Chosen Children Ministries
Pray, Give, Go
September 2014

Get to know our staff:
We know that you love our staff in Nicaragua and so do we. We thought you might want to get to know them a little more personally. Each newsletter we are going to let you take a little peek into their lives.



Jorge Silva







Came to work with C.C.M on September 2002

Married to Karen Tellez

Blessed with  two beautiful children:

Jorge Isaac 9 years old

Karen who is 10 months

































Jorge Says

 That these last 12 years in the ministry have been a great spiritual school- where  he has been able to come in contact with great men and women who are servants of God. They have helped him grow in relationship with Christ  even in difficult times.

 He is grateful to be with CCM.


Get to know our staff:

Bill Silva




 God brought Bill  to serve with C.C.M on March 2011.

He is married to Amy Flores .   They have a precious boy, Ezekiel, who is 2 years old.   Bill says that his family is the bigest  blessing in Christ.



















 These 4 years at CCM have been the time where he feels has grown the most in his spiritual life.  He also hopes to be able to continue to serve the Lord in the ministry  and in any area God directs him to.


"I�m really thankfull to the Lord, because this is a place where I get pumped spiritualy and I�m able to serve and glorify him." - Bill




Get to know our staff:

 Juan Silva



Juan Silva  came to serve  with C.C.M in January 1st 2008.  Juan is married to Karla. They have been married 11 wonderful years, and   they have been blessed with 3 sons: Cristofer (10), Juan Carlos (7), and Caleb (20 months).  The boys' like fried chicken, baseball, and football.





Juan Says that his 6 years in ministry have been a blessing. He came to the feet of the Lord the first week with CCM and his perspective  of family and life has been dramatically change since that day.


"I�m very thankful, first of all with God, and then to all the people God used to allow me to be here." ~ Juan





Attention CCM Partners:
Now is the time to think about donating cars, trucks, campers, vans, or ATV's to Chosen Children Ministries. You will receive a tax credit for your end of the year donations.  Every penny raised from these gifts will go to further the ministry where so many have so little.  Call our office at 864-599-0067 or call Wallace at 864-237-0430. Thank you for your consideration.
Wallace Nix  


Duncan First Baptist
Duncan, South Carolina



As Duncan First prepared and left for its sixth year partnering with Chosen Children Ministries in Nicaragua, the excitement level was as high as ever to do God's work and spread his love.We arrived in Nicaragua with 15, but was joined by Mario DelValle, a wonderful pastor from El Salvador. As the week passed we adopted him as one of ours, and we pray he did the same with us.




We were tasked with building the pastor's house in Mt. Zion, which took Duncan First full circle. The land where the church was standing was the land that our group helped purchase in 2013! So returning there was a blessing which lifted our spirits even higher. What a blessing to see the wonderful work other churches have completed on the land and to have the opportunity to erect the house. Having the pastor there, living and ministering in Mt. Zion, will only strengthen the community.




From the footings, walls ,and roof, we had the pleasure to work alongside the awesome Chosen Children Ministries' staff and volunteers from the community. For me, a first-timer, meeting and fellowshipping with the Chosen Children Ministries' staff was an absolute affirmation that "I will be back!" The returning members from 2013 were quick to point out just how different Mt. Zion looked after one year of CCM being active in the community. Amanda Cothran, a returning member said "Mt. Zion, to me, looks more stable, more secure, a better overall place than last year."





 From completing the house to seeing the amazing attendance at bible school we were overjoyed at the power of our God and what he does for us all. Bible school was a daily dose of skits, powerful lessons and games that had us all involved. For me, from the time I left Mt. Zion, I have thought about returning next year to hopefully meet back up with the wonderful staff and have the opportunity to see the growth and change that God has planned in Nicaragua.



Derek Henderson

Duncan First Team




Matthew 28:19

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,


Hendrix Elementary  

 Spartanburg, South Carolina



Hendrix International Baccal�ureate World School partnered with Chosen Children Ministries to travel to Nicaragua July 12-19, 2014 to work alongside the people in the Parcels communities. Forty-five teachers, administrators, and additional family members  were privileged to build a classroom, a picnic shelter, tables, chairs, bookshelves, and pour sidewalks. A new sink was provided for the church and fields were plowed.




All this was made possible through the generosity of the Hendrix community; parents, teachers, students, and corporate sponsors who gave sacrificially to make all these gifts a reality.





In addition to the Hendrix  presence, several churches were represented by their members and traveled with the Hendrix teams to the barrios.  Bible studies, evangelistic outreach, and songs were shared with children and adults. Many decisions for re-dedication and salvation were made and all rejoiced at the work of the Lord!



 Words are inadequate to express the hospitality and blessings that were ours. The climate was hot and the showers were cold, but the work that was done was all that mattered. There is so much poverty and limited resources for employment among the people in Nicaragua, yet we found  a joyous and happy people who were grateful for the smallest deed.  The blessing was certainly ours, and we are thankful for all the support we received from so many. The continuation of the work accomplished by Chosen Children Ministries is something that Hendrix desires to share.  





We are certain that while our efforts were small in comparison to the work to be done, spirtual and physical needs were addressed. Everyone who made the journey has returned with the realization  that we are so blessed, and we in turn can make  a difference in our world. 


 Dawn Neely, Team Member




  Psalm 96:3   Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!
Dave Walton's Team
South Carolina & Alabama

Our trip was full of God-ordained encounters. One such encounter was with a man named Juan.  A few times throughout the week, we split up into groups of five or six to walk around the barrio and minister.  It was during one of these treks around Thomas Borje that a woman urged us to go to her brother, Juan.  She told us that he had recently been  hospitalized because of his alcohol problem. God ended up using an unexpected encounter with a young woman (who prayed to make Jesus her Lord!) to lead us straight to Juan.  He happened to be standing outside near this woman's home, and somehow one of our team members figured out that the man standing nearby was Juan! Awesome! The precise man we wanted to find! When we finished speaking with the young woman, we all headed straight to him.

After some initial conversation as a group, Mike moved in very close to Juan so they would be face to face, eye to eye.  Mike began to share with Juan his testimony - how he was bound to alcohol for seven years and to drugs for five.  He talked about encountering Jesus when he was a in deep pit - with not only drug and alcohol addictions but also a prison sentence.  God came on the scene in a supernatural way, drawing Mike to His heart, setting him free from addiction, and lifting his prison sentence.  After this anointed time of speaking life and truth over Juan, we asked him if he would like for us to pray with him.  He said yes.  He prayed to rededicate his life to the Lord! Then we told him we would like to lay hands on him and pray for bondage to break off of his life.  We encircled him, laid hands on him, and everyone began to cry out to God in their own words as Mike prayed for deliverance from darkness.  It was a beautiful, powerful, God-ordained moment that just can't be captured with words.


Juan had tears running from his eyes when we finished.  He wasn't the only one crying.  It was deeply moving for all of us.  I continue to pray for Juan - that God will deepen the work He has started in him, that he will walk in freedom from addiction, that he will walk in the fullness of God's destiny for his life, that he will be a voice for the Kingdom! 

Another amazing encounter was between a woman named Anna and one of our team members, Shelli (and a few others from our team).  Brian and Shelli have an Autistic son named Brandon. So when Anna said that her young son was Autistic, it definitely got Brian and Shelli's attention.  Anna was so discouraged over the low level at which her son is functioning right now. Shelli was quick to tell her that her son, too, struggled when he was younger but he is now twenty years old and functions at a much higher level.  Teaching him to know God's Word and to manage himself in a way that honors God made just as much of a difference (honestly, a bigger difference) as structured behavioral therapy.  When asked what her son's name was, Anna replied, "Brandon."  What?! ONLY GOD. Who would have ever dreamed that God would intertwine the lives of two women who lead such different lives but yet share such specific circumstances?? I've never heard of a Nicaraguan named Brandon in my life! This blew my mind!
Brian and Shelli, of course, saw God's fingerprint all over this encounter.  They stressed to Anna God's power to transform anyone and everyone.  Anna, however, seemed stuck in her discouragement.  The group told her that even though at that moment she was hesitant to believe in God's power to change people, she could still choose to invite Jesus in at anytime, on her own.  As the group walked away, Brian and another team member, Jessica, said almost simultaneously, "She's going to pray that prayer...and soon!"  I pray that she does invite Jesus into her life! Maybe she already has!

I'm amazed at the extravagance of God's love.  He loves Anna and her son SO much that He flew Brian and Shelli to Nicaragua - and led them to her home specifically - so they could tell her so!  He brought believers to her who could understand exactly where she's coming from because they've been where she is.  I love how He is limited by NOTHING. 

 I love how He is such a pursuer of hearts.  He brings His goodness, His love, His presence right into our midst - no matter how far gone we think we are.  No matter how remote our barrio.  No matter how far we feel like we are from Him. No matter how impossible we think our situation is.  None of these things are obstacles to Him - distance, time, darkness, remoteness, "level of difficulty" - He operates from a paradigm that far transcends these things we perceive as obstacles.  May the flame of this truth be ignited in us and never burn out.  May we think and pray and speak and live in alignment with His BIGNESS.
Hayley Walden Hewitt, Team Member




 World Outback Ministries
Indian Trail, North Carolina





Our team consisted of 15 people, almost half of the team being youth.  We were also excited to have 3 of our own Board Members of World Outback Ministries on this trip as well.  We had 7 on our team in which it was their first trip to Nicaragua!  It was a particularly special trip this year for me, as this was the first year that my whole family was able to go to Nicaragua.



We started our week by traveling to the school at Mira Flores Barrio.  Throughout the week, we were able to spend time with the children there and presented several VBS lessons.   Our team was also privileged to help build a kitchen for the school.   Our children on the team really enjoyed meeting the children and playing with them.  They also enjoyed some games of soccer as well!  We also held VBS at the church next door to the school called "Alfa Y Omega".



On Wednesday and Thursday, some of our team traveled to another barrio close to the school called "Heroes y Martires".  In the mornings, we were blessed to do door-to-door evangelism, sharing not only hygiene bags, flip, flops, toys, Bibles, and other goodies, but most importantly, sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and praying with the precious people of this barrio.  One of many highlights of this trip was seeing our children share their faith with others!





On Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, our team held VBS in the barrio of Heroes y Martires and it was so exciting to see so many of the faces that we had visited those mornings join us for VBS - not only the children, but also many adults. 

As usual, it is such a blessing to serve with CCM and their staff in Nicaragua.  We are grateful for their commitment and their passion to serve Christ and to serve others!



Bill Niccolai, Team Leader 



There is still time to sign up for the 2014 Christmas Trip- Email Tonya at [email protected] for more information 
Dan Carroll's Team  
Greenville, South Carolina

"God heard the groaning of His people. God saw the need of His people...and God knew." Exodus 2


Our team of 12 saw God prove this to be true in so many ways, much of which happened before we got on the plane to go to Nicaragua. This was my 7th trip with Chosen Children Ministries over the last 10 years of partnership with this ministry. This trip proved to be one of the most challenging on the front end with raising money for our team and for project costs, but also one of the most fruitful and rewarding. Our funding goal was $21,000 (a lofty goal for a small church like us!) of which $3,000 was designated toward project costs. Just days before getting on the plane, we found ourselves over $5,000 short of that goal...And God knew. Just a couple of days before leaving for our trip, God, seemingly out of nowhere, provided just over $5,000 to finish out our funding! We were sweating it, with much doubt that the money would come in. And God knew.






And God knew...


This is such good truth for us to believe and understand! God knew the needs of our team, just like He knows every need of every person in Nicaragua and in the world, just like He knows every need of yours this day.We wanted to highlight not what we as a team were able to do on this trip, but to highlight some of the needs that God knew all along and how He alone provided to meet those needs:


* God provided for our team of 12 to be able to go on this trip


* God provided for quick and strong relationships to be built amongst our team




* God provided the $3k we set for a project goal


* God provided an additional $1k for us to take for additional needs that we would see


* God provided two new batteries for Chosen Children Ministries' tractor (they are expensive in Nicaragua!)




* God provided a complete sound system for the Church at Emmanuel 


* God provided us opportunities to invest financially and encourage Pastor Mario and his family





* God provided us opportunities to employ some of the men of the barrios for some construction work


* God provided us opportunities to invest and teach the Scriptures through VBS, a church service, and discipleship opportunities with pastors and adults from the barrios


* God provided us sports ministry opportunities in Jorge Silva's community through the avenue of basketball and soccer


* God provided all of our team time to share individually our grace stories of how God had rescued and continues to rescue us as sinners




* God provided tons of laughter and joy as we served


* God provided fresh iguanas for us to clean, bbq and eat!


* God provided renewed and strengthened relationships with Chosen Children Ministries staff as well as developing new relationships


* God provided time, space, and clarity for our team members to process life around the Scriptures


* God provided both individual and team opportunities for us to begin to consider for future investment and partnership with Chosen Children Ministries



We are grateful to God for the work He is doing in Nicaragua, and are also aware that He doesn't need any of us to complete His work...and yet what a privilege it is that He calls us and chooses us to join Him in what He is already doing! We give thanks to God for His great work, for allowing us to serve, and for the privilege to partner with Chosen Children Ministries!





"Apart from me, you can do nothing."  -Jesus-


Dan Carroll, Team Leader


Upcoming Teams:
September 20-27: Pinegrove Baptist Church
September 22-29: First North Baptist Church Choir
September 27- October 4: Berea Baptist Church
September 27- October 4: Laurel Ridge Baptist Church
October 3- 11: Johnson Ferry Baptist Church
October 4-11: Thompson Station Christian School
October 18-25: Linda Clarks Team
October 25-November 1: Polydeck Screen Team
November 1-8: Colonial Heights Baptist Church
November 2-7: North Augusta Baptist Church
November 15-22: Laura Richeson's Team
December 6-13 : CHRISTMAS TRIP
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Phone: 864-599-0067  
Wallace Nix, Director
Kim Nix, Project Manager
Melanie Godfrey, Assistant to Director
Tonya Jones, Office Administrator
Sabra Kennedy, Accounting Associate