August 22, 2014
Issue 34, Volume 7 It's All About the Choices!
Greetings and Happy Friday!
Please enjoy our newsletter! Have a great weekend!
News Items:
- Imaging Study Shows How Children Memorize Facts
- Gut Bacteria May Influence Moods, Cravings
- Proprioreception and Children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
- Physically Fit Kids Have More Compact Brain White Matter
- News for School Nurses: Schoolchildren Who Add Hand Sanitizer To Washing Still Get Sick
- Spontaneous Gestures Can Help Children Learn
PediaStaff News
- PediaStaff Job of the Week: School-Based OT, DuPage County, IL
- PediaStaff Interview Question of the Week: Why Do You Want to Work for our School District?
Therapy Activities, Tips and Resources
- Resource of the Week: Going to School Social Story
- Product Review: All Aboard the Friend Ship
- Free Printable: Word Family Houses
- Pinterest Pin of the Week: A Scheme of Neuroreceptors
Articles and Special Features
- School Psychology Corner: Beneath the Smiles and Laughter
- Pediatric Therapy Corner: Join? Why?
- SLP Corner: Articulation Norms...Or are They?
- Worth Repeating: 7 Questions to Ask Parents at the Beginning of the Year
- Worth Repeating: So Why Should Occupational Therapists Bother to Write Rubrics?
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Heidi Kay and the PediaStaff Team
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Imaging Study Shows How Children Memorize Facts
[Source: Psych Central]
New brain-imaging research reveals how the brain reorganizes itself as children learn basic math facts.
"As children learn basic arithmetic, they go from solving problems by counting on their fingers to pulling facts from memory," researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine said. "The shift comes more easily for some kids than for others, but no one knows why," the researchers said.
Their new study shows that a precisely orchestrated group of brain changes, many involving the memory center known as the hippocampus, are critical to the transformation.
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Gut Bacteria May Influence Cravings, Moods
| [Source: Psych Central]
The bacteria found in our digestive tracts may be affecting both our cravings and moods, and may even push us toward obesity, according to a new analysis published in the journal BioEssays. Based on a review of recent scientific literature, researchers from University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), Arizona State University, and University of New Mexico found that the microbes living in our digestive tracts cause us to crave the particular nutrients they need to grow on, rather than passively living off whatever nutrients we happen to consume. Read the Rest of this Article Through a Link our Blog |
Proprioception and Children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
[Source: Child Development and Neurology via Your Therapy Source]
Child Development and Neurology published research on 40 makes with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) to examine tactile perception and manual dexterity, with or without visual feedback.
The participants were assessed for tactile perception using two-point discrimination and stereognosis tests, and manual dexterity using the Pick-Up test with the eyes either open or closed.
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Physically Fit Kids Have More Compact Brain White Matter
Editor's Note: So, in light of this research, can we please bring recess back, yet?
[Source: Psych Central]
A new study shows that nine and 10-year-old kids who are more aerobically fit have more fibrous and compact white-matter tracts in their brains than kids who are less fit.
According to researchers, white matter describes the bundles of axons that carry nerve signals from one region of the brain to another. More compact white matter is associated with faster and more efficient nerve activity, the researchers explain.
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Schoolchildren Who Add Hand Sanitizer To Washing Still Get Sick
[Source: NPR.org]
Schools can be a great breeding ground for colds, stomach viruses, the flu and other bugs kids (and their parents) would rather not get.
Researchers wanted to know whether the transmission of those baddies could be reduced by telling elementary school children to use hand sanitizer in addition to the usual hand washing. But their study, conducted in 68 primary schools in New Zealand, found putting sanitizer in classrooms might not be worth the money and effort in higher-income countries, where soap and clean water are readily available.
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Spontaneous Gestures Can Help Children Learn
[Source: Medical News Today]
Spontaneous gesture can help children learn, whether they use a spoken language or sign language, according to a new report.
Using gestures helps children develop basic learning and cognitive skills, aiding them in problem-solving tasks.
Previous research by Susan Goldin-Meadow, the Beardsley Ruml Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Psychology, has found that gesture helps children develop their language, learning and cognitive skills. As one of the nation's leading authorities on language learning and gesture, she has also studied how using gesture helps older children improve their mathematical skills. Read the Rest of this Article Through a Link our Blog |
PediaStaff Job of the Week: School-Based OT, DuPage County, IL
| We are working with a school district in DuPage County who is in need of an Occupational Therapist to work full time for the 2014-15 school year. You will work between a few schools in close proximity to Burr Ridge - 2 schools: 1 elementary and 1 MS - kids are mostly in EC and elementary with about an hour at the middle school. There are a lot of students in EC and K/1 with a self-contained primary multi-needs classroom. It's a really nice little caseload Contract rates commensurate with experience.
Interview Question: Why Do You Want to Work for our District?
Why do you want to work for our school district?
Here is a great question that definitely requires your advance preparation for each individual interview. In general, you can answer most questions the same way throughout your job search. Not so, this one, because every district is different. Your ability to give a specific answer tailored to the particular district will show that you really ARE interested, and didn't just throw your a handful of your resumes at a wall to see what would stick.
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Resource of the Week: Going to School Social Story
| [Source: Education and Behavior.com]
For children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), anxiety disorders, or any child that may be apprehensive about a situation, social stories are a great method to help them get ready. Feel free to print this story out and read it several times with your child/client/student (without pressure). You can also use the print option to open the PDF if you have already downloaded Adobe Reader and still can't view it below (this may happen on a tablet, phone, or mac).
Download This Social Story Through our Blog |
Product Review: All Aboard the Friend Ship
| by Hanna Bogen, CCC-SLP
Remember when you had to memorize all the presidents of the United States for U.S. History Class...in order?!? It took me about 2 minutes of blankly staring at flash cards to realize I was never going to cement those names through repetition alone. So where does one turn for help at 10:00pm the night before the test? Music, of course! The Animaniacs saved my tush that night with their president song
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Free Printable: Word Family Houses
| [Source: No Time for Flash Cards]
Everyone knows by now that I love No Time For Flash Cards!!! Take a look at her newest printable idea, perfect for speech-language pathologists! The printable is free to download from the post! Laminate it, and you are good to go with a wipe off activity!
Download this Great Printable Through a Link on our Blog |
Pinterest Pin of the Week: A Scheme of Neuroreceptors
As seen on Pinterest via "NeuroLove.me. Was quite popular with School Psychologists so I thought I would share it here!
Check it out on our Blog |
School Psych Corner: Beneath the Smiles and Laughter
by Mark A. Simpson, M.S., Ed.S.
With the recent and unexpected loss of legendary entertainer, philanthropist and comedian, Robin Williams, the topic of mental health has been a national conversation as of late. While it is uncertain how much Williams' battle with depression played a role in his death, there is no doubt his mental illness played a significant role in his life. For Williams, mental illness and comedy were not mutually exclusive.
But he was not alone. Like Williams, beloved comedians Chris Farley and John Belushi also lost their battles with addiction and substance abuse. Owen Wilson, often celebrated for his portrayals of offbeat characters, attempted suicide in 2007 while battling depression, at a time when his public image was generally regarded as pristine.
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Pediatric Therapy Corner: Join? Why?
Editor's Note: This article was written by an SLP, but is relevant and important for all pediatric therapists and clinical professionals! Get Connected!
by Annie Doyle, CCC-SLP
I will admit it, for many years I was not a member in my local state speech and language association. When we first moved to New Hampshire I joined in an effort to connect with other speechies. I had moved from New Jersey, and NJSLHA was very active. The membership was strong and a bevy of professional development opportunities were offered. New Hampshire just seemed...a little slower to me. After several years I allowed my membership to lapse and I noticed no difference. I became one of the many who uttered the words, "What has the organization done for me?" I did my job, connected with only a few SLPs in our SAU, and saved $60.00 per year (yes only $60.00).
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SLP Corner: Articulation Norms...Or are They?
by Mary Huston, CCC-SLP
There's a fine art to biting your tongue and walking away and diplomacy is a worthy skill to acquire and hone. Recognizing that we all have differences, is another skill that is fabulous to have. However, sometimes, it's necessary to find a way to correct a wrong, particularly when it's a common wrong. (Are you confused yet? Bear with me...please?)
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7 Questions to Ask Parents at the Beginning of the Year
As a beginning teacher I knew that it was important to connect with parents and to build a positive relationship with them, but at times I wasn't sure how to do this. Within the first week of school I'd call all my student's parents or guardians, introduce myself, and share a little about what they could expect for their kids in my class that year.
So Why Should Occupational Therapists Bother to Write Rubrics?
by Eleanor Cawley, MS., OTR/L
Mostly, therapists read my posts on social media and then move on. Some comment positively and others, not at all. But then there are those times when there is that one person who challenges you. I must say, that one person tends to get my fight on! I feel that I have to prove my work all over again. But I really love the debate. To those of you who feel that rubrics are not necessary, that's okay. However, I feel they are.
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