-June 2016-
Be Educated.
With Elections less than a week away - Don't forget to get informed about your Legislative District. Check out our 2016 State Legislative District Profiles today!
Get Informed. 

Carol is passionate about risk ownership and responsible risk management and views it as an obligation of both individual citizens and the structures that serve them (e.g., government, business, non-profit, social organizations, etc.). In this article, she highlights a research study on impacts of oil drilling and production on the emergency management function in North Dakota that she conducted as a part of her Advanced Business Continuity course with students.  This timely and relevant study report has been distributed to North Dakota Governor Dalrymple and North Dakota legislators and remains available online at
Show Your Support. 
Summertime is here, and you're  out exploring all of the new and great places to find your favorite summer treat. Be it coffee or ice cream, food truck fare or burgers - you check in, share posts, and let everyone know your favorite summer place. 
Why not do that with your favorite data place? 

Consider our data your new favorite iced coffee! 

We invite you to interact with us on Facebook and Twitter. By rating, reviewing, liking, and sharing, you can support ND Compass while letting everyone know your favorite place for a data fix.
Test Yourself. 
Changes in population are the result of births, deaths, and migration of people into and out of a community and have implications on important community components such as the job market, housing, and educational system. Although population growth is somewhat slowing for many North Dakota communities, Watford City's population continues to grow and had the largest annual percent growth among major cities in North Dakota. 
What was the annual percent change for the population of Watford City from 2014 to 2015? 

The North Dakota graduation rate for students obtaining a bachelor's degree showed a three percent increase from 2012 to 2013 (47.1% compared to 50.0%, respectively). Although this rate increase is positive, North Dakota continues to lag behind the United States in the percentage of those students who graduated at a 4-year institution within six years. Read more.
Know What's New.
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By metropolitan area - NEW!
By metropolitan and micropolitan areas

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By cities (annual percent change)

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North Dakota Compass | 701.231.9496 | [email protected] |
PO Box 6050, Dept. 2362, Fargo, ND, 58108-6050 ยท 
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