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Back Safe
Cumulative Micro-Trauma Costing U.S. Organizations Billions of Dollars Per Year

The neck and shoulder discomfort the executive feels at the end of their day; the dull ache in the low back of the delivery driver; the inability to turn one's head fully when backing out of the driveway; the sudden lightning bolt of pain that strikes down a previously healthy employee after doing an innocent job task that they have done many times before; the shoulder pain that makes it impossible to get a proper night's sleep; and a myriad of other pains, discomfort, and injuries that cost Corporate America billions of dollars each are the result of a daily accumulation of micro-trauma on our bodies called Cumulative Micro-Trauma or CMT. 

It is said that 80% of the US population will experience a back injury in their lifetime. This is a sad statistic as painful back injuries can dramatically change people's lives and cause tremendous financial hardship. It is even sadder due to the fact that most back, shoulder, and even computer related injuries are entirely preventable. 

FIT discovered after working with over 1 million employees throughout the U.S. and Canada that by teaching employees how to prevent micro-trauma from accumulating on their bodies that injuries and workers' comp costs can be dramatically reduced. Think about this for a moment - how many cylinders do you have in your car or truck? Is it front wheel drive or rear wheel? Many of you know these facts about your vehicles. Now answer this question - how many bones make up your spine? Yes, join the club, you know more about your car (that you can replace) than your back! 

There is an educational void in our society. Children, moms, dads, workers, executives aren't taught how to use their bodies in life, which insidiously over time causes a daily onslaught of unnecessary micro-trauma on their bodies. Once we discovered that the lowest common denominator of most back, shoulder, and ergonomic injuries was CMT, and that we as a society aren't remotely aware that with proper training we can prevent these life altering injuries, we set out to develop a solution. Bionomics™ is a field within ergonomics that teaches people biomechanics specifically for their job tasks to prevent micro-trauma, and job related stretches to relieve micro-trauma before it accumulates. Bionomics is our breakthrough on how to get employees (yes even the "toughest" employees don't like pain) to "buy-in" to changing their physical behaviors at work AND at home. 

Sittingsafe® is our Bionomic workshop for office employees, and Backsafe® workshops are customized for the tens of thousands of non-office job descriptions. All people share the desire for health, energy, and a lifestyle of their choosing. Everyone is highly motivated to avoid pain and injury. They just need to know that they CAN do something about it, and how to do so. 

Our Bionomic based programs have been used by many organizations in a wide range of industries to great success. Here are examples of just a few: 
Major Airline - 63% reduction in sprain/strains after training 20,000 flight attendants on how to prevent CMT while working and at home. 
Hospital - Saved $2.1 million over 3 years after training nurses and non-clinical employees how to prevent CMT. 
Transportation Company - Saved 8,000 lost workdays in their first year of implementation.
Manufacturing - Injury Frequency Rate dropped from 15.62 to 3.08 in one year. 
Distribution - Large warehousing company dropped workers' comp from $1.4 million to just $200K over 3 years. 
Law Enforcement - A 60% reduction in sprain/strain claims over 2 years. 
Office - RSI claims dropped from 19 per year to 3 after 12 months. 
Preventing back, shoulder, and other sprain/strain injuries is now possible, and in fact relatively easy. A problem will persist if you don't find the right cause. We know that CMT is a main cause of injuries, increased workers' comp costs, lost workdays and loss of production. Bionomics training is now a proven and very cost effective solution. We have trainers throughout the U.S. and Canada that are certified to assist you. Feel free to call us to discuss your circumstances and to discover how easy it is to prevent tomorrow's injuries. 

Dennis Downing
What Muscles Wish You Knew About Reversing Years of Damage
Athletes stretch for top performance in their sports. This type of stretching is dynamic, meaning everything moves - the arms, legs, back and head. Athletes doing dynamic stretching move through the different stretches, but don't hold them for more than a few seconds.

This article may be reprinted in its entirety provided that the following resource is left intact:
Future Industrial Technologies, Inc. (FIT)  offers workplace safety and ergonomics training programs.  Backsafe® teaches employees how to perform their specific job tasks in a manner that is biomechanically correct.  Sittingsafe® teaches office employees how to adapt their existing workstations so they are ergonomically correct. These injury prevention programs make your workplace safer and are proven to reduce injuries and worker compensation insurance costs.
For more information contact Dennis Downing at: 
Future Industrial Technologies, Inc. 5951 Encina Road, Suite 201 | Goleta, CA 93117