Contact Us

302 N. Main Street 

Duncanville, Texas 75116


(972) 298-1147


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Coming Events:

Nov 20-22 - Holiday Open House


Saturday, Nov. 22

  • Lone Star Chorus - 1pm
  • Book Signing - 11am-1pm


Monday Nov 24 -  Deadline to order homemade pies at Kitchens Deli


Thurs, Nov. 27 - Thanksgiving (CLOSED)



NOW GOING ON - Flu shots available (M-F from 10am-6pm) 




 The Christmas seasons are quickly approaching and it's always an exciting time of year around Ben Franklin Apothecary.   


Make plans to drop by this weekend (Nov. 20-232) for our annual Holiday Open House!  This will be the grand kick-off for our Christmas holiday season and we'll have different specials throughout the weekend.  We're also extremely excited to be hosting some great entertainment during the upcoming months.  On Saturday, Nov. 22, the Lone Star Chorus will be performing at 1pm in the deli.  Make sure to check back each Saturday during the month of December as we have different choirs & groups performing in the deli.  There is also a book signing on Saturday from 11AM-1PM on the Legendary Locals of Oak Cliff.  
Our personalized ornaments are also available, and we have a great special this week (Buy ANY 4 ornaments from around the store, Get 1 FREE)!  Avoid the rush and get your orders in today!!  Last, Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching and it's time to get those pie orders turned in.  Our pies were recently voted the best pies in the region, and we're ready to help make your dessert selection a little sweeter for the upcoming holidays!!  Check with the deli gals for more information.
As always, it's a privilege to serve you in all your retail, dining and pharmaceutical needs.  If you need anything, please don't hesitate to call or email! 
Kasey Cheshier - Store Manager
(972) 298-1147
Featured Blog:
11-13-2014 10:15:01 AM
If you or someone you love has diabetes, you know how important it is to manage it well. What happens if you don't? You're at risk for serious complications that can affect your heart, kidneys, eyes, and nerves-to name a few.1   Some people can manage diabetes with meal planning, weight loss, and exercise alone. Others [...]...� 


Kasey Cheshier
Store Manager / Director of Operations


[email protected]