Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training Scholarships

The Apprenticeship and Industry Training Scholarships are designed to recognize the excellence of Alberta apprentices and trainees, and to encourage them to continue and complete their apprenticeship and occupational training.
For eligibility details and application forms, visit
The deadline for applications is June 30, 2016.
Did you know?
  • There are over 345 Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training scholarships available
  • Apprentices do not have to submit their marks with the application form
  • Most scholarships are for $1000 but the Top Apprentice Scholarships have a value of $1500 each... now that's a lot of groceries!
In addition to these scholarships, the Canadian Government also offers tax measures and grants to assist those involved in apprenticeship training. Th tradesecrets website  also has links to information on the:
Apprenticeship Incentive Grant: a taxable cash grant of $1000 per year is available to registered apprentices once they have successfully finished their first or second year of an apprenticeship program.
Apprenticeship Completion Grant: a taxable cash grant of $2000 maximum, available to registered apprentices who have successfully completed their apprenticeship training and obtained their journeyperson certificate.
Tradesperson Tools Deduction: allows all tradespersons to deduct the cost of eligible tools they have purchased in the tax year to earn employment income as a tradesperson.
Federal Apprenticeship Job Creation Tax Credit: a corporation can earn investment tax credit equal to 10% of the eligible salaries and wages paid to apprentices employed in the business tax year to a maximum of of $2000 per year, per apprentice.
If you have questions about scholarships and awards, contact the Recognition and Retention Supports Coordinator at780-422-4472or email