Onondaga Pathways to Careers (OPC) at Onondaga Community College (OCC)
…for Young People with Disabilities
OPC Welcomes Dean Tzivanis!
Please welcome Dean Tzivanis, who joined OPC in April as a Recruiting Specialist. Dean joins us having worked with college students in a variety of capacities for the last 7 years at Binghamton University, Alfred State-SUNY College of Technology, and Colgate University.  His duties have included residential education, student conduct, academic advising, new student programs and civic engagement.  He looks forward to interacting with students, families, and community partners about the uniqueness of the OPC program and being involved with students during their college search process.
SCSD Scholars Prepare for College
The first cohort of OPC Scholars (a small group of high school seniors from the Syracuse City School District) met again in April to continue preparing for their transition into college this fall. The Scholars learned to use OCC’s newest career exploration tool, Career Coach, to complete their own personality assessments and learn about different careers that meet their interests. The Scholars also had the opportunity to participate in OCC’s Express Enroll, receiving guidance to help complete their applications to attend OCC in the fall. In May the Scholars will meet to learn about different types of disability, as well as how to talk about their own disability/ies and to advocate for themselves in educational and workplace settings.
OCC Students:
Find Free Final Exam help from The Learning Center
Are you nervous about finals? Utilize the free resources on campus. Arm yourself to succeed with a visit to The Learning Center in Gordon, Room 202. Work with an individual tutor to ask questions, review, clarify concepts, and brush up on terminology. Come to one of our workshops and learn how to study most effectively. Or join a study group and find a study partner or two. Good luck on your finals! And, a heartfelt congratulations to our May graduates. Go out and rock the world!

Workshops Abound at OCC:
Providing Students with Academic, Career
and Life Skills Training….
OPC students were provided with opportunities in March to participate in resume writing workshops presented by Michele Carey, Employment Services Coordinator. These interactive workshops expose students to a variety of resume styles that meet different needs and allowed them to begin writing a resume of their own.  Other workshops offered throughout the month of April for OPC students included topics such as Dressing for an Interview; Interview Preparation; Preparing for a Career Fair; Communicating with Faculty and Staff; and Self-Determination, as well as workshops on Time-Management offered by staff from OCC’s Learning Center.

Coming soon:
Training - Skills - Jobs
Preparation of this item was funded by the Office of Disability Employment Policy, U.S. Department of Labor, Grant No. OD-26453-14-75-4-36. This document does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Office of Disability Employment Policy, U.S. Department of Labor, nor does the mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
Onondaga Pathways to Careers| 315-498-2945 | |