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 Hilchos Tefilla 125 (page 299)
מתחילת סימן קכה עד אמצע סעיף ב וכן מנענעים

Reciting Kedusha
Reciting the Pesukim in Unison
The Wording of Kedusha

Reciting kedusha
The mitzva to recite kedusha is of Rabbinic origin, but it fulfills the Biblical mitzva to sanctify Hashem's name based on the pasuk of "I will be sanctified through the sons of Israel." Those who have this intention in mind when saying kedusha merit that Hashem rests His holiness on them. A person should recite kedusha as often as he hears it said with a minyan, even multiple times in one day. Every time he responds, he fulfills the mitzva of sanctifying Hashem's name. The poskim discuss whether someone who is davening must respond to kedusha recited by a different minyan.
( ס"ק ד; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 3 ו־14)
Reciting the pesukim in unison
The entire congregation should recite the pesukim of kedusha at the same time. One can join and be considered as one who recited it with the tzibur as long as some members of the congregation are still saying the pesukim. One should not begin the response while the chazan is still saying the introductory words (e.g. " and they call to one another and say"). If someone did recite the pesukim at that time, he must repeat them with the congregation. The Mishna Berura is undecided as to whether the chazan should recite the pesukim along with the congregation or whether he may say them alone after the congregation completes their recitation. Some poskim advise the chazan to say the pesukim after the congregation to be motzi those who are unable to respond (e.g. those who are still in the middle of Shemoneh Esrei).
( ס"ק ג וביה"ל ד"ה אלא; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 11)

The wording of kedusha
There are several differences in the wording of kedusha within the various nuschaos. For example, according to nusach Ashkenaz, kedusha begins with the words nekadesh es shimcha, whereas according to the other versions it begins with nakdishach v'na'aritzach. Someone davening with a minyan whose nusach is different than his regular nusach is required to recite kedusha according to the shul's custom. If he began with his regular nusach, he should switch -- even partway through. Some poskim permit one to recite it in his regular nusach if he does so quietly.
( ס"ק א ו־ח; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 4)

  • One should respond Amein to the berachos of a child that has reached the age of chinuch, but not to a child below that age. There were poskim who advised answering Amein to the berachos of children below the age of chinuch in order to train the child to answer Amein.
  • Someone reciting chazaras hashatz or other public berachos must wait between berachos until most of the listeners have responded Amein. Amein on the first beracha can no longer be said once the speaker starts the next beracha.
  • One should not respond Amein louder than the one who said the beracha. An allusion to this can be found in the verse "and exalt His name in unison." The word unison indicates that both the initiator and responder should speak in the same tone.

  • May a heretic serve as chazan?

  • If the chazan wearies during davening

  • Bouncing on one's toes during kedusha




PLEASE NOTE:  The information in this email is for learning purposes only. Please review the Mishna Berura and Biurim U'Musafim before making a halachic decision. Hebrew words are occasionally transliterated to enable a smoother reading of the text. Common Ashkenazi pronunciation is generally used in these cases.
