May 2016 
Volume 7  
Issue 16      
In This Issue
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Since 2000 BCSI has performed hundreds of successful investigations.


Our integrated team of investigators and support services ensure that the investigations are conducted in a timely fashion with leading edge techniques. 


BCSI is considered the platinum standard of the industry based on the quality and the wide spectrum of its services as well as the expertise of the investigators.

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Security cameras are supposed to offer security, not provide a window into your private life for anyone who has internet access to view.  For many cameras, no exploit or hacking is needed to view the surveillance footage.

Some businesses may not mind, but cameras that are not properly secured in homes allow for privacy invasions, and the potential for burglars or other criminals to find your address and already know who and what is inside.
There is a website that has collected the streaming footage from over 73,000 IP cameras whose owners haven't changed their default passwords.

The best thing you can do to protect your camera, which is connected to your internet network, is to have a strong password for your internet network.  Do not share your password, even with your friends.  You absolutely must change the default password that the camera came with.
If you're unsure about the security of your security camera, try doing a Google search for how to troubleshoot your specific model of security camera.  This will provide you with a good idea of any known flaws or access points that you may be able to take action on.

Aside from changing passwords, keeping your camera firmware up-to-date is another route to keeping your home or business privacy secure.
If you need assistance with securing your home or business security cameras, or are a victim of a security camera breach, please contact  one of our experienced investigators .  Call our office today at 604-922-6572.