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  April 27, 2016

What scares you? Ask a teenager and you'll hear great answers that range from dolls with no owners, clowns, and gas station bathrooms to abandonment, loneliness, and losing a loved one. All answers are valid and have an interesting impact. We deem kind of funny the fears that are temporary yet shudder at the ones whose effects are life and attitude changing. Most people don't wake up in the night worried about that filthy Texaco bathroom in their future but many of us have and do lay awake wondering what we would do if for whatever reason we lost someone we deeply love.
During the last supper Jesus tries to prepare the disciples because they are about to face those stomach dropping fears of abandonment, loneliness, and death of a loved one. Yet Jesus tells them that he is giving them his peace, their hearts don't need to be troubled, and they don't need to be afraid. I beg to differ, the future isn't going to be good for any of them, none of their lives end well. However, I'm saddled to the world, my mind easily dictated by my knowledge and fear of physical and emotional pain. As Jesus gives his peace, I don't think he is dismissing the power of pain but he is telling us there is so much more than that and we can't restrict our lives to avoid it. This sounds scary and threatens to add to our list of fears yet Jesus says this to liberate us. The things we frighten us aren't the end. Even for those of us standing on the edge, looking into a seeping abyss of our darkest fears we can hear Jesus telling us we aren't alone, he is with us, filling us with his peace.

~ Upcoming Events ~
Sunday, May 1
Sixth Sunday of Easter: Team 1 Acolyting
Sunday School
10 am| Parish Hall
Teachers: Sophie, Shannon, Vicki, Amy & Heather
 Text: John 14:23-29  
Saturday, May 7
St. Edmund's Summer Social Kick-Off!
Wine and hors d'oeuvres buffet
4:30 pm - 7pm
The home of Mike Mathis
1166 Mill Lane, San Marino
Hosted by Jane and Tom Glover and Mike Mathis.
Please RSVP by April 27th to Nancy Dini
626.429.0439   [email protected]
Sunday, May 8
Mother's Day
Seventh Sunday of Easter: Team 2 Acolyting
Children's Sermon Sunday
Sunday School: Combined Class
10 am | Parish Hall
Teachers: Liz, Allison & Shawna
Text: John 17:20-26 
Please Note: Heather will be preaching, middle school youth can be in worship.
Sunday, May 15
Pentecost Sunday: Team 3 Acolyting
Sunday School: Combined Class
10 am | Parish Hall
Teachers: Stephanie, Alyssa, Anushka & Heather
Text: Acts 2:1-11 
Sunday, May 22
Teacher Appreciation Sunday
Celebrating our Graduates
Trinity Sunday: Team 4 Acolyting
Sunday School
10 am | Parish Hall
Teachers: Jaden, Rebecca, Reyna, Darcy & Heather
Text: John 16:12-15 
Please feel free to contact Heather if you have questions.


Translation available

Rev. Heather Blackstone | Youth Ministries |  [email protected]