"For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you 
plans to give you a hope and a future"
Raising Godly leaders for a country in need
March 2016

What is a school without a playground? Child development experts tell us that play and physical activity is as important to learning as the academics. Now that our Genesis School provides quality academics as well as integrated Bible teaching to preschool and kindergarten classes and 5 primary grades
we have added a playground to our school grounds. Thanks to special gifts
from Grace Covenant Church AWANA in Lakewood, CO, Orphan's Heart
 and one of our long-time friends this addition to the school as well as a small  playground for  the orphanage  were possible.
2015 Tax Information
Are you working on your taxes? For those who gave on coloradogives.org last year, they are a foundation and your gift is to them. They pass the full gift on to us. Because of this these gifts will not show up on your HUM statement. They will not send you a statement but ask that you print your giving history from your account on their site. This does not apply to securegive.com gifts.

Securegive.com Donors
If you have set up a recurring gift to HUM on securegive.com please note that it must be renewed annually.

Click Here

Thank you to our team from Bailey, CO for helping East African Playgrounds with the installation of the playground.


Hines Ugandan Ministries |
homeoffice@hineskids.org | Katherine@hineskids.org http://www.hineskids.org 

P.O. Box 620727,  Littleton, CO 80162
P.O. Box 1402, Mbale, Uganda, East Africa


 Donate Now


16-year-old Jessica, Bailey, C0:
While we were in Kamonkoli, we visited the homes of sponsored children. A couple of times I got to share the gospel with the families and pray for them. At one house I had asked if anyone wanted to accept Jesus and no one raised their hand, or so I thought. When we waked back to the car I heard that the drunken dad, Nelson, had accepted Christ after hearing what I had shared! Now I know what it's like to let God speak through you.
I just returned from a mission at HUM in Uganda. My first time to both and I am taken at seeing our Lord's work in action. Our first encounter with Michael (clinic) and Pastor Charles set a positive and powerful message that our mission was going to offer a week full of blessings and prayers. To see Katherine and staff using God's direction to empower the children of HUM is breathtaking. The opportunity for our team to take part in the home visits was emotionally exhausting. Taking part in Bible study with our brothers and sisters of Uganda was rich with personal testimony that we all are God's children. This letter is only a brick of a week-long foundation that God is good. Thank you Katherine, HUM, and Team Uganda for having been a part of such an outstanding mission.

           God Bless
     Chip dancing with the kids



Write Your Sponsored Child

You may write your child electronically at our website or you may send a letter to our field address.  Small , inexpensive bubble envelope packages may be sent to our field address.  Please do not send packages to our U.S. office as we  are not generally able to get these items to the field.  Never send money to the field address