
Couple of Important Things I wanted to pass onto you as we head into summer... 

1) FREE Google Profiles for Small Business Owners: Many of you have heard me talk about or write about the mess that Google created when they imported Google Places profiles into Google Plus/Local in 2012. Many therapist profiles showed up as being dentists, ob/gyn's or attorneys - and it was difficult or impossible to update your profile.


Well now there is great news as of just two weeks ago: Google has integrated all of this stuff into one place called Google Business. Simply sign into your Google account and go to: 


This is the only free profile you can reliably get on Google. Be sure to edit/update your information. Another tip: fill out as much of the profile as possible to get a high listing on Page One of the search engine results page: your office hours; your categories; your types of payment accepted etc. Bonus points from Google if you put photos or videos on your profile. This is a no brainer - do it!


I recently visited the Google AdWords Training and Support Center (by the way, everything you've heard about working at Google is true: the food is fantastic; the place is FUN; there are dogs and bicycles and frisbees and bright colors everywhere, and the people are very friendly).   

They confirmed what I've been telling people since last year: it's getting harder to be found on page one for free. So take advantage of this new Google Business and create a great profile. And see if they are listed with the Better Business Bureau. 


2) FRAUD ALERT! I wanted to alert all psychotherapists to a problem I've been hearing alot about. Seems like a certain company is HEAVILY telemarketing to the therapist community, promising lots of Internet referrals. Well as they say, if it sounds too good to be true, don't believe it. I have heard from quite a few angry therapists who have wasted thousands of dollars with this company, got ZERO referrals...and then couldn't cancel the service! 


Always do your due diligence with any company you don't know personally. Don't fall for hype or a slick sales pitch. Check out any company by going to:  


and typing in the name of the company. Also go to Google and type in the name of the company, along with the words 'review' and 'scam', to see what people are saying about them.  


Look, there are no shortcuts to private practice success. What you DO need is to craft a clear Unique Service Proposition - your Marketing Message - and then promote it Online and in the Community. You then have to optimize all the types of conversion possibilities that result from that message generating interest in your services. Here's a Mind Map that summarizes that process: 


The more thoroughly you can master all of these components, the more successful your practice will be. 


To Your Success,


800 940 0185
P.S. - the move to mobile is accelerating at a faster rate than anyone expected. I'll offer some tips on how to prepare your site and practice for this seismic shift in my next email