May 18, 2016 |

A Model 1886 Winchester rifle presented to Henry Ware Lawton, a U.S. Army captain widely credited with capturing Apache leader Geronimo, drew a winning $1.26 million bid at Rock Island Auction Company's April auction. Click the rifle's photo to read about his connection to The Centennial State.
Be sure to bring a friend to hear Independent Program Attorneys discuss real-life examples of legal use of deadly force. Click the flag at right to find an event near you.
You have a gun to protect yourself from becoming a victim of the criminals. But how do you protect yourself from becoming a victim of the legal system? Arm yourself with knowledge! It is important you understand the responsibilities gun ownership brings with it, so the lawyers have put together this comprehensive and authoritative book on the law for you. Order your copy of Colorado Gun Law: Armed And Educated today and add it to your arsenal of defensive weapons. You own a gun? You need this book.
Speed-shooter Jerry Miculek, aka Captain Louisiana, dons a tight Captain America costume and shoots at a replica Captain America shield with great comic effect. Click the shield to watch two videos about his exploits.
Last month, Gov. Chris Christie and the state's attorney general eased concealed-carry restrictions through the state regulatory process and through their power to issue law-enforcement directives. Click Christie's picture to see who's fighting him on the improvements.
In cooperation with the Chris Kyle Foundation and the Chris Kyle family, Springfield aims to honor the spirit of American Sniper and Navy Seal Chris Kyle while providing direct support to the foundation with some proceeds of the sale of this special pistol. Click the TRP's photo to see the details.
National Firearms Act Program