A Course in Miracles
Course in Miracles Society, Original Edition 
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by Carol Howe

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A Course in Miracles-Original Edition
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A Course in Miracles is a self-study course.

In the beginning it tells us, "This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean
you can establish the curric...


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Course in Miracles Society (CIMS) is an international group of Course students and teachers organized to discover, authenticate and propagate the Divine Teachings of A Course in Miracles.


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VIII. "Commuting the Sentence"

60 The whole belief that someone loses but reflects the underlying tenet God must be insane. For in this world, it seems that one must gain because another lost. If this were true, then God is mad indeed! But what is this belief except a form of the more basic tenet, "Sin is real and rules the world"? For every little gain must someone lose and pay exact amount in blood and suffering. For otherwise would evil triumph and destruction be the total cost of any gain at all. You who believe that God is mad, look carefully at this and understand that it must be that either God or this must be insane, but hardly both.

What is the Body  
Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio


What is 'Iambic Pentameter'? 

   The body is a fence the Son of God

   imagines he has built to separate

   parts of his Self from other parts. It is

   within this fence he thinks he lives, to die

   as it decays and crumbles. For within

   this fence he thinks that he is safe from love.

   Identifying with <its safety>, he

   regards himself as <what his safety is>.

   How else could he be certain he remains

   within the body, keeping love outside?


   The body will not stay. Yet this he sees

   as double safety. For the Son of God's

   impermanence is "proof" his fences work,

   and do the task his mind [assigned] to them.

   For if his oneness still remained untouched,

   who could attack and who could be attacked?

   Who could be victor? Who could be his prey?

   Who could be victim? Who the murderer?

   And if he did not die, what proof is there

   that God's eternal Son [has] been destroyed?


   The body is a dream. Like other dreams,

   it sometimes seems to picture happiness,

   but can quite suddenly revert to fear,

   where every dream is born. For only love

   creates in truth, and truth can never fear.

   Made to be fearful, must the body serve

   the purpose given it. But we can change

   the purpose [which] the body will obey

   by changing what we think that it is for.


   The body is the means by which God's Son

   returns to sanity. Though it was made

   to fence him into hell without escape,

   yet has the goal of Heaven been exchanged

   for the pursuit of hell. The Son of God

   extends his hand to reach his brother, and

   to help him walk along the road with him.

   Now is the body holy. Now it serves

   to heal the mind that it was made to kill.


   You will identify with what you think

   will make you safe. Whatever it may be,

   you will believe that it is one with you.

   Your safety lies in truth and not in lies.

   Love is your safety. Fear does not exist.

   Identify with love, and you are safe.

   Identify with love, and you are home.

   Identify with love, and find your Self.


  ~ Original Hand Script   




ACIM Lessons  

L e s s o n  270
I will not use the body's eyes today.



Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio
    Father, Christ's vision is Your gift to me,

    and it has power to translate all that

    the body's eyes behold into the sight

    of a forgiven world. How glorious

    and gracious is this world! Yet how much more

    will I perceive in it than sight can give.

    The world forgiven signifies Your Son

    acknowledges his Father, lets his dreams

    be brought to truth, and waits expectantly

    the one remaining instant more of time,

    which ends forever as Your memory

    returns to him. And now his will is one

    with Yours. His function now is [one with Yours],

    and every thought except Your own is gone.


   The quiet of today will bless our hearts,

   and through them peace will come to everyone.

   Christ is our eyes today. And through His sight

   we offer healing to the world through Him,

   the holy Son whom God created whole;

   the holy Son whom God created one.


   ~ Original Handscript of ACIM November 21, 1970 


ACIM Edmonton - Sarah's Reflections 

ACIM Edmonton, CA

Lesson 270
I will not use the body's eyes today.

The quotes in this article are from the Foundation for Inner Peace edition, with the reference cited. There is also the quote references for similar quotes in the ACIM Original Edition

Sarah's Commentary:

What Jesus is talking to us about here is a different way of seeing. It is seeing through the eyes of Christ. It is an internal experience of the mind. Everything we see with our body's eyes brings us back information about the world where we see what is not there and is not real. It is a world of form-of sickly images with meaning given them by our minds. When we see with Christ's vision, everything we see is translated into a forgiven world that is both glorious and gracious. That is not the way we see, when we see with the body's eyes. We see differences. We make comparisons. We see that which we judge beautiful and that which we judge ugly, that which we like and that which we don't like, and whatever will promote our own ego at the expense of others.

In Chapter 31.VI "Recognizing the Spirit," Jesus says that we see the body or we recognize Spirit. There is no compromise between the two. Our whole world depends on this choice. There is no escape from the reality of this illusion if we choose to maintain the ego thought system as true. It is not that we won't see the body anymore when the mind is healed, but that Christ's vision will have replaced our judgments. In other words we see the forgiven world-a world of innocence and holiness not seen by the body's eyes. What the body's eyes see, and the wrong mind interprets, obscures this forgiven world because now we see a world of attack, defense, competition, and differences.

How can we see this forgiven world? How do we get to this kind of seeing that  is Christ's vision given to us as a gift from our Father? It is through the process given us in this Course of mindful awareness. As we watch our thoughts, we bring them to the Holy Spirit so that our wrong-minded perceptions can be healed. This is Course-based forgiveness. Everywhere we look with the body's eyes we see our own thoughts reflected back to us. So now Jesus is asking us to survey our inner world, letting whatever thoughts cross the mind to come into awareness, and watch these thoughts without attaching to them so we can enter the quiet space within where the truth is. Throughout the day whenever anything upsets us, we are asked to take responsibility for our upsets and look at them honestly and be willing to have them released by turning them over to the Holy Spirit/Jesus, (whichever symbol of love in the mind we turn to for help). When we willingly give these thoughts over to the Holy Spirit, our minds will be washed of the perceptions that we hold and now and space is made for vision when interferences have been removed.

We mostly believe that there are no options to our state of mind. We accept the way we see things and the way we feel-mostly as victims of this world-someone to whom things are done to with no choice on our part. We succumb to our wrong-minded thinking about the situation as if our reactions were all natural and normal. Thus we react with anger, frustration, disappointment, embarrassment, sadness and any number of emotions that we consider to be normal responses to a disappointing world. And we justify those reactions explaining why they are perfectly reasonable!

Our state of consciousness is actually just an execution of an option. It is a choice. As David Hawkins says in "The Eye of the I," we are not ruled by the mind. What the mind reveals is an endless stream of options all disguised as memories, fantasies, fears, concepts etc. See it all as a cafeteria of selections wending their way across the screen of the mind. Thus, we are not forced to feel resentment by a negative memory, and we don't have to buy into a fearful thought about the future. These are just options. The secret attraction of the option is the inner payoff or secret satisfaction. We just need to refuse these payoffs. Behind this screen of thoughts is the free space of joy. It is this that is available to us above all the other tempting options. It is important to recognize how much we love the payoff. We hang onto the negativity because want the payoff. We feel justified in our resentments, self-pity, anger, martyrdom,and jealousy. But there is a choice only as long as we are willing to give up the payoff. It is when we recognize that the payoff is actually suffering. Perception (as a result of our eyes and senses) tells us that the world is large, powerful and permanent while our self is small, weak and transitory when, in fact, the opposite is true. Who we are is all-powerful and the world is nothing.

In Chapter 25 "The Savior from the Dark", Jesus asks us, "
Is it not evident that what the body's eyes perceive fills you with fear? Perhaps you think you find a hope of satisfaction there. Perhaps you fancy to attain some peace and satisfaction in the world as you perceive it. Yet it must be evident the outcome does not change. Despite your hopes and fancies, always does despair result. And there is no exception, nor will there ever be. The only value that the past can hold is that you learn it gave you no rewards that you would want to keep. For only thus will you be willing to relinquish it, and have it gone forever." (T.25.II.1.1-8.)(ACIM OE T.25.III.12) So without this motivation for healing, we will continue to cling to our hopes that there is something in this world that will bring us some satisfaction. 

So what is it that brings us to vision? It is a willingness to forgive instead of to hate and condemn. It is the desire to understand rather than to judge. Peace is preferred over stimulation and excitement. Humility is valued with the realization we have been wrong about everything we perceive.It is the realization that nothing in the world brings satisfaction, not our special relationships, money, power, nor fame. And there is no seeking or striving by the personal self to become enlightened. In other words, the motivation to be taught is very compelling.

What our eyes show us is the ego's interpretation of the world we see. Thus we see differences. We see those we like and those we dislike. We see victims and victimizers. We see those we judge as good and those we judge as evil. And we see those who are sick and suffer. We misperceive everything we see when we look through the body's eyes. When we realize that we are only seeing error, we can ask for help to see through His eyes. We can ask for His interpretation recognizing that our own will always be wrong. Now we can overlook the error. "T
o forgive is to overlook." (T.9.IV.1.2)(ACIM OE T.9.III.9) Jesus tells us, "Look, then, beyond error and do not let your perception rest upon it, for you will believe what your perception holds." (T.9.IV.1.3)(ACIM OE T.9.III.9) And we certainly do. We say things like 'seeing is believing', but the only way we can know ourselves as the Christ is to see our brother as sinless, and to do so is to overlook his errors. Yet, Jesus tells us that we don't know how to overlook errors or we would not make them. So we can't correct ourselves. What we are asked to do instead is to bring awareness to our errors and turn them over to the Holy Spirit Who will shine them away. The ego will never undo itself. We must let our dreams be brought to truth. This requires willingness and humility. For only when we our willing to surrender our way, will we turn to Him.

Our willingness today is demonstrated in our determination and discipline to apply the lesson. Recognize that what you see with your eyes, and the meaning you give to your seeing, blocks Christ's vision. Be willing to be shown another way. We can't do it on our own, for on our own means we are aligning with the ego and putting the ego in charge. It will be done through us as we surrender our way. Affirm today that Christ's vision is how I choose today to see this person, this event, this situation. I am willing to release that which my eyes show me as true. I am willing to give over my own interpretation of what I see and ask for help to have this situation reinterpreted by One Who does know. I am willing to ask for help that I might see with the eyes of Christ.

Love and blessings, Sarah 

[email protected]

The quotes in this article are from the Foundation for Inner Peace edition, with the reference cited. There is also the quote references for similar quotes in the ACIM Original Edition

TEXT Paused for Weekend

A Course in Miracles

Chapter Twenty-Five

The Remedy

VIII. Commuting the Sentence     

50 And if the Holy Spirit can commute each sentence that you laid upon yourself into a blessing, then it cannot be a sin. Sin is the one thing in all the world that cannot change. It is immutable. And on its changelessness the world depends. The magic of the world can seem to hide the pain of sin from sinners and deceive with glitter and with guile. Yet each one knows the cost of sin is death. And so it is. For sin is a request for death, a wish to make this world's foundation sure as love, dependable as Heaven, and as strong as God Himself. The world is safe from love to everyone who thinks sin possible. Nor will it change. Yet is it possible what God created not should share the attributes of His creation when it opposes it in every way?


51 It cannot be the "sinner's" wish for death is just as strong as is God's Will for life. Nor can the basis of a world He did not make be firm and sure as Heaven. How could it be that hell and Heaven are the same? And is it possible that what He did not will cannot be changed? What is immutable besides His Will? And what can share Its attributes except Itself? What wish can rise against His Will and be immutable? If you could realize nothing is changeless but the Will of God, this course would not be difficult for you. For it is this that you do not believe. Yet there is nothing else you could believe if you but looked at what it really is.


52 Let us go back to what we said before and think of it more carefully. It must be so that either God is mad or is this world a place of madness. Not one Thought of His makes any sense at all within this world. And nothing that the world believes as true has any meaning in His Mind at all. What makes no sense and has no meaning is insanity. And what is madness cannot be the truth. If one belief so deeply valued here were true, then every Thought God ever had is an illusion. And if but one Thought of His is true, then all beliefs the world gives any meaning to are false and make no sense at all. This is the choice you make. Do not attempt to see it differently nor twist it into something it is not. For only this decision can you make. The rest is up to God and not to you.


53 To justify one value that the world upholds is to deny your Father's sanity and yours. For God and His beloved Son do not think differently. And it is the agreement of their thought that makes the Son a co-creator with the Mind Whose Thought created him. And if he chooses to believe one thought opposed to truth, he has decided he is not his Father's Son because the Son is mad, and sanity must lie apart from both the Father and the Son. This you believe. Think not that this belief depends upon the form it takes. Who thinks the world is sane in any way, is justified in anything it thinks, or is maintained by any form of reason believes this to be true. Sin is not real because the Father and the Son are not insane. This world is meaningless because it rests on sin. Who could create the changeless if it does not rest on truth?


54 The Holy Spirit has the power to change the whole foundation of the world you see to something else-a basis not insane on which a sane perception can be based, another world perceived. And one in which nothing is contradicted that would lead the Son of God to sanity and joy. Nothing attests to death and cruelty, to separation, and to differences. For here is everything perceived as one, and no one loses that each one may gain.


55 Test everything that you believe against this one requirement. And understand that everything that meets this one demand is worthy of your faith. But nothing else. What is not love is sin, and either one perceives the other as insane and meaningless. Love is the basis for a world perceived as wholly mad to sinners who believe theirs is the way to sanity. But sin is equally insane within the sight of love, whose gentle eyes would look beyond the madness and rest peacefully on truth. Each sees a world immutable, as each defines the changeless and eternal truth of what you are. And each reflects a view of what the Father and the Son must be to make that viewpoint meaningful and sane.


56 Your special function is the special form in which the fact that God is not insane appears most sensible and meaningful to you. The content is the same. The form is suited to your special needs and to the special time and place in which you think you find yourself and where you can be free of place and time and all that you believe must limit you. The Son of God cannot be bound by time nor place nor anything God did not will. Yet if His Will is seen as madness, then the form of sanity which makes it most acceptable to those who are insane requires special choice. Nor can this choice be made by the insane, whose problem is their choices are not free and made with reason in the light of sense.


57 It would be madness to entrust salvation to the insane. Because He is not mad has God appointed One as sane as He to raise a saner world to meet the sight of everyone who chose insanity as his salvation. To this One is given the choice of form most suitable to him; one which will not attack the world he sees, but enter into it in quietness and show him he is mad. This One but points to an alternative, another way of looking at what he has seen before and recognizes as the world in which he lives and thought he understood before.


58 Now must he question this because the form of the alternative is one which he cannot deny nor overlook nor fail completely to perceive at all. To each his special function is designed to be perceived as possible and more and more desired as it proves to him that it is an alternative he really wants. From this position does his sinfulness and all the sin he sees within the world offer him less and less. Until he comes to understand it cost him his sanity and stands between him and whatever hope he has of being sane. Nor is he left without escape from madness, for he has a special part in everyone's escape. He can no more be left outside without a special function in the hope of peace than could the Father overlook His Son and pass him by in careless thoughtlessness.


59 What is dependable except God's Love? And where does sanity abide except in Him? The One Who speaks for Him can show you this in the alternative He chose especially for you. It is God's Will that you remember this and so emerge from deepest mourning into perfect joy. Accept the function that has been assigned to you in God's Own plan to show His Sons that hell and Heaven are different, not the same. And that in Heaven they are all the same, without the differences which would have made a hell of Heaven and a heaven of hell, had such insanity been possible.


60 The whole belief that someone loses but reflects the underlying tenet God must be insane. For in this world, it seems that one must gain because another lost. If this were true, then God is mad indeed! But what is this belief except a form of the more basic tenet, "Sin is real and rules the world"? For every little gain must someone lose and pay exact amount in blood and suffering. For otherwise would evil triumph and destruction be the total cost of any gain at all. You who believe that God is mad, look carefully at this and understand that it must be that either God or this must be insane, but hardly both.


61 Salvation is rebirth of the idea no one can lose for anyone to gain. And everyone must gain if anyone would be a gainer. Here is sanity restored. And on this single rock of truth can faith in God's eternal saneness rest in perfect confidence and perfect peace. Reason is satisfied, for all insane beliefs can be corrected here. And sin must be impossible if this is true. This is the rock on which salvation rests, the vantage point from which the Holy Spirit gives meaning and direction to the plan in which your special function has a part. For here your special function is made whole because it shares the function of the whole.


62 Remember all temptation is but this-a mad belief that God's insanity would make you sane and give you what you want. That either God or you must lose to madness because your aims can not be reconciled. Death demands life, but life is not maintained at any cost. No one can suffer for the Will of God to be fulfilled. Salvation is His Will because you share it. Not for you alone but for the Self which is the Son of God. He cannot lose, for if he could, the loss would be his Father's, and in Him no loss is possible. And this is sane because it is the truth.



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