Grace Anglican Comm
May 14, 2016
Dear Fellow Travelers,  
Hebrews 11:1 says, "Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." Let's face it - it takes a lot of faith to be part of a new church. So many things are unknown. Will the new church even survive? How will the new ministries develop? Will there ever be a better facility? 
It is no surprise, therefore, that our people have great faith. And that faith has paid off. Here we are three years into the life of Grace Anglican Community. We have not only survived but have developed far beyond expectations. Our knowledge and love of the Lord is growing. Our ministries are broad and deep and strong. Our reach is both local and international. God himself only knows how many individual lives we have touched.
I say this because we are about to make another step forward in faith and ministry. That will be into our new space. It is very exciting. You can read more about it (and other cool stuff) below.  


It began last August when Karen Henson saw some space in a large retail development that might work well as our next location. The development is named Katy Ranch and is located in the middle of a dynamic, rapidly-growing complex that includes the Katy Mills Mall, the new Katy Boardwalk (including an 89-acre lake, loft apartments, office/retail and a real boardwalk), multiple apartment complexes, offices, and a big water park. When completed, the area will be hopping!
Our initial investigation of the location and costs looked favorable, so we began an in-depth study of how much space we would need and how much it would cost. It sounds simple, but as they say, the devil is in the details.  
Over the past few months, our Financial Stewardship Group (Drew Cunningham, Tom Righter, Bill Russell and Lori Shafer) has been hard at work. We have met frequently and have exchanged countless emails with the developer, our realtor, the architects and one another to ensure that both our finances and our floor plan are solid. In addition, the developer presented us with a 58-page lease that had to be examined in fine detail and many modifications made. At last, I am pleased to report that we have reached agreement on all details of the project, and we will be signing the lease as soon as it is printed and available to us.
Below is a preliminary elevation of the exterior and final floor plan. Noteworthy features are (in no particular order): a permanent stage that is 100 square feet larger than our current stage, seating capacity of 225-250 (depending on configuration), a large nursery area, a large children's ministry area, three adult meeting rooms, a kitchen-like snack area larger than at Grace Place, abundant storage space, a sink and storage for Altar Guild, and a large, welcoming foyer. Although the general contractor says we should be in by October 1, we are planning on November 1.


Church Picnic - May 15


The annual church picnic will be Sunday, May 15 immediately following the church service. Barbecue will be provided and church members are asked to bring side dishes. Cost will be $5.00 per person (age 12 and up - no charge for children under age 12). Wear casual clothes. It is always fun and a great time to bring a friend.

The Ballard House - May 21

Life-threatening illness. What terrible words. The Ballard House is a place of refuge for people suffering from life-threatening illnesses, who have come to Houston for treatment, and their families. Grace Anglican Community goes there monthly to serve meals, to visit with the residents, to pray with them and to offer a time of worship. In the photo above, some of our youth are serving supper. Our next scheduled visit is Saturday, May 21 from 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 pm.  Everyone is welcome. Contact Jen Ruben ( [email protected].) for additional information.

Graduation Sunday - May 22

On Sunday, May 22, we celebrate the achievements of those who are graduating from high school, college, or graduate school. It is always a fun and heartwarming time to recognize our kids who are finishing one phase of life and moving on to another phase. If you have a grad or are a grad, please provide Bridgette Lanham ( [email protected]) with your name, name of institution, degree sought/conferred, plans after graduation, and a current picture. Deadline to submit information is Tuesday, May 17.

Men's Event - Escape Room - June 4

Your team is locked in a room (not really due to safety reasons). You are given one hour to escape by solving clues and puzzles. There are three rooms, each with its own mystery - Mo's Safehouse, Grandma Codebreaker and The Scarlet Scam. All men are invited to join the fun on Saturday, June 4. Contact Dave Ruben ( [email protected]) for additional information.

Newcomer's Breakfast and Orientation - June 5 and June 12

What is an Anglican? What is a Deacon? How do I participate in a ministry? These and other questions will be answered at a Newcomer Breakfast and Orientation. This two-part event on June 5 and June 12 will help newcomers meet other newcomers and provide everything you need to feel more a part of Grace Anglican Community. We will even explain why we call ourselves community rather than church. Breakfast will be from 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. The information sessions will be from 9:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Childcare will be available. Please sign up at the Information Table. For additional information, contact Bob Henson ( [email protected]). 

Women's Event - Brookwood - June 11

All women are invited to join us on Saturday, June 11. We'll browse through the shop, admire the plants in the greenhouse and have lunch at the Brookwood Cafe. Sign-ups will begin on Sunday, May 22. For additional information, contact Sharon High ([email protected])

Abide in Me Prayer Gathering - June 13

On Monday, June 13, at Grace Place from 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. we gather for our monthly Abide in Me prayer gathering. In this important and growing ministry, we pray for the needs of Grace Anglican Community, our ministries and growth. We also pray for neighborhoods, schools and the broader community. The format is a blend of liturgy, song and free prayer. It is the lifeblood of our life together.  Join us!

Krause Golf Tournament - June 20

Golf is fun. Just ask Mike McCroskey. It is especially fun when playing with friends for a good cause, and there is no more worthy cause than the Krause Children's Center. Krause, one of our outreach partners, serves girls who have been removed from their homes or foster placements for a variety of reasons, most due to histories of severe abuse or neglect. Krause initiates a healing process through in-depth clinical therapy, personal development activities and spiritual care in a safe setting. Last year, Grace Anglican raised more money at this tournament than any other church. Golf is fun. Helping mend broken lives is even more rewarding. Save the date - Monday, June 20.  For more information, contact Diane Covert ( [email protected]).


One of the building blocks of Grace Anglican Community is mission sending. We are not a people who live for ourselves alone. Instead, we reach outside of ourselves to do the Lord's work both near and far. This year, there will be three congregational mission trips.

International Mission Trip - June 16-26

Cambodia, here we come! Cool, huh? But why? The answer is simple. Jesus said to do it. He said, " Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you."  (Matthew 28:19-20). There is nothing subtle about this Great Commission. Every Christian is to proclaim the message of Jesus near and far. In this case, we will be going far to villages where the name of Jesus has never been heard.
Space does not allow a full description of our methodology. However, God willing, there will be one or more small Bible study groups in each village we visit. These groups will be developed and overseen by Cambodian Christians in the larger town nearby. Essentially, we are helping Cambodians plant churches using a methodology that has been proven successful in other similar settings, especially China. The trip will be June 16-26. Our team is Bob Henson, Karen Henson, Jon Henson, Maizeanne Henson, Katie Kerbow, Jen Ruben, Shelly Sorem, and Cindy Winkelman, along with a dozen other people from across the USA. Please join us in prayer for this mission.  

Ignite Youth Group - Soul in the City - July 17-23


Soul in the City is a week-long experience that gives 7-12th grade students the opportunity to serve at various work sites in and around Houston, build relationships with other believers, and share the love of Christ. Work sites in the past have included VBS programs, shelter food serving, street church services, food pantries, Meals on Wheels deliveries, retirement centers and neighborhood renovations. This year's mission trip is right around the corner, July 17-23. Contact Bridgette at [email protected]  if you have any questions. (And, yes, our youth workers really are superheroes).

Adult Domestic Mission - October 21-22

Swing a hammer. Paint. Sweep. No matter what your skill set, there will be something for everyone to do on our adult domestic mission trip. This year, we will be returning to Galveston to work with Galveston Urban Mission group. This ministry empowers the poor and marginalized of Galveston through community development and support services. Last year we helped restore an old church and remodel a building that will serve as ministry offices. We don't know what we will do this year but we know this:  we will help make a difference in the lives of poor people. God likes that. Save the dates - October 21-22.

Travel Notes

Hebrews 11:1 says, "Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." But faith is more than simple intellectual assent to a set of facts. Faith means incorporating those facts into our way of life. Or, as someone said, faith is a verb.  Looking at this Grace Anglican Update, it is clear that our community believes with our feet.  Whether serving people in difficult life situations or having fun together or reaching beyond ourselves in mission, we are putting our faith to work. The fruit of that is deeper relationships, changed lives, and a better world.  And, in the process, our faith continues to grow  Pretty cool.


Grace to you,





The Rev. Robert H. Henson


Grace Anglican Community


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Music Notes 

"Dancing as a Form of Worship"

"And when those who bore the ark of the Lord had gone six steps, he sacrificed an ox and a fattened animal.  And David danced before the Lord with all his might. And David was wearing a linen ephod. So David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the Lord with shouting and with the sound of the horn."
~2 Samuel 6:13-15
"Praise the Lord!
Sing to the Lord a new song,
his praise in the assembly of the godly!
Let Israel be glad in his Maker;
 let the children of Zion rejoice in their King!
Let them praise his name with dancing,
making melody to him with tambourine and lyre!"
~Psalm 149:1-3

Greetings Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

Worship plays a major role in our Sunday service, and in our overall Christian walk. It allows us to sing praises to our creator; expressing thanks, admiration, awe, wonder for who he is, and what having the promise of redemption through Christ Jesus means to us all.  However,  as much time as we dedicate to singing as a form of worship, that's not the only form worship takes. For example, in the readings above, and present throughout the entire bible, we see a worshipful expression through dance. Now, I will be the first to admit that dancing is not for me.  Perhaps it's a feeling of self-consciousness, or lack of skill, or leaving the security of my comfort zone, but the idea of dancing in public petrifies me. But as I think of that, I remember others may feel the same way about singing. God knows about these fears and reservations, and so, engaging in these activities is an external proclamation of our tr ust in him.  With that in mind, I invite you to engage in worshiping the Lord in different ways. Perhaps start in the comfort of your own home, during your prayer time?  Perhaps start by tapping a toe?  Given enough time, even  the small changes get magnified. When those changes include a greater dependence and trust in the Lord, it will have a long lasting, significant impact on our lives.       


Grace Anglican Community | | [email protected] |