BAPTISMS & Lowest Book Pricing Ever...
Just a quick minute!  I wanted you to know about two things: recently baptized and a new opportunity.  That last email from me?  I hit the "send" button on the "template" - very sorry! 

We're having a HUGE sale ($9.99/copy) on ANY quantity, now until May 31st!  We're offering the lowest pricing we've ever offered because we want to get these evangelism tools into the hands of those who are working to seek and save the lost.  Just look below... 
Books on Sale
Muscle and a Shovel
49,000 baptisms/restorations to date.  All glory to God!  
ANY quantity

When Shovels Break
Over 6,000 restorations
to date.  God's blessings upon the Muscle sequel have been remarkable!  
ANY quantity
Books on Sale
Revel Knox: Seven Times From Hell
Michael's latest novel, a classic western fiction, contains the gospel and plan of salvation within the story-line.
ANY quantity
M&S Student Class Workbook
& Teacher's Manual
The student workbook and teacher's manual are being offered for 
ANY quantity
Video Baptism: Jessica Baptized into Christ after Reading Muscle...
CLICK HERE to be taken to the video.
Shared by Jarred Pettijohn via Facebook 

" Brother Michael J. Shank, I wanted to share with you the great news of Jessica obeying the gospel thanks to the helpful study guide that Muscle and a Shovel is to those who are seeking the truth. "

Shawn Paden & Family

Shane Ott's reported (April 22, 2016):

"Baptism tonight!  Another sister in Christ after studying with a Bible and Muscle and a Shovel!

Facebook Response by Sylla Bennett Easter on the baptism above:
" Michael, we had 3 baptisms as a result of Muscle and a Shovel along with the Bible! I am so happy for the Otts [Shane Otts, gospel preacher, Judsonia church of Christ, and the Paden family]! Angels in heaven are singing! "

Baptized into Christ!  
Luke Leonard

My name is Luke Leonard. I am 35 years old. I was raised in the church of Christ and baptized when I was a young man, then fell back into the ways of the world. 

My wife, Tiffany, who is a Christian would convince me to attend the services from time to time, but I was living in a daze. Acting like going to church services being the person God wanted me to be was a nuisance. Boy, what an idiot I was. 

I came in contact with Shane Otts. What a fine man of God he is. He gave me some words of encouragement, along with a copy of Muscle and a Shovel, and When Shovels Break. God bless him for that and God bless Michael Shank. As soon as I began reading Muscle and a Shovel I was drawn in, and the guilt in my heart was overwhelming. Even though I was taught all the truth's in God's word, the years of being away had clouded my memory. I read this book in 2 days and went to the services at Judsonia church of Christ. I responded to the invitation and repented for all my sins and for not being faithful.

I have a beautiful wife, and 3 wonderful young children who look up to me. What mixed emotions I had. Sadness overwhelmed me for not putting God first. I think of all the people I could have helped. I read When Shovels Break in a day and realized that I have to leave my past in my past. God forgives me! What peace I have now. Praise God! I am on a mission to Heaven. I am focused. I have studied the Bible more in the last week than I had the previous 5 years.

Without my brothers in Christ, Shane Otts and Michael Shank, I would still be lost. I am forever grateful to you guys for helping lead me back to Christ. Our whole purpose for living is to do God's will and spread the gospel! I hope I can help others how you guys have helped me, by speaking, writing, and living a life led by the truth!!

I want to be a Randall, thanks to you, Mr. Shank!


by Kimberly Estep Picklesimer via Facebook:

I bought When Shovel Breaks for my brother who as been out of the church for years. He has struggled with addiction for a very long time, lost his job, his driver's license, and all of his hope.

Within reading the first couple of pages, he called me crying. He said he felt like he was reading about himself. He had been living with a girlfriend at not working.

Now, he has gone back to the church, moved out on his own, working, and has a restored faith and wonderful outlook. He says your book is what gave him the motivation he needed.

Thank you so much for all that you do! Love, Your sister in Christ,

CLICK HERE to watch video.
In this video, Why Jon Left, Jon discusses how he began to question what he thought was the truth after reading Muscle and a Shovel.  
It's a powerful testimony to the power of God's Word and those loving brethren who were willing to help him find the Truth!
Stoney and Haley's Conversion Story:

Muscle and a Shovel changed our lives, and we are so grateful for it!!! The minute we read the book, it answered every sing le question we have ever had regarding being baptized and doing right as a Christian. The only problem was, we had done nothing right at all and havent been our entire lives! We were pretty sure what we had to next, we just needed someone to reassure us, and lead us in the right direction, and that person was Shane Otts!

We first received the book [Muscle and a Shovel] from Stoney's sister, Amber Glaze, who had received it from Shane when she visited Judsonia church of Christ. We read the book within a couple of days. Everything that was talked about, had a scripture to back up the comment. That made it extremely believable. How could you deny that? 

Once we started reading it, we didn't want to put it down, because we kept learning more and more and couldn't believe how all of this time, someone had not come to us sooner to talk to us and lead us in the right direction, especially because Haley had grown up in Cloverdale Church of Christ until her parents divorced when she was 7 years old, and she always thought that you had to be this perfect person before you could even think about being baptized, so she never got baptized, because she thought that she wasn't ready, that her life was not near perfect enough to get baptized. 

No one ever tried to talk to her about being baptized or even tell her that her way of thinking was way wrong. Stoney had grown up in a Baptist church and was baptized at a young age in the Baptist church, and he believed once saved always saved. We knew we needed to talk to Shane, because obviously he knew what he was doing when he would tell people to take time to read it. We were ready to start living our lives the right way! 

We went to visit Judsonia Church of Christ the next Sunday after we had finished the book. The minute the service was over, Shane came right to us to introduce himself. The first questions he asked us, was are you baptized, and have you read Muscle and a Shovel? We made our way back home, and it wasn't long until we both received messages from Shane asking if we would like to come to the church in the next day or two to have bible study. We were so thrilled and shocked that he went out of his way to contact us. We had a feeling what it was about just by the questions he asked us after service the day we visited so we were more than excited to go! 

We met him on April 7th, 2014. Shane jumped right into reading scriptures and answering any questions we had regarding anything that the Bible said, or Muscle and a Shovel, or baptism, and he had an answer and a scripture to back up EVERYTHING!!! When our study was done, there was this amazing feeling that we both had come over us, that we can't even put into words. Everything at that moment felt right. Shane was put in our lives for a reason, and we were exactly where we were supposed to be at that moment. Everything we had ever questioned was so clear and we knew exactly what we needed to do, and we needed to do it RIGHT 

NOW! We looked at Shane with tears of joy and happiness and asked him to baptize us. There are no words to describe how we felt when we came up out of the water. We've never felt anything that compares to the joy and the weight that was lifted off of our chest! It was amazing and we knew then, it was completely right, and our REAL journey could finally begin! 

Shane truly changed our entire lives the day he handed Amber Muscle and a Shovel. We are forever grateful for the opportunity to read Muscle and a Shovel and for Shane taking time to speak with us. If it wasn't for the book explaining things so well, and for Shane going even more in depth and trying so hard to explain everything step by step, we would still be where we were. We wouldn't be going to church, my children would have no idea what church was, and we would still be completely lost!
Our entire family extends our deep appreciation for your love, support and encouragement of these humble works, and may the Lord bless you as you seek and save the lost!

With Christian Love, 

Shank Family