June 5,
REv Ev This Sunday June 5, 2016 at 11:00 AM join us in being PEACEMAKERS at Unity Boston.

In the book The Quest, the author wrote: "There is a level in every human soul which knows no conflict, competition or contempt, a level which knows peace, harmony and love." Believing that the core essence of every person is Divine Love, we will be celebrating this power of love as citizens of the peace in oneness with each other.

Now, add to this, Charles Fillmore definition of a peacemaker as "One who has the ability to say 'peace' to the turbulent waves of thought and have them obey ... who reduces to peace and harmony all the thoughts of strife, anger, and retaliation in his own mind." We now have the potential to be peacemakers to live as the children of God we are created to be with daily opportunities.

Come join with people from all corners of the earth holding in their hearts the desire for peace. As we demonstrate and promote peace with each act of acceptance, kindness and respect, as we pray for peace in the world, we can also pray to live peacefully within ourselves.
Volda Officer will lead the worship service, as we call upon Spirit to keep our eyes above the wave in oceans deep. There will be great music led by music director Fritz Winegardner with soloists David Gethmann and Juhee Park and singer  Paulene Watson.  A wonderful meditation, and an uplifting message by Rev. Evrol Officer Citizens of Peace complete the celebration.
Unity Boston is a unique place. It teaches you how to bring a loving, caring God alive in your daily life. It teaches you how to apply the teachings of Jesus Christ in practical and successful ways. It is part of a spiritual movement for individuals growing, seeking, unfolding, and becoming what they are truly meant to be, and to recognize and experience the power and presence of God.


Mark the Date!
Sunday June 26, 2016
Annual Garden Party
Unity Boston is celebrating 48 years of continuous worship at
Christ's Church Longwood. 

Also celebrating:
The 153rd Anniversary of the Consecration of Christ's Church Longwood
The 93nd Anniversary of the founding of Unity Boston
The celebration begins at the 11 o'clock service
and continues afterwards under the big tent  
at the Annual Garden Party. 
Special music and guest artists led
by Music Director Fritz Winegardner.
Followed by delicious food,
cool drinks and festive music
out on the lawn under the tents.

Come, bring a friend,
 and a plate to share.

Everyone is welcome!

Mary Verdi Sunday June 5, 2016 
 6:00 PM at Unity Boston.

Mary Verdi in Concert 


  Sundays 12:45 PM

J oin us this Sunday following our coffee and conversation time for an easygoing discussion on the lesson from the service, and how we might want to apply it in our own lives. 
We invite you to stay for The Buzz as we learn and grow while reinforcing the strength of being in commUNITY.




In the beginning was the Word
....and the Word was God.

Every Wednesday evening we take a break during the week to come  together to deepen our faith. The group starts off with a time of Bible study, led by Rev. Evrol, then eases into a period of quiet meditation.

We usually pick a verse, often from Daily Word either for the day or for the following Sunday. We read it, learn the context of it, and then think about what it might mean to us in our own lives. In other words, we dive into its metaphysical meaning and how we can apply it.

This is a wonderful opportunity to discuss the Bible, learn a little history of the times, and develop a way to find how the stories work for you.  We hope you will join us - it's been a rewarding experience.

Wednesday evenings
6:30 - 8:00 PM
Unity Boston

(In the Meeting Room on the lower level)

Bring your favorite Bible if you wish. Variety deepens our understanding and gives us clues to meanings.

Children's Ministry

Sunday School director Renée Tracy reports that class is in full swing. Exciting things are happening. Children of all ages are most welcome. Bring your children to the 11 o'clock service and they will be led downstairs before the Meditation and will return after the Offertory.
Parents are invited to sign up for one Sunday a month to participate in teaching. Please see Renée or Rev. Evrol for information.

Do You Enjoy Praying For The Success of Others?


This program is a foundation for putting three key prosperity practices to work in your life NOW, in divine order, and with the support of our spiritual community: 

  • Focused prayer and affirmation
  • Opening to and expecting the inflow of your good
  • Tithing, the most powerful act of faith in God's abundance and "the surest way ever found to demonstrate plenty"  

Join our Prayer Team in praying for others daily from your home at 7:00 AM or 10:00 PM.







Thank you in advance for remembering those in need of food at this time of the year. Truly hunger knows no season, but if we remember to bring non-perishable and fresh canned or packaged food to Unity Boston, we can fill the basket in the narthex regularly, and help the Brookline Food Pantry meet its goal. 


Bless you! 


smiley face
Spread The Word!  
