June Motivation

Living in Orlando it has felt like summer for awhile now, but after Memorial Day we know it is truly here! Kids are out of school, schedules become relaxed, summer vacations are right around the corner! Here are some summer tips to help keep you motivated and from preventing the same old routines day after day.  Please share your pictures with us! We love seeing all your summertime adventures.

Summer Classes

Tuesday's & Thursday's
4:00 pm - 4:45 pm
June 7th - June 30th
6:30 pm - 7:15 pm
June 10th-June 29th
Lacrosse Training
Stretch & Roll 
Boys Ages 8-13
Stretching based class using the Foam Roller..Great for Date Night or Friends Night Out!
Cost: $120.00
Pay by the class or use your class series

Are you committed to what you do?
Are you 100% focused?
Do you play with passion?
Are you mentally tough?
Are you spending time nourishing your physical and mental being?
Are you ready to dig down deep and go for what it takes to be great?

It is time to get rid of head-trash and "get our minds right." To work on a plan for our, life, relationships, career, finances, adventure, and more. 
To live with passion, purpose and a vision.
When most people hear the term "WEALTH" they think money . It is about that, but there are several other components to life that make a person truly rich.
Together we will tackle the 10 forms of "WEALTH".  Creating a FULLNESS OF LIFE.   Gaining clarity on how and where we need to be focusing our energy. 

Be prepared to "go deep" 

Here are some testimonials from our last 10 Forms of Wealth Seminar!

"I thought it was great. Almost wish it were longer. Make it more of a workshop. The group you had could have spent 2 hours there. You did beautifully. It worked because you were believable and, honest with all of us."

"Thank you so much for a wonderful presentation and the walking exercise illustrating one of the basic points. It makes the lesson stick.  I think an hour or an hour and a half might be perfect."

"I have definitely already started to put the tools you shared to work.......and they are already working"

Please join me on Tuesday, June 14th @ 6:30 pm
Cost: $10 for members, $20.00 for non members.
Dinner and materials will be provided.
RSVP to [email protected] by June 5th
June Power Performer

Congratulations to Anna Moscovitz! She is this month's Power Performer! Anna always comes in with a smiling face, ready to work! She is constantly challenging herself and competed in our most recent challenge and won! Here's what Anna has to say about Workout 32789!

What's the biggest change you have noticed physically and mentally since you started training at Workout 32789?

Probably the biggest change mentally is just the feeling of accomplishment after a good workout, knowing that I have done something that is good for me. Physically being able to fit into those skinny jeans!

What's your favorite part of working out?

My favorite part of working out is being able to see and feel positive results of my hard work. I'm physically stronger with more endurance than ever before!

When did you realize it was time to make a change in your life?

I have been a long time exercise enthusiast, but right after I had a baby in 2013 I really had to get more serious about exercise and get the baby weight off. So I changed my schedule and added some extra workout days to my routine. 

What did you hope to accomplish since you started training at Workout 32789?

I always have hoped to accomplish by working out at 32789 is to maintain muscle tone and keep my body as healthy as possible for as long as possible. 

H.E.A.T. Online Coaching w/ Judi!

14 day online challenge group that will begin Friday, June 10th with week-end prep work and GO DAY will be the following Monday, June 13th. We'll share tips together in an easy and fun interactive closed Facebook Group page. All while eating well, exercising, and sharing tips on those things that touch our souls. 

Cost: $100.00 (If you sign up today..JUNE 1ST!) 
Cost after June 1st: $125.00

  • Pre work road map questionnaire and a copy of the mini book "Diverting the Thought: When anxiety, stress and OCD control your eating." 
  • Shopping trip to Trader Joe's for guidance & help with ideas to eat clean, healthy all while incorporating some new ideas & recipes to spark your creativity!
  • Video Zoom conferencing once a week to get our minds right, go over our goals, and create a positive team approach to this group.
  • A dinner at Judi's house on the last Thursday night. This will give everyone a chance to bring a favorite healthy recipe while we all get together to enjoy each others company!
Daily motivational and inspirational posts which will include:
Exercise videos
Judi's famous video recipe presentations
Recipes and video demonstrations 
Daily feedback with each member of the group.
Click to sign up here!
Best Black Bean Salsa Recipe!

Serving Size: 8-10 as an appetizer

2 (15-ounce) cans black beans, rinsed & drained
2 fresh ears of corn on cob, steamed for 4 minutes, cool, and cut from cob
4 roma tomatoes, seeded and diced
1 large avocado, peeled and diced
1 green bell pepper, diced
1 red or orange bell pepper, diced
1 small red onion, diced
1 small jalapeno pepper, diced small (optional)
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro leaves
2 Tbsps fresh lime juice
1 Tbsps apple cider, or red wine vinegar
1 dash of fave hot sauce (such as Tobasco)
Sea salt & pepper to taste

1. Gently combine all ingredients thoroughly in a large bowl.
2. Cover and chill overnight for best flavor.
3. Taste and add salt, pepper or more lime juice as desired.
4. Serve with organic tortilla chips, or toasted Ezekiel wraps as an appetizer,
Say hello to our newest member...

Workout 32789 wants to welcome "Barbie" our new cooler to the family. Stop over to the new merchandise area and let Barbie offer you a cold drink before or after your next workout! We are selling Vitamin Water, Sparkling Water and Naked Fruit Smoothies..yum!

Vitamin Water = $3.00
Lacroix Sparkling Water = $2.00
Naked Fruit Smoothie = $2.00

We can charge your purchases to your account for convenience!
NEW Book!

Our very own Robin recently wrote a mini book titled "Diverting the Thought: When anxiety, stress and OCD control your eating."

We tend to overeat and lack motivation to exercise, but do we ever ask ourselves why? Is your eating controlled by anxious thoughts and stress or OCD compulsions? Do you know the tools to exercise but just don't have the motivation to do so? This mini book talks about three questions we should be asking ourselves when we are experiencing these thoughts and feelings and how to divert those negative thoughts. 

You can purchase your copy in studio or on Amazon! Click the link below to purchase: