Urgent Message  from Author,
      Producer, former Investigative Journalist, and
        GOP Trust Executive Director Scott Wheeler

As you know, as America's leading conservative political action committee we have a difficult job. We have to expose the corruption in Washington DC and fight the progressives (socialists) while the Republican establishment is shooting us in the back. 

It is a rough job, but somebody has to do it. As you, our members, know, we have been at this for eight years. Now we need to know which Republican candidate we should support. 

We have been polling you for several weeks and it has been too close to call. 

Now we need you to vote--even if you have voted before--and let us know what you want us to do. The reason we use the dollar vote method is because it has been the most reliable we have found. For five years we have been using this method and it has been very accurate in predicting who conservative Republicans-- not establishment Republicans--prefer. 

We think this model will continue to reveal the most important information about the choices of conservatives. 

Everyone's participation is needed because the more support we have from you, the more power we will have when we take on the establishment. 

VOTE NOW PLEASE! The way our poll works is the way we have done it for years. For every dollar you put behind your candidate counts as one vote. 
$20 = 20 votes, $100 = 100 votes. The reason we run the poll this way is, first, because the results are extremely accurate. If voting were free, candidates would have their staff running "clicking operations" and skew the results, with this method your voice comes through clearly. Secondly, the  proceeds will go to help the winner of this poll to secure the nomination and to help us defeat Hillary Clinton, defeat BIG GOVERNMENT , and get CONSERVATIVES elected!!  
We've Made it Even Easier For You to Vote!

To participate in the poll, click on the candidate of your choice 
and follow the instructions thereafter. 

PLEASE VOTE NOW AND HELP US STAND UP TO THE ESTABLISHMENT!! Your vote will help us get the right candidate nominated for 2016... a true conservative that will defend our values and our liberty!!   

Yours in Liberty,

Scott Wheeler
Executive Director

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Paid for by The National Republican Trust PAC.  Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.  2100 M St., N.W., Suite 170-340, Washington, DC  20037-1233.

Contributions to The National Republican Trust PAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

The National Republican Trust PAC is not an official RNC committee.  We are conservative Republicans dedicated to helping restore the GOP to its historic conservative roots by mobilizing like-minded Republicans nationwide.