
We have a day for giving thanks. We have two for getting deals. Now, we have #GivingTuesday, a global day dedicated to giving back. 

Today, December 2, 2014, charities, families, businesses, community centers, and students around the world will come together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to give.

It's a simple idea. Just find a way for your family, your community, your company or your organization to come together to give something more. Then tell everyone you can about how you are giving. Join us and be a part of a global celebration of a new tradition of generosity. Join us here to help us continue the work you see below. 


New Islands in the Coastal Bays

MCBP  is very excited to share the news that the Army Corps of Engineers is dredging the channel off of Ocean City and using the spoils to create the first new islands in the coastal bays since similar dredging was performed in the 1930s.   These islands will soon be valuable habitat for breeding birds such as black skimmers. Planting of the islands is planned to begin in February.  MCBP was instrumental in establishing the process. 

Pictured above, staff member Amanda Poskaitis next to new island next to green marker 25.  Notice the stick she is holding. It denotes the amount of very soft sediment before hard sand was hit. 

 Coastal Stewards help second graders explore extinction and conservation


Coastal Stewards discussed extinction, recovered species and conservation with second graders. Together, they made origami passenger pigeons - learn more at foldtheflock.org. Most importantly, they discussed the positive impacts people can have when working together to protect nature, including rich habitats like our coastal bays.


eBird Tuesdays at the Ward Museum


The Ward Museum of Wildfowl Art, Salisbury University, invites birders and nature enthusiasts of all levels to join local birders, Ward Museum staff, and SU students and faculty every Tuesday at 9 am to collect data on local migrating bird populations and submit that data into the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's eBird citizen science program. For more information, click here.



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November 2014   

Volunteer Opportunities and Fundraisers

We always have lots of great opportunities. If you don't see one below that interests you, contact us.

Volunteers are needed at Bishopville for tree planting and at Lizard Hill for removal of cages from young trees and bagworm removal.  Assistance is also needed at several properties for trail maintanence. Please contact [email protected].

Used Equipment Sale

The rental stand is closed for the season and we have used equipment for sale from kayaks, canoes to bikes.  Stop by and check them out or contact Sandi at [email protected]/410-213-2297 ext 106 for more information.


Classes visit Lizard Hill and Bishopville Dam



Dr. Stribling's Wetlands Ecology class from Salisbury University visited Bishopville and Lizard Hill.  Shown here, students study a muskrat skull. If your class or group would like a to visit these sites just let us know!


Thank you local volunteers and
SU BioEnvirons!



Salisbury University's BioEnvirons Club and local volunteers came out to plant trees at the Bishopville Dam stream restoration site. We planted 50 trees within a few hours. There is more to be done and there will be many more opportunities to plant trees at this site. Please contact Amanda at [email protected] if you are interested in participating in the next planting. Thanks to our hard working volunteers who make projects like this possible!


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