A Course in Miracles
Course in Miracles Society, Original Edition 
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A Course in Miracles-Original Edition
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A Course in Miracles is a self-study course.

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you can establish the curric...


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Transformed to means
VIII. "The Need for Faith"

72 Enter each situation with the faith that you give to each other, or you are faithless to your own relationship. Your faith will call the others to share your purpose, as this same purpose called forth the faith in you. And you will see the means you once employed to lead you to illusions transformed to means for truth. [Truth calls for faith, and faith makes room for truth.] When the Holy Spirit changed the purpose of your relationship by exchanging yours for His, the goal He placed there was extended to every situation in which you enter or will ever enter. And every situation was thus made free of the past, which would have made it purposeless.         


ACIM Lesson 194  

L e s s o n  194
I place the future in the hands of God.

  Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio

  Today's idea takes another step

   toward quick salvation, and a giant stride

   it is indeed. So great the distance is

   which it encompasses, it sets you down

   just short of Heaven, with the goal in sight

   and obstacles behind. Your foot has reached

   the lawns that welcome you to Heaven's gate;

   the quiet place of peace where you await

   in certainty the final step of God.

   How far are we progressing now from earth!

   How close are we approaching to our goal!

   How short the journey still to be pursued!


   Accept today's idea, and you have

   passed all anxiety, all pits of hell,

   all blackness of depression, thoughts of sin,

   and devastation brought about by guilt.

   Accept today's idea, and you have

   released the world from all imprisonment

   by loosening its heavy chains that locked

   the door to freedom on it. You are saved,

   and your salvation thus becomes the gift

   you give the world because you have received.


   In no one instant is depression felt,

   or pain experienced or loss perceived.

   In no one instant sorrow can be set

   upon a throne and worshipped faithfully.

   In no one instant can one even die.

   And so each instant given unto God

   in passing, with the next one given Him

   already, is a time of your release

   from sadness, pain and even death itself.


   God holds your future as He holds your past

   and present. They are one with Him, and so

   they should be one to you. Yet in this world

   the temporal progression still seems real.

   And so you are not asked to understand

   the lack of sequence really found in time.

   You are but asked to let the future go,

   and place it in God's hands. And you will see

   by your experience that you have laid

   the past and present in His hands as well,

   because the past will punish you no more,

   and future dread will now be meaningless.


   Release the future. For the past is gone,

   and what is present, freed from its bequest

   of grief and misery, of pain and loss,

   becomes the instant in which time escapes

   the bondage of illusions where it runs

   its pitiless, inevitable course.

   Then is each instant, which was slave to time,

   transformed into a holy instant when

   the light that was kept hidden in God's Son

   is freed to bless the world. Now is he free,

   and all his glory shines upon a world

   made free with him, to share his holiness.


   If you can see the lesson for today

   as the deliverance it really is,

   you will not hesitate to give as much

   consistent effort as you can to make

   it be a part of you. As it becomes

   a thought that rules your mind, a habit in

   your problem-solving repertoire, a way

   of quick reaction to temptation, you

   extend your learning to the world. And as

   you learn to see salvation in all things,

   so will the world perceive that it is saved.


   What worry can beset the one who gives

   his future to the loving hands of God?

   What can he suffer? What can cause him pain,

   or bring experience of loss to him?

   What can he fear? And what can he regard

   except with love? For he who has escaped

   all fear of future pain has found his way

   to present peace, and certainty of care

   the world can never threaten. He is sure

   that his perception may be faulty, but

   will never lack correction. He is free

   to choose again when he has been deceived;

   to change his mind when he has made mistakes.


   Place, then, your future in the hands of God.

   For thus you call the memory of Him

   to come again, replacing all your thoughts

   of sin and evil with the truth of love.

   Think you the world could fail to gain thereby,

   and every living creature not respond

   with healed perception? Who entrusts himself

   to God has also placed the world within

   the hands to which he has himself appealed

   for comfort and security. He lays

   aside the sick illusions of the world

   along with his, and offers peace to both.


   Now are we saved indeed. For in God's hands

   we rest untroubled, sure that only good

   can come to us. If we forget, we will

   be gently reassured. If we accept

   an unforgiving thought, it will be soon

   replaced by love's reflection. And if we

   are tempted to attack, we will appeal

   to Him Who guards our rest to make the choice

   for us that leaves temptation far behind.

   No longer is the world our enemy,

   for we have chosen that we be its friends.  


   ~Original Handscript ~ August 3, 1970  



Introduction to Lessons 181-200  
Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radi

1 Our next few lessons make a special point of firming up your willingness to make your weak commitment strong, your scattered goals blend into one intent. You are not asked for total dedication all the time, as yet. But you are asked to practice now in order to attain the sense of peace such unified commitment will bestow, if only intermittently. It is experiencing this which makes it sure that you will give your total willingness to following the way the course sets forth.

2 Our lessons now are geared specifically to widening horizons and direct approaches to the special blocks which keep your vision narrow and too limited to let you see the value of our goal. We are attempting now to lift these blocks, however briefly. Words alone can not convey the sense of liberation which their lifting brings. But the experience of freedom and of peace that comes as you give up your tight control of what you see speaks for itself. Your motivation will be so intensified that words become of little consequence. You will be sure of what you want and what is valueless.

3 And so we start our journey beyond words by concentrating first on what impedes our progress still. Experience of what exists beyond defensiveness remains beyond achievement while it is denied. It may be there, but you cannot accept its presence. So we now attempt to go past all defenses for a little while each day. No more than this is asked because no more than this is needed. It will be enough to guarantee the rest will come.

   ~ Original Handscript of ACIM

ACIM Edmonton - Sarah's Reflections 

ACIM Edmonton, CA

Lesson 194
I place the future in the hands of God. 

*Quotes in this article are from Foundation for Inner Peace edition; To locate the same quotes in the 'Original Edition', use this link:  http://www.jcim.net/acim_us/Acim.php 
[Use 'Advanced Search' and 'Exact Phrase' option]

Sarah's Commentary:

When we get this lesson, even to some extent, it brings forth a sigh of happiness. To recognize that there is nothing to worry about when the future is truly placed in the Hands of God, is to rest in a state of trust that there is no need for anxiety, worry and depression. It brings about total rest in God always a delicious feeling of being absolutely carefree. Imagine what it would be like to have no fear of the future and with it release from sadness, anxiety, despair, pain, death or any other kind of loss. Such a sense of freedom comes through the experience of the holy instant where we release the past and let go of all thoughts of guilt, loss, and pain of any kind. It truly is a lesson of deliverance from the ego's use of time.

We have bought into the myth that we have sinned in the past, and now we experience guilt in the present and look with apprehension to the future where we are awaiting punishment for our sins. This is the projection of the thoughts of sin, guilt and fear into form and thus it is the making of linear time. Linear time is thus illusion. It keeps us invested in it until we are freed in the holy instant, even for a moment, to recognize our eternal state of Presence. In the ego thought system, everything here comes to an end. Everything dies. Thus the ego proves that its reality is the truth, and that God has been defeated.

This is the fairy tale that we replay in our minds over and over. It is based on the insane thought system that we have sinned in the past. Now the witnesses to that sin are the feelings that we have that we have done something wrong and now we feel guilty. We believe that we must atone for that guilt. We hold the belief that we deserve to suffer so we expect punishment in the future. We expect others to betray us, to abandon us and to hurt us with their attacks on us. We believe that it is a cruel world that will ultimately forsake us. Jesus invites us to question these false beliefs that we hold. As a result of the belief that we have sinned against God, He is to be feared. How this shows up in our lives is that we don't believe that we deserve happiness and that we must suffer. If we punish ourselves enough, perhaps God will go easy on us.

In the lesson yesterday Jesus spoke of how we might free each hour from the one before by forgiving whatever events were brought forth in the previous hour. This is how he says we can loosen these chains of time. "Let no one hour cast its shadow on the one that follows, and when that one goes, let everything that happened in its course go with it." (W. 193.12.4) It is to start the next moment with a new perspective, where the past is wiped clean. It is to release ourselves from the imprisonment of the past and instead choose the holy instant. Jesus reminds us, "The ego has a strange notion of time, and it is with this notion that your questioning might well begin. The ego invests heavily in the past, and in the end believes that the past is the only aspect of time that is meaningful. Remember that its emphasis on guilt enables it to ensure its continuity by making the future like the past, and thus avoiding the present." (T. 13.IV.4.1-3) In this view, the past determines the future.

In the holy instant, we step away from this insane thought system and we question it. We begin to recognize that underlying all of our unhappiness is our fight with God and our need to prove that He cannot be trusted. When we feel that events in our lives conspire against our happiness, we use this as proof that God is not who He says He is. Whenever we feel miserable, when we suffer, we are actually defending against His Love. As we learned in Lesson 136, "Sickness is a defense against the truth." We are invested in our separate existence. Proving God wrong is the basis for our misery. It proves that we are who we say we are, as unique individuals.

We need to be aware at any moment of what we are holding in our thoughts in order to see when we have mistakenly chosen the ego. Again in the lesson yesterday, Jesus says it is quite simple. You can tell if you are seeing wrong if pain seems real in your perception. (193.7.1) It means that we need to be vigilant in mind watching. We need to question the values and beliefs that we hold, where we deserve what we get and that we have it coming to us. As Jesus says, "To learn this course requires willingness to question every value that you hold. Not one can be kept hidden and obscure but it will jeopardize your leaning."

Some of the ways that we have apprehension about the future show up when we hold the belief that happiness does not last. The natural state of this world is one of experiencing suffering, betrayal, loss, depression, sadness, anxiety, sickness, worry and all kinds of upsets with moments of pleasure and happiness incorporated here and there. These are beliefs that only make sense in the ego thought system that is built on the idea of sin, guilt and fear projected as linear time where we believe in a future. Once we accept that thought system, everything else follows, but now we are given an opportunity to question its reality.

I was listening to a spiritual leader last night who said that if we feel sad, we might see this as a state, but it can also be seen as just a moment. Thus we might say that in this moment I feel sad. In other words, we are not denying that sadness is showing up, but we don't have to accept it as the truth of our condition or describe ourselves in this way. He says that when we suffer it is because we tend to think of it as a condition rather than a moment. In that moment, when the feeling comes up, we can question what we believe. For example, I may feel sad because someone has said something or done something to me. This may have triggered a belief in my unworthiness. Jesus invites me to question why I make myself unhappy when I have another choice. Why do I give over my power to this situation? Why do I throw away my peace? No one has the power to make me sad. I chose to be sad because I am proving the ego is right about me. This proves to my mind that God is wrong and can't be believed. Can we for a moment question this and wonder if God might be right and us wrong? Can we consider that God's Will for us is perfect happiness and when we are not happy then we are buying into the ego thought system?

"In every difficulty, all distress, and each perplexity Christ calls to you and gently says, 'My brother, choose again.'" (T.31.VIII.3.2). Jesus knows that we will experience all kinds of difficulties, distress and perplexity in our lives. That is the nature of our experience in this world. In fact, that is why we came. We get distressed and we get perplexed and our peace flies out the window. Rather than feel guilty, angry or depressed about whatever problem seems to confront us, can we learn to accept that it is part of our learning curriculum in this classroom of our lives? Whatever form our issues come in, they are ultimately of our own choosing. It is part of the ego thought system to prove that we are these limited beings living in a body, but now we are asked to let these experiences serve another purpose, for the healing of our minds. When we see it that way, then everything that shows up is helpful.

If we were able to accept today's idea completely, it would take us past all anxiety, pits of hell, blackness of depression, and thoughts of sin and guilt. This powerful thought, when accepted totally, will release us from the imprisonment of the world, but it is a process of questioning the ego's beliefs, which we have accepted as true, about ourselves and the world. It questions every aspect of our lives, which are based on the belief that God can't be trusted. The heavy chains that seem to imprison us will loosen as we accept the truth into our minds and the door to freedom is opened. "Then is each instant which was salve to time transformed into a holy instant, when the light that was kept hidden in God's Son is freed to bless the world." (5.3) Just as we were told in the lesson yesterday, we have the key. Now we must learn to apply it in every situation by being willing to be shown that our dark thoughts are all false, and that key is forgiveness.

Let's not despair about anything going on in our lives, recognizing that it can all serve the beautiful purpose of healing our minds. There may be someone who is attacking you and you may wonder how these attacks can be helpful. What they do is help us to connect with our own attacks and the guilt that is in our own minds. That is why everyone who attacks us is actually our savior from guilt because we are given another opportunity to see what is hidden in the mind so it can be released. Jesus recognizes that we won't see this all the time and will return to the ego often. We will listen to its stories that we have been betrayed and that our hatred is justified. While our perception is faulty at such times, Jesus assures us that we "will never lack correction. He is free to choose again when he has been deceived; to change his mind when he has made mistakes." (7.7-8) It is such a loving perspective. Jesus does not judge us for making mistakes. He understands that we do. We must not feel guilty when the ego tempts us to luxuriate in grievances. We can simply remember that we can now make a choice. Love can't replace our thoughts of sin and guilt if we see them outside of ourselves.

What a glorious day we can have today when we apply forgiveness to every thought that is not supremely happy. Let us maintain vigilance of all of our thoughts and bring those that disturb our peace for healing. It is by recognizing them that none of these thoughts come to us without our choice. Why would we choose them? Because we still are invested in being right about who we are as separate beings. Every time we choose a thought contrary to the truth of who we are, we affirm that we are right about ourselves, but when we give these thoughts over, Jesus says only then can we "rest untroubled, sure that only good can come to us." (9.2)

Now, "No longer is the world our enemy, for we have chosen that we be its friend."(9.6) The goal of this lesson and every other lesson is to use time to heal our minds so that the holiness that we are is revealed to us. Our part is to bring our attention to the blocks that keep our holiness from our awareness without judging ourselves in this process. We chose to take this path of deliverance, and Jesus says that this giant stride places our feet on the lawns that welcome us to Heaven. In other words, our consciousness is that of joy and peace, which is inevitable when the sin, guilt and fear are removed from the mind. Now we recognize we have another choice. "Place, then, your future in the Hands of God. For thus you call the memory of Him to come again, replacing all your thoughts of sin and evil with the truth of love." (8.1-2)

Love and blessings, Sarah 

[email protected]


Quotes in this article are from Foundation for Inner Peace edition; To locate the same quotes in the 'Original Edition', use this link:  http://www.jcim.net/acim_us/Acim.php    

[Use 'Advanced Search' and Exact Phrase' option]
TEXT Paused for Weekend

A Course in Miracles   

Chapter Seventeen

Forgiveness and Healing

VIII. The Need for Faith                   

65 There is no problem in any situation that faith will not solve. There is no shift in any aspect of the problem but will make solution impossible. For if you shift part of the problem elsewhere, the meaning of the problem must be lost, and the solution to the problem is inherent in its meaning. Is it not possible that all your problems have been solved, but you have removed yourself from the solution? Yet faith must be where something has been done and where you see it done. A situation is a relationship, being the joining of thoughts. If problems are perceived, it is because the thoughts are judged to be in conflict. But if the goal is truth, this is impossible. Some idea of bodies must have entered, for minds cannot attack.


66 The thought of bodies is the sign of faithlessness, for bodies cannot solve anything. And it is their intrusion on the relationship, an error in your thoughts about the situation, which then becomes the justification for your lack of faith. You will make this error, but be not at all concerned with that. The error does not matter. Faithlessness brought to faith will never interfere with truth. But faithlessness used against truth will always destroy faith. If you lack faith, ask that it be restored where it was lost and seek not to have it made up to you elsewhere as if you had been unjustly deprived of it.


67 Only what you have not given can be lacking in any situation. But remember this: the goal of holiness was set for your relationship and not by you. You did not set it because holiness cannot be seen except through faith, and your relationship was not holy because your faith in one another was so limited and little. Your faith must grow to meet the goal that has been set. The goal's reality will call this forth, for you will see that peace and faith will not come separately. What situation can you be in without faith and remain faithful to each other?


68 Every situation in which you find yourself is but a means to meet the purpose set for your relationship. See it as something else, and you are faithless. Use not your faithlessness. Let it enter and look upon it calmly, but do not use it. Faithlessness is the servant of illusion and wholly faithful to its master. Use it and it will carry you straight to illusions. Be tempted not by what it offers you. It interferes not with the goal, but with the value of the goal to you. Accept not the illusion of peace it offers, but look upon its offering and recognize it is illusion.


69 The goal of illusion is as closely tied to faithlessness as faith to truth. If you lack faith in anyone to fulfill, and perfectly, his part in any situation dedicated in advance to truth, your dedication is divided. And so you have been faithless to each other and used your faithlessness against each other. No relationship is holy unless its holiness goes with it everywhere. As holiness and faith go hand in hand, so must its faith go everywhere with it. The goal's reality will call forth and accomplish every miracle needed for its fulfillment. Nothing too small or too enormous, too weak or too compelling, but will be gently turned to its use and purpose. The universe will serve it gladly, as it serves the universe. But do not interfere.


70 The power set in you in whom the Holy Spirit's goal has been established is so far beyond your little conception of the infinite that you have no idea how great the strength that goes with you. And you can use this in perfect safety. Yet for all its might, so great it reaches past the stars and to the universe that lies beyond them, your little faithlessness can make it useless if you would use the faithlessness instead.


71 Yet think on this, and learn the cause of faithlessness: You think you hold against the other what he has done to you. But what you really blame him for is what you did to him. It is not his past but yours you hold against him. And you lack faith in him because of what you were. Yet you are as innocent of what you were as he is. What never was is causeless and is not there to interfere with truth. There is no cause for faithlessness, but there is a Cause for faith. That Cause has entered any situation which shares Its purpose. The light of truth shines from the center of the situation and touches everyone to whom the situation's purpose calls. It calls to everyone. There is no situation which does not involve your whole relationship in every aspect and complete in every part. You can leave nothing of yourself outside it and keep the situation holy. For it shares the purpose of your whole relationship and derives its meaning from it.


72 Enter each situation with the faith that you give to each other, or you are faithless to your own relationship. Your faith will call the others to share your purpose, as this same purpose called forth the faith in you. And you will see the means you once employed to lead you to illusions transformed to means for truth. [Truth calls for faith, and faith makes room for truth.] When the Holy Spirit changed the purpose of your relationship by exchanging yours for His, the goal He placed there was extended to every situation in which you enter or will ever enter. And every situation was thus made free of the past, which would have made it purposeless.


73 You call for faith because of Him Who walks with you in every situation. You are no longer wholly insane, nor no longer alone. For loneliness in God must be a dream. You whose relationship shares the Holy Spirit's goal are set apart from loneliness because the truth has come. Its call for faith is strong. Use not your faithlessness against it, for it calls you to salvation and to peace.




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