A Course in Miracles
Course in Miracles Society, Original Edition 
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Daily Lesson 219
Review VI
Sarah's Reflections
TEXT Ch 19, 90-96
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A Course in Miracles-Original Edition
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A Course in Miracles is a self-study course.

In the beginning it tells us, "This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean
you can establish the curric...


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Course in Miracles Society (CIMS) is an international group of Course students and teachers organized to discover, authenticate and propagate the Divine Teachings of A Course in Miracles.


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Beyond the Veil yet Within
V. "Obstacles to Peace"
d. "The Fourth Obstacle:
The Fear of God"

96 It seems to you the world will utterly abandon you if you but raise your eyes. Yet all that will occur is you will leave the world forever. This is the reestablishment of your will. Look upon it open-eyed and you will nevermore believe that you are at the mercy of things beyond you, forces you cannot control, and thoughts that come to you against your will. It is your will to look on this. No mad desire, no trivial impulse to forget again, no stab of fear, nor the cold sweat of seeming death can stand against your will. For what attracts you from beyond the veil is also deep within you, unseparated from it and completely one.


SonShip Workbook  

L e s s o n  219

 Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio

I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.

    [199] I am not a body. I am free.   


I am God's Son. Be still, my mind, and think      
an instant upon this. and then return
to earth without confusion as to what
my Father loves forever as His Son.    

I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.


~ Original Handscript of ACIM

ACIM Review VI  
Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radi
What is 'Iambic Pentameter'?

   With this review, we take but one idea

   each day, and practice it as often as

   is possible. Besides the time we give

   morning and evening, which should not be less

   than fifteen minutes, and the hourly

   remembrances we make throughout the day,

   use the idea as often as you can

   between them. Each of these ideas alone

   would be sufficient for salvation, if

   it is learned truly. Each would be enough

   to give release to you and to the world

   from every form of bondage, and invite

   the memory of God to come again.


   With this in mind, we start our practicing

   in which we carefully review the thoughts

   the Holy Spirit has bestowed on us

   in our last twenty lessons. Each contains

   the whole curriculum, if understood,

   practiced, accepted and applied to all

   the seeming happenings throughout the day.

   One is enough. But for that one there must

   be no exceptions made. And so we need

   to use them all, and let them blend as one

   as each contributes to the whole we learn.


   These practice lessons, like our last review,

   are centered round a central theme with which

   we start and end each lesson. It is this:


   "I am not a body. I am free.

    For I am still as God created me."


   The day begins and ends with this. And we

   repeat it every time the hour strikes,

   or we remember, in between, we have

   a function that transcends the world we see.

   Beyond this and a repetition of

   the special thought we practice for the day,

   no form of exercise is urged, except

   a deep relinquishing of everything

   that clutters up your mind, and makes it deaf

   to reason, sanity and simple truth.


   We will attempt to get beyond all words

   and special forms of practicing for this

   review. For we attempt this time to reach

   a quickened pace along a shorter path

   to the serenity and peace of God.

   We merely close our eyes, and then forget

   all that we thought we saw and understood.

   For thus is freedom given us from all

   we did not know and failed to understand.


   There is but one exception to this lack

   of structuring. Permit no idle thought

   to go unchallenged. If you notice one,

   deny its hold and hasten to assure

   your mind that this is not what it would have.

   Then gently let the thought which you denied

   be given up in sure and quick exchange

   for the idea we practice for the day.


   When you are tempted, hasten to proclaim

   your freedom from temptation, as you say:


   "This thought I do not want. I choose instead..."


   And then repeat the idea for the day,

   and let it take the place of what you thought.

   Beyond such special applications of

   each day's idea, we will add but few

   formal expressions for specific thoughts

   to aid your practicing. Instead we give

   these times of quiet to the Teacher Who

   instructs in quiet, speaks of peace, and gives

   our thoughts whatever meaning they may have.


   To Him I offer this review for you.

   I place you in His charge, and let Him teach

   you what to do and say and think each time

   you turn to Him. He will not fail to be

   available to you each time you call

   to Him to help you. Let us offer Him

   the whole review we now begin, and let

   us also not forget to Whom it has

   been given, as we practice, day by day,

   advancing toward the goal He set for us;

   allowing Him to teach us how to go,

   and trusting Him completely for the way

   each practice period can best become

   a loving gift of freedom to the world. 


  ~ Original Handscript ~ September 1, 1970


ACIM Edmonton - Sarah's Reflections 

ACIM Edmonton, CA

Lesson 219
Review VI
[199] I am not a body. I am free. 

*Quotes in this article are from Foundation for Inner Peace edition; To locate the same quotes in the 'Original Edition', use this link:  http://www.jcim.net/acim_us/Acim.php 
[Use 'Advanced Search' and 'Exact Phrase' option]

Sarah's Commentary:

"I am not a body I am free. For I am still as God created me." All of our identity in the world is about being a body. Everything we see, say, touch, everywhere we go, everything we do, everyone we meet, every emotion we have of anger, worry, distress, anxiety, pleasure, all pain and sickness affirm our bodily existence and thus affirm there is no God. And because of our strong identity as a body we need this constant reminder that we have had for many lessons now, that "I am not a body." It requires a lot of practice to undo our belief that our reality is a body, a personality and all the beliefs, values and self concepts that we hold, but it is not about shouting down the ego with our affirmations. We actually need to choose not to listen to the thoughts of the ego. To do that we must hear what they are and choose against them.

Everything that is used by the ego to convince me that I am a body and that I am my thoughts can be turned over to the Holy Spirit to demonstrate to me that I am truly the Son of God, that my reality is spirit, that I am love, peace and joy, and that I am the unlimited mind outside of the body and not contained by it.

I am reading in the Text "I Need Do Nothing" (T.18.VII),  where Jesus says: "There is one thing that you have never done; you have not utterly forgotten the body. It has perhaps faded at times from your sight, but it has not yet completely disappeared. You are not asked to let this happen for more than an instant, yet it is in this instant that the miracle of Atonement happens. Afterwards you will see the body again, but never quite the same. And every instant that you spend without awareness of it gives you a different view of it when you return." (T.18.VII.2.1-5)

Each time that we practice the holy instant, where we enter the present moment, the NOW, the body disappears. The way that that happens is by the acceptance of the Atonement for ourselves. What that is is the acceptance of the truth of who I am. And how does that happen? By releasing the idea that my identity is a body through the experience of the holy instant when we enter the silence of our minds. And when we do that, even for an instant, the question of our identity as a limited self, is released for an instant.

I was speaking with a friend last night about loneliness. When I thought more about where loneliness comes from, I realized that again it is all about my identity that I am separate from everyone else. It is a belief based on the laws of chaos that truth is different for each of us. It is in this experience where we feel separate from others, locked in the body, that does seem to contain us. It keeps us separate from others with the belief that we each have our own unique values and that each hold different perspectives that we don't share. We can be in a crowd, and feel profoundly separate from everyone. We can be in an intimate relationship and feel the loneliness of separation. Bodies can never join as they were made not to join. "For relationships, to the ego, mean only that bodies are together." (T.15.VII.8.2) "For they think their minds must be kept private or they will lose them, but if their bodies are together their minds remain their own." (T.15.VII.11.5) We see that the body has been made as a limit on what in truth can't be limited. The egoic concept of freedom is not about the unlimited mind but about the body getting to do what it wants. Yet real freedom is of the mind. It is the total opposite of how we think of freedom. However, it is not hard to see how lacking in freedom we are when we identify ourselves with the body.

Think about this. Aren't we all a slave to our body's requirements? It is a demanding thing that has urges, needs, incapacities that demand attention, pains, frailties and sickness. It gets hungry, dirty, has to be fed and exercised. What we do is to obey this seeming master. We become its slave carrying out its dictates, but even more so, we carry out the dictates of its demands on us to defend ourselves, protect ourselves and attack others. Yet when we listen to the Holy Spirit, we are letting our body be put into His service, and thus the body becomes a useful instrument that is now serving the Self. Thus its health and well being are assured. It does not mean that we don't take care of it, but it is no longer the primary source of instruction ruling our lives. We have had some opening to awareness of our true reality. This happens in the holy instant when we rise above the body and have the experience of our spiritual reality as a mind. God did not create the body.

Egos can never join. Bodies can never join. The world of egos and bodies is a world of fear, separation and loneliness. There is no trust and no love in this experience, but in the stillness that is called for today, we can experience that "I am God's Son." We have never left our home except in this dream of exile. There is nothing to seek and nothing to find. There is only remembering the truth of who I am. And when I return from this experience, some of the confusion about my identity will be lifted from my mind. The truth will dawn on our minds as we do this work of looking at our thoughts and recognizing their falsity. Then we will no longer respond to the ego's requirements of us.

When the body is given over to the Holy Spirit then it becomes a vehicle for extending love. It is now put to a holy use. Until this is the case, there is no freedom. That is the message we are to take to our brothers "who perceive themselves as bound and helpless and afraid." (W.PI.199.7.3) We can be an example to others that they too can choose the peace that we have chosen. But to be that example requires that we do the work to free ourselves by recognizing that the world we have made up, including our bodies, is not real. We have kept ourselves in chains, believing that the world, and not our own thoughts, is the cause of our suffering. We are the ones that are giving the meaning to everything around us. No one has the power to hurt or upset us. We are the ones that choose to be upset because this is what we want to experience.

When we make this decision to free ourselves and it becomes the priority in our lives, then we free our brothers, right along with us. Every brother that we welcome brings with him another opportunity to join in the oneness of who we are by seeing that we are the same. This recognition of sameness is the reflection of God's oneness. And thus we will experience the Self. We owe each brother our gratitude, because, without them, we could never see what is in our minds. We could never come to the place where we finally see our sameness with everyone. It is only the guilt in the mind that keeps us tied to our limited identity as bodies separate from every other body. Guilt requires differences and comparisons that maintain the separation, but our reality is one. And that oneness is reflected in the recognition of our sameness.

The truth is that we are unlimited and uncontained in the body. The only bondage we experience is that which we have chosen. Now we can make another choice. We can use the body for a different purpose. We practice today by reminding ourselves about the truth of who we are as God's Son. And today, whenever we experience pain, distress of any kind, anxiety, or investment in seeing our needs as more important than anyone else's, then it is a trigger for us that we have chosen to align with the ego and forget who we are. We have turned to the ego for its interpretation of a situation or person that seems to be the cause of our distress. And now we can choose to change our minds and decide instead to ask the Holy Spirit to help us see each brother and every circumstance and each situation through the eyes of love. We do that by admitting that we have been wrong in our way of seeing. "I must have decided wrongly, because I am not at peace." (T.5.VII.6.7) We recognize that we have made a mistake in listening to the ego and remind ourselves that we have a purpose here, which is to awaken to the truth of who we are. We take time today to enter the stillness where truth abides. "And then return to earth, without confusion as to what my Father loves forever as His Son." (W.219.1.5) Now we see the experience of our day in a different light as we make it a day of forgiveness.


Love and blessings, Sarah 

[email protected]


Quotes in this article are from Foundation for Inner Peace edition; To locate the same quotes in the 'Original Edition', use this link:  http://www.jcim.net/acim_us/Acim.php    

[Use 'Advanced Search' and Exact Phrase' option]

A Course in Miracles   

Chapter Nineteen

Beyond the Body 

V. Obstacles to Peace

     d. The Fourth Obstacle
         The Fear of God 

90What would you see without the fear of death? What would you feel and think if death held no attraction for you? Very simply, you would remember your Father. The Creator of life, the Source of everything that lives, the Father of the universe and of the universe of universes and of everything that lies even beyond them would you remember. And as this memory rises in your mind, peace must still surmount a final obstacle after which is salvation completed and the Son of God entirely restored to sanity. For here your world does end.


91 The fourth obstacle to be surmounted hangs like a heavy veil before the face of Christ. Yet as His face rises beyond it, shining with joy because He is in His Father's Love, peace will lightly brush the veil aside and run to meet Him and to join with Him at last. For this dark veil, which seems to make the face of Christ Himself like to a leper's and the bright rays of His Father's love which light His face with glory appear as streams of blood, fades in the blazing light beyond it when the fear of death is gone.


92 This is the darkest veil, upheld by the belief in death and protected by its attraction. The dedication to death and to its sovereignty is but the solemn vow, the promise made in secret to the ego never to lift this veil, not to approach it nor even to suspect that it is there. This is the secret bargain made with the ego to keep what lies beyond the veil forever blotted out and unremembered. Here is your promise never to allow union to call you out of separation; the great amnesia in which the memory of God seems quite forgotten; the cleavage of your Self from you-the fear of God, the final step in your dissociation.


93 See how the belief in death would seem to "save" you. For if this is gone, what can you fear but life? It is the attraction of death that makes life seem to be ugly, cruel, and tyrannical. You are no more afraid of death than of the ego. These are your chosen friends. For in your secret alliance with them, you have agreed never to let the fear of God be lifted so you could look upon the face of Christ and join Him in His Father.


94 Every obstacle that peace must flow across is surmounted in just the same way; the fear that raised it yields to the love beneath, and so the fear is gone. And so it is with this. The desire to get rid of peace and drive the Holy Spirit from you fades in the presence of the quiet recognition that you love Him. The exaltation of the body is given up in favor of the Spirit, which you love as you could never love the body. And the appeal of death is lost forever as love's attraction stirs and calls to you. From beyond each of the obstacles to love, Love Itself has called, and each has been surmounted by the power of the attraction of what lies beyond. Your wanting fear seemed to be holding them in place. Yet when you heard the voice of love beyond them, you answered and they disappeared.


95 And now you stand in terror before what you swore never to look upon. Your eyes look down, remembering your promise to your "friends." The "loveliness" of sin, the delicate appeal of guilt, the "holy" waxen image of death, and the fear of vengeance of the ego you swore in blood not to desert, all rise and bid you not to raise your eyes. For you realize that if you look on this and let the veil be lifted, they will be gone forever. All of your "friends," your "protectors," and your "home" will vanish. Nothing that you remember now will you remember.


96 It seems to you the world will utterly abandon you if you but raise your eyes. Yet all that will occur is you will leave the world forever. This is the reestablishment of your will. Look upon it open-eyed and you will nevermore believe that you are at the mercy of things beyond you, forces you cannot control, and thoughts that come to you against your will. It is your will to look on this. No mad desire, no trivial impulse to forget again, no stab of fear, nor the cold sweat of seeming death can stand against your will. For what attracts you from beyond the veil is also deep within you, unseparated from it and completely one.




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