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June 1, 2016

Greetings and blessings! I hope you are enjoying the beginning days of summer. We have two special opportunities this month for you and your parish:  
First, the Pro-Life Women's Conference on June 24-26. Nowhere else will you hear from so many national leaders on critical pro-life / pro-family topics!  If you haven't already, be sure to register at by June 17 (the extended discount deadline!) This conference is also a great investment for Baby Bank proceeds to allow more from your committee and parish to attend.
Second, CPLC is hosting its annual  Day of Reflection on  June 27 at St. Monica Family Life Center. This special event just for CPLC volunteers, board and staff is a much-needed opportunity for renewal and rejuvenation. We are so excited that  Fr. Stephen Sanchez from  Our Lady of Mount Carmel Center  will be leading multiple talks this year. RSVP to [email protected]  or 214-392-7545 by June 22. 
Please also mark your calendars for the following additional events this month:
Coming up in July are two events just for men:

First is a  at St. Monica featuring a presentation on " How abortion affects the family." Whether for you, your family, or someone you know or want to help, all men are welcome!  For more information click here

And on July 23, we will hold our third annual Project Joseph Day of Healing for men in English. Visit for more information. A Rachel's Vineyard weekend retreat will be also be held for women and men on August 5-7 in Spanish and August 26-28 in English.
Our Healing after Abortion ministry is distributing special materials to promote these healing opportunities during the Year of Mercy; if you haven't received your materials, please come by the CPLC office (14675 Midway, Suite 121) to pick them up or contact Eileen Kuhlmann at [email protected] to obtain them. Please help us in this outreach to those most in need of Christ's merciful love!
Be sure to also save the date for our bilingual Summer Mass, Adoration and Rosary for Life on July 16 at Nuestra Se ñ ora del Pilar and Planned Parenthood. Amidst our vacation plans, it is critical that we pause to pray and stand witness in these summer months.
Finally, I'd like to share an interesting blog by Bishop Denis Madden that I recently found on the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) website. I thought I would share it with you because I found it very thought provoking and challenging. 
This summer saw heart-breaking acts of violence throughout the world, especially in the Middle East, with the near eradication of Iraq's ancient Christian communities by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Atrocities can shock us into silence and feelings of helplessness, but, these events should intensify our duty to speak out. 
For many, this might seem counterintuitive. Dialogue in the face of savage, unreasoning violence? Engagement with the religion many people automatically (and wrongly) blame for this violence? But the bishops insist that "the most efficient way to work toward ending or at least curtailing such violence and prejudice is through building networks of dialogue that can overcome ignorance, extremism, and discrimination and so lead to friendship and trust with Muslims."
This is not only about countering the violent extremism of a group like ISIS, but building a future in which the seeds of such extremism wither and die rather than take root .  Pope Francis has repeatedly urged dialogue   among all people as a way of leading to understanding and friendship and as "the only way to peace." 
Let us pray for each of these attackers that they may learn the value of life and that they may realize that life is a gift from God. 
Thanks for all you do for Life. 
God bless,

David Carr
CPLC Director of Parish Coordination
Catholic Pro-Life Committee of North Texas | 972-267-LIFE (5433) | [email protected] 
P.O. Box 803541, Dallas, TX 75380