
New! Alumni Parent Discussion Group 

facilitated by Kathleen Crombie, M.A., M.Ed.
Monday evenings, 4 sessions
September 22 through November 3
Piedmont, CA


Monday evenings, 7:30-9:00 pm

Course meetings are 9/22, 10/6, 10/20, and 11/3.


A private home in Piedmont, CA. 



Kathleen Crombie
phone (510) 390-8187


Have you participated in a SENG Model Parent Group in the past and want to continue the conversation? Join other parents of gifted/2e children to discuss the unique challenges, share insights, and receive support. This follow-up discussion group is for all graduates of my (and other) SENG model parent groups. 

The biweekly group begins on Monday, September 22, 7:30-9:00 pm, at a private home in the Piedmont, CA.

The cost is $125 for all four sessions, or $40 drop-in fee per session. 

REGISTRATION IS CLOSED. Please email if you are interested.

Register Now!

I've structured this monthly group to be offered only to past parent group participants. If you know someone who is interested in our regular weekly groups based on the SENG model, I am offering a new session starting on September 22. LEARN MORE.

Kathleen Crombie, M.A., M.Ed., is a SENG Model Parent Group facilitator, a certified facilitator Kathleen cropped trainer, and the Northern California SENG liaison. Kathleen provides organizing and consultation services for gifted adults, children, and families -- at Summit Center or at a client's home. She offers on-site step-by-step supportive coaching with emphasis on cognitive and behavioral techniques. She has two gifted children.

Summit Center offers psychological and educational assessments and counseling for children, adolescents, and adults. We specialize in those who may be gifted, creative, or twice-exceptional (both gifted and with learning differences). Learn more at