Magadan Rainbow
Preaching the Gospel In Far East Russia 
    A ministry of the Archdiocese of Anchorage, Alaska 
July 2014
 Holy Mother Mary of Magadan, pray for us.
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The Archdiocese of Anchorage provides stewardship support to the Mission to Magadan.  All donations are processed through Anchorage to provide a safe and secure way to support ministries in Far East Russia.
Magadan According 
to Theresa


I do not feel worthy to write this short glimpse into the beauty of Magadan. How can a person put into words the glory of God? There is no limit! There is no end! And I, the least of His followers, a nursing major from Holly, Michigan endeavor to give it justice. click to read more
History Lesson:
Our Lady of Magadan

The icon of our Lady of Magadan was commissioned to honor the martyrs, bishops and priests of the Catholic and Orthodox traditions who died in the gulags in Russia; who give their lives to the faith, rather than submit to atheistic communism. click to read more
Thank you for your prayers and support of the on-going ministries to God's people in the Russian Far East.
Thank you for your support of the Mission to Magadan.