SBP Discoveries
May 2016
Dear Colleagues,

May is here!  And so is the latest edition of SBP Discoveries—news about our research, people, and events that illustrate our commitment to Science Benefiting Patients.  

Here you will read about advances in HIV, obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and a new approach to improving pregnancies by delivering drugs to the placenta. We also share news about our people and events.

We welcome your feedback!

SBP Communications
Drug delivery to the placenta for healthier pregnancies

Nearly 10% of babies are born premature in the United States. The underlying cause is often a poorly functioning placenta. A new study published in Science Advances co-authored by Erkki Ruoslahti, M.D., Ph.D., has found a way to selectively deliver drugs to the placenta without harming the fetus.

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Select Media Coverage: Biospace, StreetInsider, Yahoo Finance

Science News
Research SPARCs a new kidney-heart connection

People with heart disease have a high risk of developing kidney failure and vice versa, but the ties that link kidney failure and heart failure are not clear. Research from the laboratory of Karen Ocorr, Ph.D., published in Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics identifies a protein called SPARC that helps explain the connection.

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Deeper dive into emerging cancer drugs

A major challenge in developing cancer drugs is finding ways to kill tumors without damaging healthy tissue. A new study published in Cell Chemical Biology by Matthew Petroski, Ph.D., provides key insights into how p97 inhibitors might fit into an overall cancer treatment strategy to target tumors.

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New research explains why HIV is not cleared by the immune system

A new study led by Sumit Chanda, Ph.D., explains why the body is unable to mount an efficient immune response to HIV.  The research, published in the journal Cell Host & Microbe, shows that the host protein NLRX1 is responsible—it’s required for HIV infection and represses the innate immune response.

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Select Media Coverage: Times of San Diego, KPBS, Medical News Today, Science Codex

How your organs 'taste' sugar

You might be surprised to learn that the sensors for sweet-tasting molecules aren't located only on your tongue—they're also found in the gut, pancreas, fat tissue, and muscle. New research from the laboratory of George Kyriazis, Ph.D., shows just how important these sweet taste receptors are in regulating metabolism.

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Where are they now?
Monika Schneider, former SBP postdoc, now a health policy analyst in DC

Monika Schneider, Ph.D., was a postdoctoral researcher in the lab of Sumit Chanda, Ph.D. from 2012-2014, where she studied how the immune system recognizes and clears HIV. After serving as a science policy advocate at the American Association of Immunologists, she recently took a position with the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy.
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Former SBP postdoc Louis Lapierre now assistant professor at Brown University

Louis Lapierre, Ph.D., was a postdoctoral researcher in the laboratory of Malene Hansen, Ph.D. from 2008 to 2014, where he studied the molecular mechanisms of aging using the microscopic roundworm C. elegans. He is now an assistant professor in the Department of Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, and Biochemistry at Brown University.
New grants from Pedal the Cause will advance cancer research

Pedal the Cause recently presented $1,300,000 in grant funding for seven collaborative research projects as part of their fight to end cancer. SBP Garth Powis, D. Phil., and Michael Jackson, Ph.D., are on teams with the Moores Cancer Center at UC San Diego receiving grants to study and develop new cancer therapies.

Welcome to our newest and recently renewed President's Circle Members!
• Diane and Knox Bell  
• Carol and George Lattimer 
• Michael Orlando 
• Denise Botticelli and Peter Pickslay
• Joyleen Rottenstein
President's Circle
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SBP team supports multiple sclerosis research at Walk MS

On Saturday, April 23, a team of SBP researchers and their family members participated in Walk MS to raise funds for multiple sclerosis (MS) research and show their support for those affected by the disease.

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SBP's Lake Nona campus to host metabolomics symposium

The annual Southeast Center for Integrated Metabolomics (SECIM) symposium was held at SBP’s Lake Nona Campus (May 3-4). SECIM, a collaboration between SBP and the University of Florida, is one of six federally funded centers that provide cutting-edge metabolite fingerprinting capabilities to the research community.

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La Jolla, CA 92037
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6400 Sanger Road
Orlando, FL  32827