Join the LAST ManageHub Accelerator of 2014!

ManageHub Business Accelerator 
Applications Are Due on:

Monday, October 27, 2014....

There is only one more chance to participate in the ManageHub Accelerator before the end of the year. What better way to prepare your company for an incredibly successful 2015?

SBA, SCORE-Chicago, Illinois and NJ SBDCs and NEVBRC, invite you to participate in the ManageHub Online Business Accelerator course.  It's a high-value, 8-week, online accelerator course that helps transform your business into a highly organized, innovative, lean-operating, and productive company that is prepared for rapid growth.

The ManageHub Accelerator benefits all types of organizations: Established business, startups, non-profits, associations and church-groups. However, participation is limited to leaders who want to learn how to build lean and efficient organizations. You will only benefit if you are willing to take the time to optimize your organization's operational processes.


To participate, please complete our application process:


Submit your application by Monday, October 27, 2014

To avoid our wait list, please apply as soon as possible. We accept new participants on a first-come-first-serve basis.

If you need help completing your application, assignment or setting up your company's ManageHub, you can access free, online support sessions by visiting: or