A weekly newsletter about letting the workplace speak
Issue 19/Volume 3                www.VisualWorkplace.com                  May 11, 2016
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Now only $4980 (or $415/mo) get your
Work That Makes Sense
without waiting for corporate authorization.
Thought for the Week
A Visual Display is a concrete representation of multi-layered information located in a single, centralized, interactive format that allows us to independently:
  • Witness conditions change in real time
  • Understand the status of a situation
  • Make sound decisions
  • Take correct, timely action.
from Becoming A Leader of Improvement seminar participant manual
by Dr. Gwendolyn Galsworth
Visual Poem/Puzzle
Visual Tricks and Treats
Great signs, clever visual devices, artistic or humorous graffiti. If you find one to share, send the image to [email protected] 

Visual Radio: 
Supervisor Lead Through Driving: Visual Metrics 
Listen to Gwendolyn this 
Thursday at 10am (Pacific) on
This Week's Episode
Supervisor Lead Through Driving:
Visual Metrics (ENCORE)

Too often, we make the mistake of thinking that making measures visible (tacking them on a bulletin board) has the power to create improvement. It does not--and that includes your KPIs (key performance indicators). KPIs show only. They monitor performance but they do not change it. Why? Because they cannot. KPIs cannot cause improvement because they are not structured to do so. But Visual Metrics are--the next tool in the supervisor's visual leadership tool box. In this week's show, Dr. Gwendolyn Galsworth defines and discusses visual metrics: a category of visual function that speaks in the voice of the user, defines performance in concrete, local terms, and illuminates cause. And because they illuminate cause, visual metrics are capable of driving down the causal chain. And driving, as you know, is the most powerful form of leading. Tune in and learn what visual metrics are, how to develop them, and how to use them to lead: to drive excellence.  

Feature Article
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: +Beauty (Part 3 of 5) 
by Gwendolyn Galsworth, PhD

What is it that beauty does? Why does it draw us? Why do we seek it? My answer: Beauty lifts our spirit and beauty connects us. Beauty creates a common experience. It makes us one. We see a perfect rose, fragrant and heavy with dew...our hearts open--yours and mine together. A baby, soft, pure, innocent, beautiful. We are aligned, connected. Our spirit lifts.

Beauty falls into that-an effortless connector that lifts our spirit. Connectivity. You know, I watch football sometimes (though I prefer soccer). I watch an occasional basketball game...and small doses of baseball. I watch because of the beauty of the sport, the grace and beauty of movement. For me, sports are amazing, mind boggling--and quite literally beyond my comprehension. And yet I know they are beautiful.

In far too many workplaces, beauty as a work specification is entirely absent. Why would anyone think we don't notice? We do. As surely as we recognize beauty when it appears, we recognize its absence. Don't think your workplace is off limits, that it does not need beauty or is immune to the need. None are.
And the Visual Fail Prize Goes To...
Have you seen a Visual Fail that made you laugh?  Send the image to [email protected],
and we'll put it here and credit you with the funny find!