National Black Nurses Association

National Black Nurses Association, Inc.

NBNA Chapter Presidents

Letter of Proposed Collaboration Project:

 "Addressing the Epidemic of Violence: NBNA's Call to Action "

March 9, 2016 

Dear NBNA Chapter President: 

On January 28, 2016, the chairs of the NBNA Ad Hoc Committee on Violence Reduction sent you a letter asking you to be a part of the National Initiative "NBNA's Nurses Against Violence".  The Initiative will launch on Saturday, April 30, 2016. 

Each chapter is asked to conduct an event or activity on that day.  To help you get started, the Ad Hoc Committee on Violence Reduction thought that it would be helpful for the chapter presidents to have a toolkit of topics and methods to choose from for the launch.   Of course, you may have your own ideas.  NBNA would love to hear from you.  

The Committee is asking that the chapters let us know what you are planning.

Please return the Survey Monkey by March 21!!!

Please click on the following link to complete the survey:

We will ask you as the chapter presidents to return an evaluation form outlining your activities, events, speakers, collaborative partners, flyers, number of participants, press releases and pictures so that we can share that information with the NBNA membership and external stakeholders. 

We look forward to you being an integral part of this National Initiative.  


JoAnn Lomax, MHA, BSN, RN, PAAPC

Chair, NBNA Ad Hoc Committee on Violence Reduction

Co-Chairs: Annette R. Gibson, DNP, MSN, MEd, CNE, RN
                  Daisy Harmon-Allen, PhD, RN