PCIS - spring
at the Presbyterian Church in Sudbury
We invite you to join us for worship this week at 9:30am or 11:00am. The Adult Education class (meets in the Grange, next door) and Sunday School begin at 9:30am. 

Be sure to check our website and the master calendar for additional news about study groupsupcoming events and updates.

9:30am - Worship & Christian Education � 10:30am - Fellowship � 11:00am - Traditional Worship

Worship this week - May 11th

Dr. McIvor's sermon is "All Together Now" based on Acts 2.42-47. Acts tells us that the early Christians in Jerusalem were all "together," that they had "all things in common," and they spent time together with "glad and generous hearts." It's an idyllic picture to be sure. Is it too good to be true? Perhaps. Being "all together" is not something we can say about Christians through most of our history. So what can this text teach us about Christian unity?

Graduation Banquet
Sunday, May 18th
Next Sunday from 6:00-8:00pm, we will be honoring all of our graduating 8th and 12th graders at a potluck dinner in Fellowship Hall. Elizabeth Ostling, associate principal flute of the Boston Symphony Orchestra and principal flute of the Boston Pops will be speaking and performing, and Rev. Bill McIvor will be giving a special address. The sign-up sheet is posted in the lobby. Contact Matt Crane if you have questions.

Mission Team News
The May Special Offering is for a new mission supporting the work of the Rev. Ramesh & Sheba Telore who will be leaving soon for a three-year term at a Presbyterian Ministry, Kohlapur Christian Council (KCC) in Kohlapor India. As self-supporting missionaries who will be teaching new pastors at this rapidly growing ministry founded in 1852, they must raise money to cover their living expenses in Kohlapur. We will be hearing about this ministry the next two Sundays when our Special Offering to KCC will be dedicated. 
Learn more details by reading full article here.

Thank You Volunteers!   
Many thanks to all who participated in the Spring Work Day last Saturday.  With many hands on deck the windows were washed, the grounds raked and weeded. A new motion sensor light and faucet were installed and many pounds old and unused equipment and other clutter were removed. Special thanks to the Youth Group members who hauled trash and cleaned all the kitchen cabinets inside and out. 
Thanks to everyone for all of your hard work!
spring work day
clearing debris

Keep your contact information up-to-date! 

Fill out the form here or contact the office directly.

Stay Connected
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D. William McIvor, Pastor 
Matthew Crane, Director of Christian Education
Matthew Guerrieri, Director of Music