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If the days or weeks were omitted
After the first week both the days and weeks are counted. The Mishnah Berurah writes that even if only one of these was counted (e.g. "Today is the 32nd day of the omer" or "Today is three weeks and two days of the omer"), the obligation has been fulfilled according to some poskim. However, it is proper in such a case to count again (without a beracha) mentioning both the days and the weeks, since there are poskim who hold that the mitzvah is not fulfilled unless these are both included. Interestingly, if at the end of one of the weeks of the omer (after 7 days, 14 days, 21 days, etc.) one mentions only the number of weeks during his count and neglects to mention the number of days, then according to all opinions he must count again without a beracha, mentioning both.
(ס"ק ז ו-ט ושעה"צ ס"ק יא)

 Hilchos Tefilla 128 (page 11)
 מאמצע הסעיף וכיצד עד סעיף כד

Avoiding Distractions
A Beracha on a Borrowed Talllis
Does a Chazan Kohein Move to the Front?

Avoiding distractions
The kohanim and congregation must remain focused on the beracha. Both the kohanim and congregation should avoid gazing at the kohanim's hands or at any other distractions. There is a custom to avoid even glancing at the kohanim's hands, since in the times of the Beis Hamikdash looking at their hands was forbidden because the Shechina rested there. In light of this, it has become the practice for the kohanim to cover their faces and hands during the beracha, and in many congregations all the people present cover their faces with their talleisim during the beracha. This custom should not be altered, since a change in custom is likely to cause people to become distracted.
( סעיף כג וס"ק פט-צ; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 93 ו־96)
A beracha on a borrowed tallis
The poskim discuss whether a kohein who borrows a tallis to cover his hands during birkas kohanim must recite a beracha on it. To avoid the issue, it is recommended that when borrowing the tallis, the kohein should have in mind not to acquire it, thereby absolving himself of the possible requirement to make a beracha. If he takes a shul tallis, he should be mindful to do so for the sake of the mitzva and he should recite a beracha.
( ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 94-95; וראה שם עוד)
Does a chazan kohein move to the front?
According to the Mechaber, if the chazan is a kohein who will recite the birkas kohanim he should go to the front of the shul together with the other kohanim. Others hold-and the custom follows this opinion-that he should recite the blessing from where he is. If remaining in his place will result in members of the congregation having to stand behind him during the beracha (e.g. in Sefardic congregations, where the chazan stands in middle of the shul), he should go to the front. The chazan/kohein should shuffle his feet when starting Retzei even if he will recite the beracha from his place. Some have the custom of jumping in place instead of shuffling, but there are poskim who are unhappy with this solution.
( סעיף כ וס"ק עח; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 85 ו־87)

  • Someone davening Shemoneh Esrei should listen to birkas kohanim and the beracha before it. According to some poskim, listening is optional.
  • If the chazan is a kohein, he should not recite birkas kohanim if other kohanim are present. He may recite the berachos if there are no other kohanim (according to some poskim, if there is only one other kohein) and he is sure that he will be able to properly resume the tefilla when he is done (e.g. if he is praying from a siddur).
  • Every member of the congregation must hear every word of birkas kohanim. Therefore, the kohanim may not start the pesukim of birkas kohanim until the congregation completes the Amein to the preceding beracha. Likewise, the kohanim should wait until the chazan completes each word before reciting it, and the chazan should wait until the kohanim have completed each word before beginning the next one.

  • When the amud conceals the kohanim

  • Do those outside the shul receive the beracha?

  • Passing in front of other congregants in order to stand before the kohanim



PLEASE NOTE:  The information in this email is for learning purposes only. Please review the Mishna Berura and Biurim U'Musafim before making a halachic decision. Hebrew words are occasionally transliterated to enable a smoother reading of the text. Common Ashkenazi pronunciation is generally used in these cases.
