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A Wave from our Pool

save time and money, help the environment and keep a swim-ready pool 

Next Thursday begins the Season of Eating in North America.  We start with being thankful for the bounty of the Earth and the innate goodness of people to share and help each other.

It just takes off from there - holidays both high and low - straight through to January 2015.   Food and drinks are big parts of entertaining and being social.  Temptation is everywhere so steel your will and pace yourself!

Tip #1
Exercise is both prevention and remedy.  Make time to move your body.  How, where and when is up to you.  Choose something you like to do.  The possibilities are endless.  You'll feel so much better.
Are you coming?
Click through the picture to read our blog on the Pros and Cons of Swimming as Exercise.

OR...join the conversation at or @Solar_Breeze to tell us what you would rather be doing to stay active this holiday season.  We understand that there are other sports.  Some involve snow.
A Gluten-free Dessert Option 
Baked Apples 

Tip #3
- More fruit and less pastry! 
I am sitting at my computer breathing in the heavenly smell of baked apples with cinnamon and spices. 

For 4 apples:
Clean the apples and remove the core.  Do not peel.
In a small bowl, mix 1 cup of brown sugar, 1/2 cup of raisins or currants, 2 tablespoons cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon each of ground cloves and nutmeg (to taste).  Stuff this mixture firmly into the open core.  It's fine to be sloppy. 
Drizzle 1/3 cup lemon juice over and around the apples. 
Cover with foil and bake at 350F for 40 minutes.  Turn off the oven but leave the apples in while their aroma fills your home.  Enjoy!

If you have a truly gluten-intolerant guest, make sure that the spices are pure and have not been 'cut' with an undesirable filler.
Happy Thanksgiving!  We are truly grateful to know you and to have your business. 
The Whole Team at 
Solar Pool Technologies Inc.

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Tip #2
Mix up the Menu
Ramp up your metabolism with Cranberry-Horseradish Relish 

Traditional cranberry sauce is 2c. cranberry, 1c. water and 1c. white sugar - boiled and then cooled. 

Why not try something different that will put some kick in your meal and combat the sleepiness of tryptophan.

This recipe belongs to Mama Stamberg and is brought to us by Solar-Breeze owner, Anna, in Scottsdale.

Grind together:
2 cups raw cranberry
1 small onion

Mix in:
3/4 cup sour cream
2 Tbs horseradish
1/2 cup sugar

Freeze in a sealed container.  An hour or so before serving, move the container from freezer to fridge and let it thaw.
The relish will be thick, creamy, chunky, and shocking pink.
Makes 1.5 pints

For more crazy cranberry options... start here
Tip #4 - Water!


It's easy to get dehydrated in winter.  Since it isn't hot, you don't think you're thirsty.  Think again.  Very few people drink as much water as they should.


When you are headed back for second helpings, ask yourself if you are really hungry or are you actually thirsty.  


Drinking water with a dash of juice just before a meal will make it easier to indulge in moderation.                                  

Solar Pool Technologies
a.k.a. Solar-Breeze
23309 N 17th Dr., Suite #120
Phoenix, AZ 85027
Toll-free 877 350 7665
[email protected]

We will be closed for the holidays
November 27-30
December 24-28
New Year's Eve & Day