A Course in Miracles
Course in Miracles Society, Original Edition 
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Daily Lesson 227
WB Part II Introduction
What is Forgiveness
Sarah's Reflections
TEXT 20, 45-57
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A Course in Miracles-Original Edition
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A Course in Miracles is a self-study course.

In the beginning it tells us, "This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean
you can establish the curric...


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Relationship-Temple of HS
VII. "The Temple of the Holy Spirit"

49 The Holy Spirit's temple is not a body, but a relationship. The body is an isolated speck of darkness; a hidden secret room, a tiny spot of senseless mystery, a meaningless enclosure carefully protected, yet hiding nothing. Here the unholy relationship escapes reality and seeks for crumbs to keep itself alive. Here it would drag its brothers, holding them here in its idolatry. Here it is "safe," for here love cannot enter. The Holy Spirit does not build His temples where love can never be. Would He Who sees the face of Christ choose as His home the only place in all the universe where it can not be seen?          



SonShip Workbook  

L e s s o n  227

This is my holy instant of release.



Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio
    Father, it is today that I am free,

    because my will is Yours. I thought to make

    another will. Yet nothing that I thought

    apart from You exists. And I am free

    because I was mistaken, and did not

    affect my own reality at all

    by my illusions. Now I give them up,

    and lay them down before the feet of truth,

    to be removed forever from my mind.

    This is my holy instant of release.

    Father, I know my will is one with Yours.

  And so today we find our glad return

   to Heaven, which we never really left.

   The Son of God this day lays down his dreams.

   The Son of God this day comes home again,

   released from sin and clad in holiness,

   with his right mind restored to him at last.


Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio
What is 'Iambic Pentameter'?

   Words will mean little now. We use them but

   as guides on which we do not now depend,

   for now we seek direct experience

   of truth alone. The lessons which remain

   are merely introductions to your times

   in which you leave the world of pain and go,

   and enter into peace. Now we begin

   to reach the goal this course has set, and find

   the end towards which our practicing was geared.


   Now we attempt to let the exercise

   be merely a beginning. For we wait

   in quiet expectation for our God

   and Father. He has promised He will take

   the final step Himself. And we are sure

   His promises are kept. We have come far

   along the road. And now we wait for Him.

   We will continue spending time with Him

   each morning and at night, as long as makes

   us happy. We will not consider time

   a matter of duration now. We use

   as much as we will need for the result

   that we desire. Nor will we forget

   our hourly remembrance, in between

   calling to God when we have need of Him

   as we are tempted to forget our goal.


   We will continue with a central thought

   for all the days to come. And we will use

   that thought to introduce our times of rest,

   and calm our minds at need. Yet we will not

   content ourselves with simple practicing

   in the remaining holy instants which

   conclude the year that we have given God.

   We say some simple words of welcome, and

   expect our Father to reveal Himself

   as He has promised. We have called on Him,

   and He has promised that His Son will not

   remain unanswered when he calls on Him.


   Now do we come to Him with but His Word

   upon our minds and hearts. And wait for Him

   to take the step to us that He has told

   us, through His Voice, He would not fail to take

   when we invited Him. He has not left

   His Son in all his madness, nor betrayed

   His trust in him. Has not His faithfulness

   earned Him the invitation that He seeks

   to make you happy? We will offer it,

   and it will be accepted. So our times

   with Him will now be spent. We say the words

   of invitation that His Voice suggests,

   and then we wait for Him to come to us.


   Now is the time of prophesy fulfilled.

   Now are all ancient promises upheld

   and fully kept. No step remains for time

   to separate from its accomplishment.

   For now we cannot fail. Sit silently

   and wait upon your Father. He has willed

   to come to you when you had recognized

   it is your will He do so. And you could

   have never come this far unless you saw,

   however dimly, that it is your will.


   I am so close to you we cannot fail.

   Father, we give these holy times to You

   in gratitude to Him Who taught us how

   to leave the world of sorrow, in exchange

   for its replacement given us by You.

   We look not backward now. We look ahead,

   and fix our eyes upon the journey's end.

   Accept these little gifts of thanks from us,

   as through Christ's vision we behold a world

   beyond the world we made, and take that world

   to be the full replacement for our own.


   And now we wait in silence, unafraid,

   and certain of Your coming. We have sought

   to find our way by following the Guide

   You sent to us. We did not know the way,

   but You did not forget us. And we know

   that You will not forget us now. We ask

   but that Your ancient promises be kept

   which are Your Will to keep. We will with You

   in asking this. The Father and the Son,

   Whose holy Will created all that is,

   can fail in nothing. In this certainty,

   we undertake these last few steps to You,

   and rest in confidence upon Your Love,

   Which will not fail Your Son, who called to You.


   And so we start upon the final part

   of this one holy year, which we have spent

   together in the search for truth and God,

   Who is its its one Creator. We have found

   the way He chose for us, and made the choice

   to follow it as He would have us go.

   His hand has held us up. His Thoughts have lit

   the darkness of our minds. His Love has called

   to us unceasingly since time began.


   We had a wish that God would fail to have

   the Son whom He created in Himself.

   We wanted God to change Himself, and be

   what we would make of Him. And we believed

   that our insane desires were the truth.

   Now we are glad that this is all undone,

   and we no longer think illusions true.

   The memory of God is shimmering

   across the wide horizons of our minds.

   A moment more, and It will rise again.

   A moment more, and we who are God's Son

   are safely home, where He would have us be.


   Now is the need for practice almost done.

   For in this final section we will come

   to understand that we need only call

   to God, and all temptations disappear.

   Instead of words, we need but feel His Love.

   Instead of prayers, we need but call His Name.

   Instead of judging, we need but be still

   and let all things be healed. We will accept

   the way God's plan will end, as we received

   the way it started. Now is it complete.

   This year has brought us to eternity.


   One further use for words we still retain.

   From time to time, instructions on a theme

   of special relevance will intersperse

   our daily lessons and the periods

   of wordless, deep experience which should

   come afterwards. These special thoughts should be

   reviewed each day, each one of them to be

   continued till the next is given you.

   They should be slowly read and thought about

   a little while, preceding one of the

   holy and blessed instants in the day.


   We give the first of these instructions now.
What is Forgiveness  
Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio
   Forgiveness recognizes what you thought

   your brother did to you has not occurred.

   It does not pardon sins, and make them real.

   It sees there was no sin. And in this view

   are all your sins forgiven. What is sin

   except a false idea of God's Son?

   Forgiveness merely sees its falsity,

   and therefore lets it go. What then is free

   to take its place is now the Will of God.


   An unforgiving thought is one which makes

   a judgment that it will not raise to doubt,

   although it is untrue. The mind is closed,

   and will not be released. The thought protects

   projection, tightening its chains, so that

   distortions are more veiled and more obscure;

   less easily accessible to doubt,

   and further kept from reason. What can come

   between a fixed projection and the aim

   that it has chosen as its needed goal?


   An unforgiving thought does many things.

   In frantic action it pursues its goal,

   twisting and overturning what it sees

   as interfering with its chosen path.

   Distortion is its purpose, and the means

   by which it would accomplish it as well.

   It sets about its furious attempts

   to smash reality without concern

   for anything that would appear to pose

   a contradiction to its point of view.


   Forgiveness, on the other hand, is still

   and quietly does nothing. It offends

   no aspect of reality, nor seeks

   to twist it to appearance that it likes.

   It merely looks and waits and judges not.

   He who would not forgive must judge, for he

   must justify his failure to forgive.

   But he who would forgive himself must learn

   to welcome truth exactly as it is.


   Do nothing, then, and let forgiveness show

   you what to do through Him Who is your Guide,

   your Saviour and Defender, strong in hope

   and certain of your ultimate success.

   He has forgiven you already, for

   such is His function, given Him by God.

   Now must you share His function, and forgive

   whom He has saved, whose sinlessness He sees,

   and whom He honors as the Son of God. "


  ORIGINAL HAND SCRIPT ~ September 21, 1970


ACIM Edmonton - Sarah's Reflections 

ACIM Edmonton, CA

Lesson 227
This is my holy instant of release.

*Quotes in this article are from Foundation for Inner Peace edition; To locate the same quotes in the 'Original Edition', use this link:  http://www.jcim.net/acim_us/Acim.php 
[Use 'Advanced Search' and 'Exact Phrase' option]

Sarah's Commentary:

The intent of our practice of the lessons right now is to enter the holy instant. What is the holy instant? It is the instant outside of time in which we choose forgiveness instead of guilt, the miracle instead of the grievance, and the Holy Spirit instead of the ego. It is the expression of our little willingness to enter the experience of the present which is a window on eternity. Holding onto the past and fearing the future is what keeps us in hell. The holy instant is an experience of Oneness. It is a sense of transcendence from our identification with the body. It is joining with our brothers where separate interests are dissolved. It is an acceptance of the truth about ourselves. Thus you can see that the holy instant is a very flexible concept covering all kinds of experiences of the truth of who we are as Spirit. The experiences may be fleeting yet increase as we practice the lessons and apply them in our lives more and more. They bring us to a way of being as we open to the real world. The real world reflects the truth that is in the right mind.

Through the experiences of the holy instant, we are released from our mistaken idea that we have defiled ourselves and are too guilt ridden to ever return home. With guilt comes the fear of God's punishment, which the ego has told us we have coming to us because of our sin. The guilt and fear that come as a result of our belief in sin are projected on the world. Now we experience a world of suffering, where problems abound. But the experience of separation will be dissolved in the Holy Spirit's gentle love as we bring all of our misperceptions about ourselves and the world to His healing light. Now our wrong-minded thoughts give way and the recognition that our will is one with God's Will comes to awareness.

You are the Will of God. Do not accept anything else as your will, or you are denying what you are. Deny this and you will attack, believing you have been attacked. But see the Love of God in you, and you will see it everywhere because it is everywhere. See His abundance in everyone and you will know that you are in Him with them. They are part of you, as you are part of God. You are as lonely without understanding this as God Himself is lonely when His Sons do not know Him. The peace of God is understanding this." (T.7.VII.10.1-8)

Yes, as Jesus tells us in this lesson, we do think we have made another will, but in spite of what we believe, it does not actually exist at all. To us it does seem that we have a separate will from God's Will. We experience ourselves as separate, alone, with a unique individual identity. We seem to have private thoughts, beliefs and opinions that we alone believe we experience. Yet it is clear "nothing that I thought apart from You (God) exists." (W.227.1.3) Thus, who I think I am does not even exist! We are all characters in a dream playing out a role with other characters that we think are as real as we think we are! Ideas do not leave their source. Everything we see is a projection of what is in our minds.

We exercise our separate will when we focus on what we want to accomplish, what we are hoping to have happen, what conflicts we believe are in front of us to resolve, our individual goals, our plans for safety, comfort and pleasure, and our self preservation both physically and psychologically. Or we talk of using our willpower to overcome some addiction or other perceived malady in ourselves and are thus exerting force instead of connecting to the power available to us. When we recognize that "my will is Yours," (W.227.1.1) (God's) we are surrendering to His Will and joining in His Power. We admit that, in and of ourselves, and through our own willpower, we are actually powerless. We give up our illusions and "lay them down before the feet of truth." (1.5) Once we truly do that, then our illusions are forever removed from our minds.

So the key is to surrender. It is to surrender our goals, our plans, our perceived outcomes and our control. It is to surrender our thoughts and release them into His Hands. It is to give up being in charge of our own lives. It is through forgiveness that we release the thoughts we are holding that interfere with our ability to experience the holy instant. In the Song of Prayer pamphlet, a supplementary to the Course, we are told that forgiveness as defined in this Course is very different from traditional forgiveness which is called "forgiveness to destroy." The key difference is that forgiveness as defined in the Course rests on the truth that what your brother did to you did not happen. Why? Because in truth, nothing that does not come from God exists. Only our interpretation about what seemed to happen is what must be released.

It is our beliefs that create the struggle for us. We believe that our reality is a body. We believe that we can find happiness in special relationships. We believe that this world is real. We believe that we can accomplish anything we determine to do entirely on our own. We believe that we are separate from each other and different from each other. We believe that there are things in this world that will make us happy. We believe that we are totally justified in the way we see things.  We defend our positions vigorously. Don't all these things seem to be the case in this seeming reality? So what do we do? Why do we stay attached to these positions? Why have we closed our minds instead of raising all of our perceptions to doubt? Because we have become comfortable with the status quo, which means we are comfortable with our suffering, our experiences, our struggle and our story. It is something that we know and it shows us that we exist. Where will this Course take me if I really commit to learning these lessons? What will God want from me? What will I have to give up? What will I become? Who will I be? The fear is of annihilation of this special self that we cling to.

In "What is Forgiveness?", Jesus tells us, "Forgiveness, on the other hand, is still, and quietly does nothing."(W.PII.Q1.4.1) "My spouse left me" "It (Forgiveness)
merely looks, and waits, and judges not." (W.PII.Q1.4.3) "My boss chastised me" "It (Forgiveness) merely looks, and waits, and judges not." "Someone cut me off in traffic." "It (Forgiveness) merely looks, and waits, and judges not." What it means is that forgiveness looks at the ego thought system, waits patiently for us to change our minds, and looks without judgment on ourselves or others in the process. It does not smash reality into a more desirable shape. We have no idea what anything in our lives is for. We simply do not know what any of it means. Our own interpretations are always wrong. Now we agree to release our interpretations and instead turn them over to the Holy Spirit Who will infuse everything that seems to happen with His purpose, which is undoing the way we see now. We surrender our will and our way!

"The Holy Spirit asks of you but this; bring to Him every secret you have locked away from Him. Open every door to Him, and bid Him enter the darkness and lighten it away. At your request He enters gladly. He brings the light to darkness if you make the darkness open to Him. But what you hide He cannot look upon. He sees for you, and unless you look with Him He cannot see." (T.14.VII.6.1-6)

Thus, to enter the holy instant, we clear our minds of what we think we know, of what we are withholding, of our defenses, of our grievances, our will, and our way, and surrender into the quiet center of our being where we commune with Stillness. This requires no effort. In fact, striving to achieve it puts the ego in charge of our awakening, which will never work. Striving will keep us from this experience. Putting the ego in charge of this process is like trying to make yourself holy. You can't do it. Just bring your awareness to the thoughts that arise and be willing to recognize that they are not the truth. So by taking these thoughts of past hurts, disappointments, anger, hatred, shame, pride, sickness, death, worry, aging, frustrations, impatience and laying "them down before the feet of Truth," they are "removed forever from my mind."  (W.227.1.5)

"The world you see is but the idle witness that you were right. This witness is insane. You trained it in its testimony, and as it gave it back to you, you listened and convinced yourself that what it saw was true. You did this to yourself. See only this and you will also see how circular the reasoning on which your 'seeing' rests." (T.21.II.5.1-5)

Love and blessings, Sarah 

[email protected]


Quotes in this article are from Foundation for Inner Peace edition; To locate the same quotes in the 'Original Edition', use this link:  http://www.jcim.net/acim_us/Acim.php    

[Use 'Advanced Search' and Exact Phrase' option]

VII. The Temple of the Holy Spirit     

45 The meaning of the Son of God lies solely in his relationship with his Creator. If it were elsewhere, it would rest upon contingency, but there is nothing else. And this is wholly loving and forever. Yet has the Son of God invented an unholy relationship between him and his Father. His real relationship is one of perfect union and unbroken continuity. The one he made is partial, self-centered, broken into fragments, and full of fear. The one created by his Father is wholly self-encompassing and self-extending. The one he made is wholly self-destructive and self-limiting.


46 Nothing can show the contrast better than the experience of both a holy and an unholy relationship. The first is based on love and rests on it, serene and undisturbed. The body does not intrude upon it. Any relationship in which the body enters is based not on love, but on idolatry. Love wishes to be known, completely understood, and shared. It has no secrets; nothing that it would keep apart and hide. It walks in sunlight, open-eyed and calm, in smiling welcome and in sincerity so simple and so obvious it cannot be misunderstood. But idols do not share.


47 Idols accept, but never make return. They can be loved, but cannot love. They do not understand what they are offered, and any relationship in which they enter has lost its meaning. They live in secrecy, hating the sunlight and happy in the body's darkness where they can hide and keep their secrets hidden along with them. And they have no relationships, for no one else is welcome there. They smile on no one, and those who smile on them they do not see.


48 Love has no darkened temples where mysteries are kept obscure and hidden from the sun. It does not seek for power, but for relationships. The body is the ego's chosen weapon for seeking power through relationships. And its relationships must be unholy, for what they are, it does not even see. It wants them solely for the offerings on which its idols thrive. The rest it merely throws away, for all that it could offer is seen as valueless. Homeless, the ego seeks as many bodies as it can collect to place its idols in and so establish them as temples to itself.


49 The Holy Spirit's temple is not a body, but a relationship. The body is an isolated speck of darkness; a hidden secret room, a tiny spot of senseless mystery, a meaningless enclosure carefully protected, yet hiding nothing. Here the unholy relationship escapes reality and seeks for crumbs to keep itself alive. Here it would drag its brothers, holding them here in its idolatry. Here it is "safe," for here love cannot enter. The Holy Spirit does not build His temples where love can never be. Would He Who sees the face of Christ choose as His home the only place in all the universe where it can not be seen?


50 You cannot make the body the Holy Spirit's temple, and it will never be the seat of love. It is the home of the idolater and of love's condemnation. For here is love made fearful and hope abandoned. Even the idols that are worshiped here are shrouded in mystery and kept apart from those who worship them. This is the temple dedicated to no relationships and no return. Here is the "mystery" of separation perceived in awe and held in reverence. What God would have not be is here kept "safe" from Him. But what you do not realize is what you fear within your brother and would not see in him is what makes God seem fearful to you and kept unknown.


51 Idolaters will always be afraid of love, for nothing so severely threatens them as love's approach. Let love draw near them and overlook the body, as it will surely do, and they retreat in fear, feeling the seeming firm foundation of their temple begin to shake and loosen. Brothers, you tremble with them. Yet what you fear is but the herald of escape. This place of darkness is not your home. Your temple is not threatened. You are idolaters no longer. The Holy Spirit's purpose lies safe in your relationship and not your bodies. You have escaped the body. Where you are the body cannot enter, for the Holy Spirit has set His temple there.


52 There is no order in relationships. They either are or not. An unholy relationship is no relationship. It is a state of isolation which seems to be what it is not. No more than that. The instant that the mad idea of making your relationship with God unholy seemed to be possible, all your relationships were made meaningless. In that unholy instant, time was born and bodies made to house the mad idea and give it the illusion of reality. And so it seemed to have a home that held together for a little while in time and vanished. For what could house this mad idea against reality but for an instant?


53 Idols must disappear and leave no trace behind their going. The unholy instant of their seeming power is frail as is a snowflake, but without its loveliness. Is this the substitute you want for the eternal blessing of the holy instant and its unlimited beneficence? Is the malevolence of the unholy relationship, so seeming powerful and so bitterly misunderstood and so invested in a false attraction, your preference to the holy instant which offers you peace and understanding? Then lay aside the body and quietly transcend it, rising to welcome what you really want. And from His holy temple, look you not back on what you have awakened from. For no illusions can attract the minds that have transcended them and left them far behind.


54 The holy relationship reflects the true relationship the Son of God has with his Father in reality. The Holy Spirit rests within it in the certainty it will endure forever. Its firm foundation is eternally upheld by truth, and love shines on it with the gentle smile and tender blessing it offers to its own. Here the unholy instant is exchanged in gladness for the holy one of safe return. Here is the way to true relationships held gently open, through which you walk together, leaving the body thankfully behind and resting in the Everlasting Arms. Love's arms are open to receive you and give you peace forever.


55 The body is the ego's idol; the belief in sin made flesh and then projected outward. This produces what seems to be a wall of flesh around the mind, keeping it prisoner in a tiny spot of space and time, beholden unto death and given but an instant in which to sigh and grieve and die in honor of its master. And this unholy instant seems to be life; an instant of despair, a tiny island of dry sand, bereft of water and set uncertainly upon oblivion. Here does the Son of God stop briefly by to offer his devotion to death's idols, and then pass on. And here he is more dead than living. Yet it is also here he makes his choice again between idolatry and love.


56 Here it is given him to choose to spend this instant paying tribute to the body or let himself be given freedom from it. Here he can accept the holy instant, offered him to replace the unholy one he chose before. And here can he learn relationships are his salvation and not his doom. You who are learning this may still be fearful, but you are not immobilized. The holy instant is of greater value now to you than its unholy seeming counterpart, and you have learned you really want but one. This is no time for sadness. Perhaps confusion, but hardly discouragement.


57 You have a real relationship, and it has meaning. It is as like your real relationship with God as equal things are like unto each other. Idolatry is past and meaningless. Perhaps you fear each other a little yet; perhaps a shadow of the fear of God remains with you. Yet what is that to those who have been given one true relationship beyond the body? Can they be long held back from looking on the face of Christ? And can they long withhold the memory of their relationship with their Father from themselves and keep remembrance of His love apart from their awareness?




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