Self-Help Enterprises was incorporated on February 5, 1965, beginning its mission to assist low-income families of the San Joaquin Valley to improve their living conditions.
In its 50 year history, SHE has helped 6,000 low-income families to build their own homes, rehabilitated over 6,000 homes, developed over 1,300 units of rental housing and has provided technical assistance to over 100 small communities working to provide safe drinking water and sanitary wastewater infrastructure.
These efforts have touched the lives of over 50,000 families, providing security and stability for families and building strong, healthy and sustainable communities.
We look forward to the next 50 years and the impact SHE will have in the nation, in our communities, and in the lives of valley families.

Self-Help Enterprises (SHE) celebrated a special milestone with the completed construction of the 6,000th self-help built home since the organization formed in 1965. The 11 Reedley families spent 10 months building each others homes. Using their family's labor, or "sweat equity", the families realized the dream of becoming homeowners.
Check out the video below of the celebration and learn how mutual self-help homes make a community stronger. 
Self-Help Enterprises (SHE) is hosting a team of 12 young adults from the National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC), an AmeriCorps program, who are assisting SHE through March 22 to construct affordable housing for low-income families in Goshen, CA.
The team arrived in mid-January and is working alongside participant homebuilders and a SHE onsite construction superintendent on several construction tasks including pouring foundations for homes, framing, blocking, electrical work, trim carpentry and siding. We are incredibly grateful for the services of these dedicated AmeriCorps members.
SHE has been selected as an awardee for the UrbanLIFT Community Grant Program sponsored by Wells Fargo Bank and administered by NeighborWorks America�. A grant of nearly $380,000 will fund projects in Delano and Modesto that will improve the quality of life for everyone in the communities by creating safe, sustainable neighborhoods.
Delano has abandoned properties that have been a continued code and law enforcement issue. The grant funds will be used to demolish 7 abandoned single-family units and conduct lot cleanup, which will physically improve and help stabilize the distressed community.
Modesto has an abandoned strip of land along busy thoroughfares that pose unsafe conditions for residents and children walking to school. The UrbanLift grant will contribute to funding for the development of a half mile 50 feet wide walking trail (rendering pictured below). This trail will provide a safe pathway with lighting, call boxes and other security features. Not only will the trail contribute to a safer environment, it will also play a significant role in facilitating physical activity and improving emotional health. The Helen White Memorial Walking Trail, in honor of local leader and advocate Helen White, is currently under construction and will be completed by April 2014.
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