Bite-Size Blog #10

"Tiger Shrimp, Hold the Shrimp"

Long before they had a "Jim Hicks Special" on the menu at the Stonington Harbor Yacht Club, I would always order by saying those 5 words, followed by "And double up on the veggies and grains." 

Not only would I get a healthy meal, I would also save $12 compared to the entrée "with" the shrimp.

Later, I prepared a one-pager for the chef and kindly asked that he consider creating one "Vegetarian" option for our menu. Here's the content of that page:
  1. Mostly vegetables. The meal should be at least 2/3 vegetables (whatever combination of 2 or 3 vegetables) that you have on a given day...and 1/3 starch, grains or legumes (rice, quinoa, potato, pasta, or beans). 
  2. Generous portions. The portions should be generous enough to fill the takes a lot of vegetables to make a complete meal. 
  3. Whole grain. Whole grain brown or wild rice and whole grain pasta is preferred.
  4. Oil, salt & animal products. Please make minimal use of oil, butter and added salt...also NO cheese, eggs or dairy.
  5. Whole grain bread. I usually like to have a little bread on the side and would prefer that it be whole grain if possible.
Thankfully, he honored my request and the "Jim Hicks Special" became of the most frequently-ordered items, mostly by women. 

Want a copy? I made up a letter-sized  framed copy of that request for Chef Doug and you can make a copy for your favorite club or restaurant and ask them to create a routine "special" meal for you. 

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J. Morris (Jim) Hicks    917-399-9700

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