TNG Visual Effects



September 2014 - Vol 4 

  Issue 9 




TNG Visual Effects, Los Angeles, and TNG Visual Effects Canada, Inc., is a 3D scanning company in the entertainment industry that specializes in the creation of photo-realistic digital assets. Many characters, vehicles, cars, sets, props, animals, sculptures, and other items have been added to our scope of work since inception in 2009. 


Our team knows how to work with producers, directors, coordinators, A-list talent, and other agencies, making the most of their precious time and ensuring a successful project. TNG's work is always guaranteed. We are also highly noted for our ability to travel at a moments notice for a project. Exclusive use of highly mobile scanning systems allow for TNG to perform scans in practically any location. 

TNG Building



Nick Tesi Image

Nick Tesi


Here we are now at the end of summer and in the final stretch of the year. So far it has been an exciting ride that I believe will get even better. The new California Tax Credit, along with more television projects and game opportunities are great. 


We are doing more in 3D scanning to give you better models and are entering the MoCap world again with an inertia based system that works quickly and is entirely mobile. It is a challenge, but a well worth effort to move forward in our business, and to share the skills and technology we have to offer. 


We are always researching new technology and software to keep the quality of our service at the highest level, and to accelerate our pipeline. We do our best to provide a great product to our customers. 


We continue our search for partners who are synergistic to our service. Together we can help our customers save more while using better products. Contact us for more information.



Kim Wiseman


Meet our newest 3D scanning technician, Kim Wiseman, who is Toronto-based and will be servicing the great North-East. She has a visual effects background and has been working in the industry for over 10 years. We are very excited to have her as a part of our team and look forward to her help in expanding our services even further. 




"I needed quality, so therefore, I called Nick Tesi. Over the years, Nick has never failed me. His team whipped in and scanned twice as much as humanly possible in half the time needed and delivered me excellent Lidar scans that were used extensively. Nick's my scan man. Wherever I am, whatever the circumstances, I can count on the team he provides. Thank you Nick, I'll be calling again."
Seven Trees Production


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Do Your Characters Stand Up to Photoreal Expectations? 


It seems you need to achieve the impossible to amaze your audience. With so many options to get your talent or star to the big screen, you may choose to go the digital route by giving the character the ability to fly, fall off a building, freeze, burst into particles, or whatever creative way you can think of to make the character stand out.

Moving in that direction, there are still a number of choices. You can either have the character modeled from scratch, have a maquette of the character created, use a stunt person, animatronics, or 3D scan the person. The fastest and most effective way that we've seen is to 3D scan. A 3D scan actually creates an exact copy of the talent and can be used anytime during the film or project. The talent can also be scanned in a swim suit, or in form-fitting fitness clothes and can have different outfits built around them.

This works well in an episodic for television or for a series of films like Lord of The Rings, The Twilight series, or Harry Potter. In the event a shot is needed and the talent is unavailable, another approach we like is the concept of insurance scanning - scanning everything you could possibly need and then archiving it until the need arises. This insures that there is always a way to finish the project.


These assets can also carry over to the interactive field or perhaps the creation of a video game made from a film concept or vice versa. Why not reuse assets? The producer may even find a way to make small VFX budgets work.

These are just some ideas on how to help keep future budgets in check. We are always looking for ways to reuse assets to stay relative to the project or to build a library, which speeds up production. 



The Freedom of Motion Capture


Over the last several years Motion Capture has taken the entertainment industry to a whole new level. Imagine The Lord of the Rings without Gollum or The Planet of the Apes without Caesar...hard to do. There are a number of systems out there that can capture motion using Optical Cameras and/ or Mechanical Cameras to create motion, and as technology evolves there will be a dozen more options to choose from.

As you begin the planning and creating of your next Motion Capture project, there are three additional elements that factor into the equation: time, quality, and cost. These three parts can feel like you've entered into the Devil's Triangle, but we assure you, there's always a way to achieve everything your project calls for.

We have been working with a company called Noitom that has taken a new direction with Motion Capture. The system is inertia based
and eliminates the need for an array of massive cameras and instead creates an active area of capture. This does not mean that optical systems are not mobile, however, there is a lot more work to transport and room them, as well as setting them up. Although this may not be of concern on a very big project due to their reputation for great quality capture, if your project calls for one, two, or three people to be interacting in a smaller area, an easy to set up inertia based system may be a good fit.
We are exploring all the capabilities and doing test captures to give you a fast and reliable experience. Once the markers are in place there are just a few calibrations and you're off capturing incredible moves that you want to see in your project. The idea with this system is to have the moves planned and practiced ahead of time so you know exactly what you want to do and can move through quickly. Not to simplify things, but if all is done right from the start, it will be a more stress free experience. 


Laser Scanning Captures Objects
in True 3D

More organizations are realizing the potential of laser scanning technology (LIDAR) for being able to quickly and effectively capture detailed 3D information of their objects of interest, whether it is an entire street scene, an entire set, a single building, or a single artifact.

The results of the laser scanning process are millions of captured points to a very high level of accuracy which can also include color data that recreates the captured object in true 3D. Often over 3 billion points will be used to capture a buildings precise layout, capturing every unique feature.

Sufficient building detail is also captured through scanning and the overlaying of digital photography. This enables the production of a virtual tour of a historic site, and allows the creation of highly accurate graphic drawings.

Scanning can also be used to compare damage and erosion to existing structures by comparing the current 3D capture to a previously laser scanned model. This allows conservationists and interested parties to plan for maintenance and refurbishment more accurately.
Organizations such as UNESCO/CYARK and English Heritage are currently using detailed 3D laser scans of world heritage sites in order to record and preserve unique areas of public interest, allowing more people to be able to view the sites through digital media as well as accurately preserve the details of each site as currently found.

Article and images courtesy of Gary Ponting

$$ They are quick to respond to your call, text, or email.


$$ They understand your needs and ask relevant questions.


$$ They do what they say they're going to do and in the time-frame they commit to.


$$ They are more concerned about a win-win solution.


$$ There is a 100% guarantee for their service.


Thank you for taking the time to review our newsletter. If you have any questions, or would like to consider TNG Visual Effects in your next bid, please contact us. 


Nick Tesi
Founder & President


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