For nonprofits and the people who love them...
3 for Thursday, brought to you by K. Weill Consulting Group, LLC
June 2, 2016
Plus, free stuff from us!:

Self-Assessment Tool
T ake this brief assessment to determine whether or not your nonprofit is "in position" to be successful in fundraising!
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1. Must-Know Online Metrics, Trends from Diverse Nonprofits
M+R's 10th Benchmarks Study
This robust study supported by NTEN examines the behaviors and data of 105 nonprofits of varied sectors and sizes in the areas of email fundraising and advocacy, web traffic, social media and paid advertising.

The report is designed to enable you to - you guessed it - benchmark your organization's results against this cohort, as well as to learn what strategies are reaping the best results.

A couple of many findings: on average,
  • Overall online revenue was up 19% between 2015 and 2014, email revenue was up 25%, and monthly giving revenue was up 24%.
  • Website visitors increased 8%, and 1.1% of website visitors made an online donation. 
  • Organizations posted to Facebook 1.3 times per day and tweeted 3.8 times per day.
To download the free report, click here!
Funders Lagging on Covering Indirect Costs
"Pay What It Takes" vs. "Starvation Cycle"
An article in the current edition of the Stanford Social Innovation Review describes a Bridgespan Group study of allowable overhead rates of large foundations. Among its findings, most of these foundations (Gates, Carnegie, Kellogg, Templeton, Lilly, etc) will fund no more than 15% of indirect costs, and sometimes less.

The problem, the study authors found, is that the real proportion of indirect costs of 20 diverse types of nonprofits they  analyzed is much higher than 15% - in fact, it ranges from 21% (a direct service organization) to 89% (a research organization) of direct costs.

3.  Get Agitated!

"The Agitator" Blog Well Worth the $25
Bloggers Tom Belford and Roger Craver do a bang-up job providing thoroughly researched insights about the fundraising and marketing realms. Readers'  comments are as priceless as the blogs!
Brought to you by

K. Weill Consulting Group, LLC

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