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News from the Office of Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment
Dear Teachers, 

On behalf of the Mentor Committee, I am pleased to invite you to apply to be a mentor for the upcoming 2016-2017 school year. 

This spring, we have instituted a new  process in order to learn more about our mentor applicants and best pair them with our new mentees. We are now requesting all interested mentor candidates to fill out a short application. We believe that this application process will improve our pairing ability, and allow us to better understand the variety of experiences and talents our mentors come to the program with. 

The Mentor Committee has worked hard this year to learn from our own staff as well as outside districts about what makes an outstanding Mentor Program. From what we have learned, we are excited to roll out additional features in the coming months, such as a mentor handbook, new district Mentor Program webpage and New Teacher Orientation meet-up between mentors and mentees this August. 
In addition, our timeline for choosing mentors and pairing them with mentees has been expedited and we will be making these pairings in the spring. This will ensure a thoughtful process as well as an opportunity for mentors and mentees to get to know each other before the start of school in September.
We have uploaded a Mentor Application to our website.     Please return completed applications to Cathy Maggi by May 20, 2016.   If you have any questions, you may contact either myself or your Mentor Committee representative:
Ginny Ellis
Adele Janson
Ann Rose Santoro
Melissa Cruz
Jane Kowaleski
Patrick Swift
Bryant Romano
We hope you consider mentoring a new colleague - it is a rewarding experience!
Colleen Carroll, Ed.D.
Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessments
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