Once again we will be sharing stories using the IGNITE approach at the Conference. If you are attending the conference and want to share your story, please email Kaye, commmunications@canadianworker.coop. There are only a limited number of spots available. If you want to see some last year's presentations, click here.
CWCF Services We've heard from our members that they want more information in our newsletters about CWCF services. In this issue we are featuring several: the existing technical assistance & loan programs, and a new service, about to be launched: Worker Co-op member listservs.
November 6 - 8, 2014, with optional events in the evening of November 5th
Le fran�ais suit.
Annapolis Valley Set to Host National Worker Co-op Conference
(This is our official press release. Please share with others who may have interest.)
WOLFVILLE, NS. - The Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation (CWCF) has announced plans to host its 23rd annual fall conference in Nova Scotia's Annapolis Valley from November 5-8, together with co-host CoopZone (www.coopzone.coop).
The three-day (+) conference, which brings together many of the Federation's 60 member organizations and 100 indirect members from across the country, aims to strengthen Canada's growing worker cooperative sector. It features a number of workshops, collaborative planning sessions, and guest speakers. This year's keynote speaker is Jos� Orbaiceta, President of CICOPA-Mercosur, Argentina.
A worker co-op, for the uninitiated, is a form of business where a company's employees own and democratically manage the business. Typically, they share in both the business' decision-making and its profit. Currently, there are an estimated 350 worker co-ops across Canada, employing 10,000 people. The Annapolis Valley is home to a number of worker co-operatives including Careforce and JustUs! Coffee Roasters. It is also home to several other co-operatives, such as Scotian Gold, Valley Credit Union, the Wolfville Farmers' Market, the Deep Roots Music Co-op, and the Acadia Cinema Co-op.
Federation Executive Director, Hazel Corcoran, says that changing economic conditions have led more businesses and entrepreneurs to explore the worker co-op model. "In contrast to the fragility of working for a non-local, corporately owned business, worker co-ops offer employees a chance to control their own destiny because they run the company." She adds that demographics are also fueling interest in worker co-ops. "As more baby boomers prepare to retire and sell their businesses, they are realizing that selling to employees can be an attractive option as a way to obtain a fair price, as well as for legacy reasons," says Corcoran.
The conference theme - Member Engagement and External Partnerships - encourages co-ops to build stronger relationships with member-owners while building bridges with governments, other enterprises and organizations, and other co-ops around the world. There will also be workshops on financing, pricing, branding, worker co-ops 101, and more.
The conference is open to non-members too, and people can attend all or only part of it. The Program is available here , and on-line registration is here.The evening session on Wed., Nov. 5th, called "Selling your Business to your Employees," is aimed at local business owners but open to all. The evening Co-op Showcase on Thursday, November 6th, in which several co-ops from across the region and the country will give a fast-paced Ignite style presentation, is free, and open to the local community.
Conference presenters include JOSE ORBAICETA, President of CICOPA-Mercosur, Argentina; KAREN MINER, Managing Director of Saint Mary's University's Co-operative Management Education program; and RYSZARD STOCKI, lead developer of the Worker Co-op Index, from Poland.
Annapolis Valley / La Vall�e de l'Annapolis
Le fran�ais:
Conf�rence nationale des coops de travail en novembre en Nouvelle-�cosse
Du 5 au 8 novembre, la F�d�ration canadienne des coop�ratives de travail tiendra son 23e congr�s annuel dans la vall�e de l'Annapolis, en Nouvelle-�cosse, en collaboration avec CoopZone (www.coopzone.coop).
L'�v�nement de plus de trois jours, qui rassemblera bon nombre des 60 membres de F�d�ration et 100 membres indirects de partout au pays, vise � renforcer le secteur grandissant des coop�ratives de travail du Canada. Au programme sont pr�vus des ateliers, des s�ances de planification collaborative et des expos�s. Le conf�rencier principal sera Jos� Orbaiceta, pr�sident de CICOPA-Mercosur, de l'Argentine.
350 coops de travail
Une coop de travail est une entreprise qui appartient � ses employ�s, qui la g�rent d�mocratiquement. Normalement, les employ�s partagent le pouvoir de d�cision et les profits. On estime qu'il existe au Canada 350 coops de travail, qui emploient 10 000 personnes. Certaines se trouvent dans la vall�e de l'Annapolis, par exemple Careforce (coop de soins � domicile), et JustUs! Coffee Roasters; ainsi que d'autres types de coop�ratives comme Scotian Gold, la Valley Credit Union, le march� des agriculteurs de Wolfville, la Deep Roots Music Co-op et l'Acadia Cinema Co-op.
Selon Hazel Corcoran, directrice g�n�rale de la F�d�ration, les fluctuations des conditions �conomiques ont amen� plus d'entreprises � explorer le mod�le de la coop de travail. Les coops de travail, dit-elle, offrent � leurs employ�s une chance de prendre en main leur destin�e parce que ce sont eux qui g�rent l'entreprise, ce qui est � l'oppos� de la fragilit� d'un emploi dans une grande entreprise de l'ext�rieur. Elle estime aussi que les changements d�mographiques alimentent �galement l'int�r�t pour les coops de travail. � De plus en plus de baby-boomers se pr�parent � la retraite et r�alisent qu'ils peuvent vendre � leur personnel pour, � la fois, obtenir un prix juste et transmettre leur patrimoine. �
Engagement et partenariats
La conf�rence portera sur l'engagement des membres et les partenariats externes et visera � encourager les coops � nouer des liens solides avec leurs membres-propri�taires tout en construisant des ponts avec les gouvernements, d'autres organisations et d'autres coops dans le monde. Il y aura divers ateliers, notamment sur le financement, l'�tablissement des prix, l'image de marque et les fondements des coops de travail.
La conf�rence est ouverte aux non-membres. On peut assister � toute la conf�rence ou � une partie seulement. Le programme est affich� en ligne (www.canadianworker.coop/2014Conference), tout comme le formulaire d'inscription (bit.ly/cwcf2014). (Le Programme et le formulaire d'inscription sont disponibles en anglais seulement; mais sur demande on peut fournir un interpr�te personnel � la Conf�rence.) La s�ance du 5 novembre au soir sur la vente d'une entreprise aux employ�s s'adresse surtout aux propri�taires d'entreprise locaux, mais est ouverte � tous. Le 6 novembre en soir�e, il y aura une vitrine o� plusieurs coops d'un peu partout au pays feront des expos�s en rafales. Cette activit� est gratuite et ouverte au public.
En plus de M. Orbaiceta, Karen Miner, directrice de l'enseignement sur les coops de l'Universit� Saint Mary, et Ryszard Stocki, de Pologne, le principal concepteur de l'Index coop�ratif, prononceront aussi un discours.
International Gathering of
Worker Co-ops 2014 - Hosted by CWCF & the RESEAU
Mikel Lezamiz
Monday, October 6, 2014 (Day prior to the start of the International Summit of Cooperatives) 10:30 am to 7 pm (lunch is included. Registration at 10 am)
Quebec Convention Centre, Room 306-A
CWCF and the R�seau extend an invitation to worker co-operators to participate in this Gathering, for which you will need to register separately from the Quebec Summit registration. You need not attend the Summit in order to participate in the Worker Co-op Gathering.
Worker co-operatives and multi-stakeholder co-operatives from North America, Latin America, Europe and possibly beyond are expected. This is a unique opportunity allowing co-operators from different parts of the world to meet and exchange ideas. CWCF President Alain Bridault and Executive Director Hazel Corcoran will attend for CWCF.
Brief Agenda:
10 am: Registration, coffee and pastries
10:30 am:
1. Introduction
2. Around the World of Worker Co-operation - in 120 Minutes. Panel presentations:
Bruno Roelants, General Secretary, CICOPA
Leandro Monk, President, Argentinian Federation of Worker Co-ops in Technology,Innovation and Knowledge
Mikel Lezamiz, Mondragon Group
Patrick Lenancker, President, CG-Scop, France - to be confirmed
1:30 pm:
3. Sharing your Co-op Achievements (simultaneous workshops)
Workshop 1. Succession in Worker Co-ops
Workshop 2. Self-Management: Ways to Organize to Favour Active participation of Workers and
Making Collective Decisions
Workshop 3. Inter-cooperative Business Partnerships and Managing Growth
Workshop 4. Business Transfer to Employees
5:30 pm: 4. Participation in International Summit Opening Ceremony
Registration fee:
Members of CWCF and Quebec Worker Co-op Federations: Free
Non-members: $ 50 / person (tax included).
Lunch is included in the event registration.
Participants will provide consecutive interpretation, French-English-Spanish.
Pre-registration is required, by Sept. 30th; see: http://www.sommetinter.coop/cms/rdv/international-meeting-on-worker-cooperatives . IMPORTANT NOTE: at the time of this writing, the information about the schedule on the Summit site, in the last sentence, is incorrect, but it's correct in the EventBrite registration link. The R�seau AGM will not take place on that day, instead the session starts with Registration at 10 am, & then at 10:30 am with "Around the World of Worker Co-operation". (This should be corrected on the Summit site, but we do not know when.) If you have questions, please write to hazel@canadianworker.coop or (in French) to isabel.faubert@reseau.coop.
Rendez-vous international de la coop�ration du travail 2014
- organis� par la FCCT et le RESEAU
Bruno Roelants
Lundi, 6 octobre 2014, 10h30 � 19h (Inclus le repas du midi)
(Inscription � 10h)
avant le Sommet international des coop�ratives
Centre des Congr�s de Qu�bec
Quebec Convention Centre, Salle 306-A
Conjointement avec le Sommet international des coop�ratives, la F�d�ration canadienne des coop�ratives de travail et le R�seau de la coop�ration du travail du Qu�bec invitent les membres des coop�ratives en milieu de travail � participer � une rencontre d'�change sur les bons coups COOP.
Des coop�ratives de travail et de solidarit� d'Am�rique du Nord, d'Am�rique Latine, d'Europe et possiblement d'ailleurs sont attendues. Il s'agit d'une occasion unique permettant � des coop�rateurs de diff�rentes r�gions du monde de se rencontrer et d'�changer. Le Pr�sident de la FCCT Alain Bridault et la Directrice g�n�rale assisteront au nom de la FCCT.
Ordre du jour sommaire:
10h Inscription, avec caf� et viennoiseries.
1. Introduction
2. Le tour du monde de la coop�ration du travail - en 120 minutes. Des pr�sentations en pl�ni�re:
-Leandro Monk, Pr�sident, Argentinian Federation of Worker Co-ops in Technology,Innovation and Knowledge Federacion argentina de cooperativas de trabajo de technologia, innovacion y conocimento (FACTTIC)
-Mikel Lezamiz, Groupe Mondragon
-Patrick Lenancker, Pr�sident, CG-Scop, France (� confirmer)
3. Forum ouvert "�change sur les bons coups COOP"
-Atelier 1 : la rel�ve dans les coop�ratives
-Atelier 2 : L'autogestion : des modes d'organisation favorisant la participation active des travailleurs et la prise de d�cisions collectives -Atelier 3 : Les partenariats d'affaires et la gestion de la croissance -Atelier 4 : La transmission d'entreprises aux travailleurs
17h30: 4. Participation � la c�r�monie d'ouverture du Sommet
Membres des F�d�rations de coop�ratives de travail partenaires: Gratuit
Non membres: 50 $ (tx incluse) / personne
(Inclus le repas du midi).
Des participants assureront l'interpr�tation cons�cutive fran�ais - anglais- espagnol.
L'inscription � l'avance est obligatoire, par le 30 septembre; voir : http://www.sommetinter.coop/cms/rdv/rencontre-internationale-coop-travail . NOTE IMPORTANTE:au moment o� on �crit ces lignes,les informations surle programme du sitedu Sommet, de la derni�re phrase, est incorrecte.L'AGA duR�seaun'aura pas lieuce jour-l�. Cependant c'est correct sur la partie o� l'on s'inscrit. L'enregistrementsur place est � 10 heures,et�10h30 on commence avec"Le tour du mondede la coop�rationdu travail". L'horaire au site du Sommet sera chang�, mais nous ne savons pas quand.)Sivous avez des questions,s'il vous pla�t �crivez�isabel.faubert@reseau.coop ou � hazel@canadianworker.coop.
Worker Co-op Member Listservs Starting Up!
A listserv is a group email application. Any member who has a question, comment, feedback or relevant information or resources on the topic can send this by email to the listserv. All group members in that list will get this email. Any member who wishes to add to the information, answer a question or add feedback can reply to the list.
The objective of the listserv is to facilitate connections and information sharing that will help strengthen our co-op members. CWCF has set-up the following four listservs:
Member development/engagement issues
Marketing issues
Financial issues
General issues - not covered in the other categories
Managers'/coordinators' network
Members who participated in our 2014 membership survey will have already been asked about their interest in joining these listservs. Invitations will be going out shortly to those members that have expressed an interest. If you have not yet had a chance to respond about your interest to join these lists please email Kaye at communications@canadianworker.coop and indicate which of the list(s) you would like to join. Please provide the name and email of the member who wants to join. You will then be invited to the desired list.
Only email addresses on the listserv can send messages to it.
Note that a listserv member can ask to be removed from the list at any time, by writing to Kaye at communications@canadianworker.coop.
CWCF Services:
Technical Assistance Grants, Staff Support, & Investments Available
Did you know? CWCF provides small grants ($500 to $1,000) to co-op members of CWCF to hire professional help (developers and lawyers who are members of CoopZone, and potentially others, if necessary) to deal with issues they are facing.
CWCF can also help groups identify other sources of start-up and development grants. In addition, CWCF staff can directly provide technical assistance.
Information on CWCF's Technical Assistance Program (including the staff support as well as the grant program) is available here.
Further, CWCF may be able to provide capital to your co-operative through our Tenacity Works Worker Co-op Fund, typically with loans in the range of $15,000 to $50,000. To learn more, please review the web site, and if you have questions, contact CWCF's Financial Officer, Peter Hough, peter.cwcf@xcountry.tv.
CWCF Workshop on Selling One's Business to the Employees
(For owners of non-cooperatively owned businesses)
Nov. 5th Workshop on succession planning through conversion to a worker co-operative
If you own a small business, you are invited to join worker co-operative experts and other small business owners at a special evening workshop on converting small businesses to worker co-operatives, which is being held in conjunction with this Conference.
For small business owners, worker co-operatives can be a powerful tool for succession planning and can help create a strong business through shared entrepreneurship. This two-hour session, on Nov. 5th at 7 - 9 pm, will introduce small business owners to the benefits and challenges of co-operative conversions, and help owners decide if a co-operative conversion could be right for them, and their business.
Attendees will hear from Careforce Home Care Co-operative of Kentville , which converted to a worker co-op in 2006 after its owner decided to sell the business. Since that time it has grown significantly and won several business awards, including the Annapolis Valley Chamber of Commerce Outstanding New Business Award in 2010. They will also hear an introductory presentation by CWCF Financial Officer Peter Hough, who has done research on the co-operative successions and assisted several businesses in converting to worker co-operatives.
In Canada, it is estimated that within the next ten years, one-half of business owners (or about 500,000 people) will exit ownership or transfer control of their businesses. The unprecedented scale of this phenomenon means that many businesses are at risk of not finding individual buyers or, in some cases being closed permanently, which is of particular concern in rural communities. Business transfer to employees using the co-operative model is a very promising option to maintain and develop locally owned businesses and employment.
The full Conference Program is available here, and on-line registration is here. The Conference is open to members as well as others. Attendees of the full Conference must register on line by Oct. 27th The evening Co-op Showcase on Thursday, Nov. 6th, in which several co-ops from across the region and the country will give a fast-paced Ignite style presentation, is free. Those who wish to attend only the Business Succession workshop or the Co-op Showcase may register by emailing Kaye Grant, communications@canadianworker.coop. The Business Succession workshop fee ($20 + tax) can be paid at the door.
A worker co-op, for the uninitiated, is a form of business where a company's employees own and democratically manage the business. Typically, they share in both the business' decision-making and its profit. Currently, there are an estimated 350 worker co-ops across Canada, employing 10,000 people. The Annapolis Valley is home to a significant number of co-operatives, including Careforce and Just Us! Coffee Roasters Co-op.
Atelier sur la planification de la rel�ve de la FCCT:
(pour les propri�taires d'entreprises non coop�ratives)
Les propri�taires d'une petite entreprise sont invit�s � un atelier sur la conversion des petites entreprises en coops de travail. Cet atelier, qui sera anim� par des experts en coops de travail, est organis� en marge du 23e congr�s annuel de la F�d�ration canadienne des coop�ratives de travail (FCCT), qui aura lieu en Nouvelle-�cosse du 5 au 8 novembre.
La cr�ation d'une coop de travail peut �tre un bon moyen d'assurer la rel�ve et peut aider � �tablir une solide entreprise gr�ce � l'entrepreneuriat partag�. L'atelier de deux heures, qui aura lieu le 5 novembre, de 19 h � 21 h, expliquera les avantages et les difficult�s de la cr�ation d'une coop de travail et aidera les propri�taires � d�terminer si la conversion en coop est une bonne solution pour eux et leur compagnie.
Un bon exemple
Les participants feront la connaissance de la Careforce Home Care Co-operative de Kentville (www.careforce.ca), qui est devenue une coop de travail en 2006 lorsque son propri�taire a d�cid� de vendre son entreprise. Depuis, cette coop a beaucoup grandi et a remport� plusieurs prix, notamment le prix de la nouvelle entreprise exceptionnelle de la chambre de commerce de la vall�e de l'Annapolis en 2010.
L'atelier offrira aussi un expos� par Peter Hough, l'Officier financier de la FCCT, qui a fait des recherches sur la rel�ve des coops et a aid� plusieurs entreprises � se transformer en coops de travail.
On estime qu'au cours des 10 prochaines ann�es, la moiti� des propri�taires d'entreprise du Canada (environ 500 000 personnes) se d�partiront de leur entreprise ou en confieront la gestion � une autre personne. La formidable ampleur de ce ph�nom�ne signifie que beaucoup d'entreprises risquent de ne pas trouver un acheteur individuel ou devront simplement fermer, ce qui est particuli�rement inqui�tant dans les r�gions rurales. Le transfert d'un commerce � ses employ�s par la cr�ation d'une coop�rative est une mani�re tr�s int�ressante de pr�server et de d�velopper des entreprises locales et l'emploi local.
Urban Eatin`Gardeners Worker Co-op
Urban Eatin' Gardeners Workers Co-op, a CWCF member and a contestant in the Co-operators National Co-op Challenge is getting some great media attention with an article by Jared Story recently featured in "The Times" (Canstar). You can read the full article here.
The Co-operators' National Co-op Challenge
The National Co-op Challenge by The Co-operators continues! There are several worker and multi-stakeholder co-ops who are finalists, as well as other good candidates. Each person can vote once per day (between Sept. 3 and Oct. 1). Click here to vote.
Three worker co-operatives have made the finalists list: Urban Eatin`, Vancouver Renewable Energy and Glorious Organics. All of the finalists in Quebec are solidarity co-ops.
Mikel Lezamiz presenting at The University of Winnipeg
Mikel Lezamiz, Director at the Mondragon Cooperative Corporation, will be in attendance at the University of Winnipeg to share keys to the success of the Mondragon Cooperatives on Friday, October 3 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. This will be a fabulous opportunity to learn from lessons found in one of the most cooperative-rich areas of the world. For more information click here.
Pushing out co-op stories through a strategic media partnership
Co-ops are all the rage these days. Positive media coverage of co-operative organizing is on an upswing. But that's not good enough for Laura Flanders and Brian Van Slyke.
Laura Flanders' GRITtv and the Toolbox for Education and Social Action - a worker co-op whose members include Brian - are teaming up to create a series of videos blending how-to education with a look inside the processes of co-operation. They hope to provide a supportive but critical look that is often missing from media coverage of co-ops. Click here for more...
Here is the link to the trailer for the video :Own the Change: Building Economic Democracy One Worker Co-op at a time., a short "how to" video for people curious about co-ops. Click here to see the trailer
Note from CWCF: Although nothing official is in place, CWCF is talking to the filmmakers about including existing videos of worker co-ops in Canada, to make these resources more user-friendly for worker co-operators in Canada.
Highlights from the WC Movement in the US
Workers in Main Buy Out Their Jobs, Set an Example for the Nation.
Saturday, 13 September 2014 10:25 By Rob Brown, Noemi Giszpenc and Brian Van Slyke, Truthout | Op-Ed
On remote Deer Isle, Maine, the movement for a more just and democratic economy won a major victory this summer. More than 60 employees of three retail businesses - Burnt Cove Market, V&S Variety and Pharmacy, and The Galley - banded together to buy the stores and create the largest worker cooperative in Maine and the second largest in New England.
Building Co-operative Power: Stories and Strategies from Worker Co-operatives in the Connecticut River Valley
by Janelle Cornwell, Michael Johnson and Adam Trott with Julie Graham
Building Co-operative Power explores strategies from the Connecticut River Valley as a guide and inspiration for developing a regional co-operative economy based on a vibrant and engaged worker co-op sector. It speaks directly to obstacles and opportunities for making worker co-operatives an increasingly important part of the U.S. economy. The authors relay practical insights on co-op governance, communication, conflict and inter-cooperation.
16 Worker Co-ops Redefining the Co-operative Movement
By Cat Johnson: August 27, 2014
The worker cooperative movement has hit a new stride. Re-emerging in the 1960s, cooperatives tend to elicit thoughts of natural food stores and specialty bookshops but the movement has grown to include tech companies, coworking spaces, international businesses, large factories and much more. Click here for more
Evergreen Cooperatives: inspir�es du mod�le Mondragon
VEILLE-COOP septembre 2014
Evergreen Cooperatives est un groupe de coop�ratives de travail lanc� avec l'appui de fondations et d'institutions de Cleveland dans un contexte marqu� par une situation �conomique difficile conduisant � l'appauvrissement de la population locale et la d�stabilisation des quartiers du centre-ville. Les coop�ratives Evergreen ont �t� �tablies sur le mod�le Mondragon. Par exemple, Evergreen a d�cid� d'int�grer une soci�t� "holding" (Evergreen Cooperative Corporation) qui est maintenant responsable de la vision � long terme de ses membres fondateurs, tout en agissant comme une source de continuit� pour l'ensemble de ses entreprises coop�ratives. Son mod�le de gouvernance insiste �galement sur l'aspect r�seau du syst�me Mondragon. Evergreen fonctionne en tant que groupe d'entreprises coop�ratives qui se renforcent mutuellement. Chaque coop�rative est d�tenue et contr�l�e par ses travailleurs. Il existe, pour chaque coop�rative, un syst�me d'accumulation de capital destin� � permettre aux travailleurs-membres de participer au processus de cr�ation de richesses. Outre la participation � la gestion des op�rations et de la gouvernance de l'organisation, les travailleurs-membres des coop�ratives Evergreen re�oivent des salaires d�cents et ont droit � une partie des profits de l'entreprise. En contrepartie d'un investissement de 3 000 $ dans la coop�rative (qui est financ� par une retenue de 0,50 $ sur le salaire horaire), ils re�oivent un pourcentage des b�n�fices de chaque coop�rative bas� sur une formule tenant compte du type d'emploi, des heures annuelles travaill�es et du salaire. On estime que le travailleur typique aura accumul� une participation de 65 000 $ dans la coop�rative apr�s huit ans de travail. Enfin, Evergreen a mis en place le Fonds de d�veloppement des coop�ratives Evergreen, un fonds de cr�dit renouvelable � but non lucratif qui fournit des fonds pour la croissance des coop�ratives existantes et du capital de d�marrage pour la cr�ation de nouvelles coop�ratives. Le fonds dispose actuellement d'environ 200 millions de dollars d'actifs sous gestion et investit dans les entreprises individuelles Evergreen sous forme de dette subordonn�e � un taux d'int�r�t de 1%. http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/why-we-need-a-cooperative-ownership-revolution/2014/09/03
International Summit of Co-operatives
October 5 to 9, 2014
The Summit: What's In It For You!
Learn, Network and Cooperate!
The International Summit of Cooperatives is fast approaching! Join more than 2,500 participants from 90 countries in Quebec City, Canada.
Discover 27 groundbreaking studies
Foster growth and boost the performance of your organization
Hear from global thought leaders
Observe the "Cooperatives' Power of Innovation", and learn how cooperatives and mutuals are adapting, evolving and competing
Take part in more than 50 Rendez-vous
Deep dive into management topics, including development, marketing and finance in a variety of sectors, such as housing, food retail, education, worker coops, health, agriculture and more...
Visit the international exhibition
Enjoy the collaboration platform and engage in B2B networking with suppliers, buyers, users and partners from all sectors of the cooperative economy
Actively contribute to the 2014 Declaration
Join us in forging new solutions that will spread economic prosperity and social well-being by contributing your ideas, innovative solutions and actionable items to the 2014 Declaration
Immerse yourself in the unique culture of cooperatives from October 5 to 9, 2014!
Le Sommet international des coop�ratives s'ouvrira tr�s bient�t! Soyez au nombre des quelque 2 500 participants de 90 pays qui convergeront vers la ville de Qu�bec, au Canada.
D�couvrez 27 �tudes in�dites
Stimulez la croissance et le rendement de votre organisation.
Rencontrez les esprits novateurs du monde coop�ratif et mutualiste
Voyez le � Pouvoir d'innover des coop�ratives � � l'œuvre et d�couvrez comment celles-ci parviennent � s'adapter, � �voluer et � rivaliser avec la concurrence.
Choisissez parmi plus de 50 Rendez-vous � ne pas manquer
Plongez au cœur de la gestion et approfondissez une foule de sujets, y compris le d�veloppement, le marketing et les finances, touchant diff�rents secteurs, comme le logement, l'alimentation de d�tail, l'�ducation, les coop�ratives de travailleurs, la sant�, l'agriculture, et plus encore...
Visitez l'Exposition internationale
Profitez de la plateforme collaborative pour cr�er des liens interentreprises avec des fournisseurs, des acheteurs, des utilisateurs et des partenaires de tous les domaines de l'�conomie coop�rative.
Contribuez � la D�claration 2014
Jouez un r�le d�terminant dans le renforcement de la prosp�rit� �conomique et le mieux-�tre de la soci�t� en apportant vos id�es, solutions novatrices et mesures � prendre � la D�claration 2014.
Impr�gnez-vous de la culture si unique des coop�ratives du 5 au 9 octobre 2014!
Le Sommet est l'instance �conomique par excellence du mouvement coop�ratif.
C'est l'occasion r�v�e d'apprendre, de r�seauter et... de coop�rer!
The Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation (CWCF) is a national, bilingual grassroots membership organization of and for worker co-operatives, related types of co-operatives (multi-stakeholder co-ops and worker-shareholder co-ops), and organizations that support the growth and development of worker cooperatives. CWCF's e-newsletter is available free of charge to anyone with an e-mail address and an interest in worker co-operative developments in Canada.