JUNE 2016 
  Советский театр
1930 - 1936  
[Near Complete Run]

Sovetskii Teatr. Soviet Theater.

Published by the Organ Upravleniia Teatram i Narkomprosa RSFSR i TsK Rabis. [Administration of Theater by the Narkompros Agency of the RSFSR & TsK Rabis] through April 1936; thereafter by the Organ Vsesoiuznoro Komiteta Po Delam Iskusstv Pri Sovnarkome SSSR [Administration of the All-Union Committee on the Arts]. Moscow.

Offered here is a near complete run of this theatrical periodical, 58 of the 67 total numbers in 44 issues published from 1930-36 (suspended publication from April 1933 through 1934). Profusely illustrated in original pictorial and letterpress wrappers.

Please contact us for details, including condition and price.  

PRODUCTIVE ARTS is participating at the RBMS Bookseller's Showcase in Coral Gables, FL on June 21-22. If you are attending the conference, please make sure you stop at our tables to say hi and learn more about the wide range of Russian and Soviet era material we have available.

10501 Lakeshore Blvd # 3
Bratenahl OH 44108 USA