InSight Intuitive Consulting
A New Program from InSight

Growing in our understanding of how we create is the key to our success. Understanding evolves on all levels, body, mind and spirit otherwise we struggle more than we need to.  A new program from inSight called From Within
launched in July.  The response was tremendous.  We are longing to feel that what we do comes from within reflecting who we are at our core.

The feeling of fulfillment begins not with what we do but who we are.  It begins within.  You may find this program of value to you on your journey of success.
Kay, InSight Intuitive Consulting
From Within

Women contemplating

Over the years I learned that achieving goals and striving to be successful is not enough.


People want to feel confident that they are on their path, fulfilling their purpose and enjoying what they do and who they are.  There is not a logical answer to this.  It comes from within.


Creating outwardly into the world a job, relationships, money, wellness, etc. is an old way of having our lives. Who are you at your core?  Knowing this. Finding your essence.  Letting your essence flow into your world will manifest what is true for you. 


This is not logical!  Though there are still logical steps in the process of manifesting.  The difference with this program is we begin within.  Meditation and using intuition are at the core to this program.  The program can continue, if you chose,  with creating a vision and goals as before after answering "Who am I  at my core?" 

Sessions include guided meditation, intuitive consultation, healing and clearing programming .
Man Imagining


*          Where are you now?  Where do you want to be?

*          Healing where you are now so that you can move toward where you want to be.

*          Go within and connect with who you are at your core. Find your essence.

*          Go within and communicate with the God of Your Heart (whatever that is for you)

*          See and know your essence, letting it flow from within into the world

*          Create your vision within then move it and your essence outward into the world.


 Additional sessions can be added based on your focus.


Program Options*
Love Money

The From Within program begins with six consecutive sessions.  You can add more if you like.  Sessions are 50 minutes every two weeks.   The introductory fees* are

*          $100/session when pre-pay for six sessions ($600) and schedule every two weeks

*          $110 if you pay as you go for six sessions and schedule every two weeks

*          $150 if you pay as you go and schedule as you please.


*These amounts are time limited for the launch of this program.


Select your preferred option, a day and time to begin.


In This Issue
Program Description
Program Options
InSight Intuitive Consulting
1153 Sierra Vista Way
Lafayette, California 94549

M Kay Robinson
1 925 284 5677
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