen in deep silence. Be very still and open your mind. Go past all the raucous shrieks and sick imaginings that cover your real thoughts and obscure your eternal link with God. Sink deep into the peace that waits for you beyond the frantic, riotous thoughts and sights of this insane world. You do not live here. We are trying to reach your real home. We are trying to reach the place where you are truly welcome. We are trying to reach God." (W.PI.49.4.1-8)
The Holy Spirit can only speak through me when I am willing to let Him do so, which happens when I am willing to release my way, my beliefs, my thoughts, my investment in being right and thinking that I know anything, and to get out of my own way and tune in to Him. My thoughts interfere with His. My thoughts create a lot of noise in my mind. Truth can only come to the quiet mind. Our noisy minds, with their undisciplined, raucous thoughts, are what keep truth away. Our way is hell. It is pain and suffering. The Holy Spirit gladly rescues us from the hell that we made when we invite Him in.

What is this hell? It is all of our thoughts of worry, stress, self-worth, goals, plans, expectations, wishes, dreams, distress, anger or anything that keeps us from peace. Peace is in us. It is in the Self that I am residing in our right minds. When we are willing to release everything that interferes with it, we will hear the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is when we choose to no longer listen to the ego. It is in the silence of our own minds, where we can tune into the thought of Love in our right minds. The Truth dwells there, and from this place, God's Love and Peace are reflected through us to others. When we are not thinking with God, we have no thoughts that are true. (W.296.1.2) Only God's Thoughts are true thoughts.

This lesson is not about preaching to anyone about anything. In fact, preaching is an attack. To speak the truth is about being a channel of the Holy Spirit, communicating only peace and love to our brothers. It is to be an extension of God's love in this world. It is to let the light that is in us to shine forth.

What I always find interesting is that we sometimes communicate something that we later learn has been of great value to someone without realizing at the time that this has come through us. We may be told later, perhaps, that something we said to someone had great meaning. I always find those instances quite amazing, but what they also do is help me to see that the truth is in me. It has not come from the me that identifies with the ego. It has come through me without my awareness that it was totally perfect for someone. It is about getting out of our own way and not trying to be wise or helpful.

That is, in fact, exactly what happened to me today. I got an email from a friend where she said to me, "I very much appreciate your support and your way. It has touched my heart and stays with me in a way that is very strong! Sarah, when YOU say one is deserving, it's like you know it deeply and that has stayed with me." This is someone I only met at a workshop recently and I must admit I don't even remember saying any of this, but to get this reinforcement says to me that the Truth spoke through me. Quite frankly, I find this to be awesome and affirming. "We teach today what we would learn and that alone." (W.296.2.1) "How gladly does the Holy Spirit come to rescue us from hell, when we allow His teaching to persuade the world, through us, to seek and find the easy path to God." (W.296.2.3)
Why doesn't it seem easy? Because Jesus says that our goals currently are conflicted. If we only communicated love, peace, joy, and kindness, there would be no conflict, but we also communicate attack thoughts. These two ways of communicating conflict with each other. If we truly want to learn who we are as eternal loving beings, then we must give up our conflicted learning goals. Our progress in the Course is hampered by our desire to attack, to meet our needs at the expense of our brothers, and to hold onto our opinions. And thus the journey home does not feel like an easy path and the learning does not seem as simple as he assures us it is. Today, he asks us to say, "I am resolved to let You [the Holy Spirit] speak through me, for I would use no words but Yours, and have no thoughts which are apart from Yours, for only Yours are true." (W.296.1.2) Make this your intention today. This is what makes our path easy, when we focus our intention on what we truly want.
"The universe is waiting your release because it is its own. Be kind to it and to yourself, and then be kind to Me. I ask but this; that you be comforted and live no more in terror and in pain." (Song Of Prayer.3.IV.10.3-5) That is what our Father wants for us, but He needs our willingness. He needs for us to agree that this is what we want for ourselves. He wants us to be free of the world that we made, by setting it free through the Voice of the Holy Spirit speaking through us to our brothers, so that we in turn can be freed. We find our escape from this world by setting our brothers free from our damnation of them. This can only be accomplished by the Holy Spirit working through us, and we will hear the message He has for us when we communicate it. That is how it will be reinforced in us.

Let's look at what we are valuing today. Is it our thoughts, our opinions, our values or are we prepared to release them and give them over and listen to Him? We have two requirements for today, as I see it. One is to stay vigilant with what we are thinking and, secondly, to turn over our misperceptions to the Holy Spirit so that we can hear His guidance. Where would you have me go? Who would you have me meet? What would you have me say or do? Sometimes we complain that we don't hear the guidance, but it is not literal hearing that we require. We need to listen to the prompts. The Holy Spirit may simply give us a thought on which we are guided to act. Today, I may feel prompted to call someone or send an email. Why? I don't know. It does not matter. Everywhere we are is where we are supposed to be. It is all for our learning and our healing and is therefore perfect if we use every situation for this purpose and for the encounters that allow us to remember our holiness.

This lesson is clear that we have an important function in this world to reach out to our brothers and sisters and "be a savior to the world I made." (W.296.1.3) We set the world free so that we can be free. In other words, we release our judgments and grievances about the world so that we can release ourselves from the pain of these judgments and grievances. All we have to do is choose to allow this to happen, not by wishing that it is so, but through our willingness.

Love and blessings, Sarah 

[email protected]


IV. The Agreement to Join                  

28 What waits in perfect certainty beyond salvation is not our concern. For you have barely started to allow your first uncertain steps to be directed up the ladder separation led you down. The miracle alone is your concern at present. Here is where we must begin. And having started, will the way be made serene and simple in the rising up to waking and the ending of the dream. When you accept a miracle, you do not add your dream of fear to one that is already being dreamed. Without support, the dream will fade away without effects. For it is your support that strengthens it.


29 No mind is sick until another mind agrees that they are separate. And thus it is their joint decision to be sick. If you withhold agreement and accept the part you play in making sickness real, the other mind cannot project its guilt without your aid in letting it perceive itself as separate and apart from you. Thus is the body not perceived as sick by both your minds, from separate points of view. Uniting with a brother's mind prevents the cause of sickness and perceived effects. Healing is the effect of minds which join, as sickness comes from minds which separate.


30 The miracle does nothing just because the minds are joined and cannot separate. Yet in the dreaming has this been reversed, and separate minds are seen as bodies which are separated and which cannot join. Do not allow your brother to be sick, for if he is, have you abandoned him to his own dream by sharing it with him. He has not seen the cause of sickness where it is, and you have overlooked the gap between you, where the sickness has been bred. Thus are you joined in sickness, to preserve the little gap unhealed, where sickness is kept carefully protected, cherished, and upheld by firm belief, lest God should come to bridge the little gap that leads to Him. Fight not His coming with illusions, for it is His coming that you want above all things that seem to glisten in the dream.


31 The end of dreaming is the end of fear, and love was never in the world of dreams. The gap is little. Yet it holds the seeds of pestilence and every form of ill because it is a wish to keep apart and not to join. And thus it seems to give a cause to sickness which is not its cause. The purpose of the gap is all the cause that sickness has. For it was made to keep you separated in a body which you see as if it were the cause of pain.


32 The cause of pain is separation, not the body, which is only its effect. Yet separation is but empty space, enclosing nothing, doing nothing, and as unsubstantial as the empty place between the ripples that a ship has made in passing by. And covered just as fast, as water rushes in to close the gap and as the waves in joining cover it. Where is the gap between the waves when they have joined and covered up the space which seemed to keep them separate for a little while? Where are the grounds for sickness when the minds have joined to close the little gap between them where the seeds of sickness seemed to grow?


33 God builds the bridge, but only in the space left clean and vacant by the miracle. The seeds of sickness and the shame of guilt He cannot bridge, for He cannot destroy the alien will that He created not. Let its effects be gone and clutch them not with eager hands, to keep them for yourself. The miracle will brush them all aside and thus make room for Him Who wills to come and bridge His Son's returning to Himself.


34 Count, then, the silver miracles and golden dreams of happiness as all the treasures you would keep within the storehouse of the world. The door is open, not to thieves but to your starving brothers who mistook for gold the shining of a pebble and who stored a heap of snow that shone like silver. They have nothing left behind the open door. What is the world except a little gap perceived to tear eternity apart and break it into days and months and years? And what are you who live within the world except a picture of the Son of God in broken pieces, each concealed within a separate and uncertain bit of clay?


35 Be not afraid, but let your world be lit by miracles. And where the gap was seen to stand between you, join your brother there. And sickness will be seen without a cause. The dream of healing in forgiveness lies and gently shows you that you never sinned. The miracle would leave no proof of guilt to bring you witness to what never was. And in your storehouse it will make a place of welcome for your Father and your Self. The door is open that all those may come who would no longer starve and would enjoy the feast of plenty set before them there. And they will meet with your invited Guests the miracle has asked to come to you.


36 This is a feast unlike indeed to those the dreaming of the world has shown. For here, the more that anyone receives, the more is left for all the rest to share. The Guests have brought unlimited supply with Them. And no one is deprived or can deprive. Here is a feast the Father lays before His Son and shares it equally with him. And in Their sharing there can be no gap in which abundance falters and grows thin. Here can the lean years enter not, for time waits not upon this feast, which has no end. For Love has set Its table in the space that seemed to keep your Guests apart from you.




 ONE YEAR Schedule of Lessons & Text Reading  






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Several of you have asked about buying "A Course in Miracles - Original Edition" by the case to make it more affordable to your study group. 


CIMS is announcing that ACIM - Original Edition is now available by the case at the distributor price which is 40% below retail, plus shipping.  


Hard Copy book is reg $35. A case of 10 would have been $350. However, the price for a case is $210. [$21 per book, which is 40% off]  


Soft Cover book is $30 [although on sale at $25, when purchased individually.] A case of 12, at $30 per book, is $360. However, when a case is purchased, there is a 40% discount and the price is $216 [$18 per book]
This is a savings of $144!


Please call for more information or contact us at [email protected] 




Recording of Original EditionAudio Recording of


Kellie Love [considered the VOICE of ACIM] recorded the Original Edition.  


The Full set [8 cds, 68 hours] is available for $109.


Text only [4 cds, 38 hours] is
available for $64.95

Workbook only [3 cds, 20 hours] is
available for $43.95


Manual for Teachers only [1 cd, 8 hours] is
available for $14.95



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To GIVE and to RECEIVE are One in Truth. Lesson 108


Presently all CIMS projects are wholly supported by free will gifts of time, talent, and money. If you would like to support any of the activities of the Society in any way, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Because of the international character of CIMS, the internet is our primary means of communicating and collaborating.


CIMS is a section 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, and donations are tax deductible.

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7602 Pacific Street, Suite 200
Omaha, NE 68114 USA
Voice: 800-771-5056
Fax: 402-391-0343